Objective: Many studies focused on clinical cases such as ovariohysterectomy of bitches and scarcely mentioned the histological features. The present study describes the cytoarchitecture characteristics of a local dog’s mature adult reproductive tract. Materials and Methods: Sixteen samples of uterus and cervix were obtained from local breed bitches to conduct this study. The organs were processed according to routine histopathological protocol and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson’s trichrome, and combined Alcian blue (2.5 pH) and PAS (AB-PAS) stains. Results: The mature endometrium formed numerous short epithelial folds and epithelial crypts composed of mucous cells and cuboidal cells. The core of the endometrium is composed of fibrous tissue containing fibroblasts with discernible active uterine glands. The myometrium is constructed by thick, circularly, and longitudinally oriented layers of smooth muscle fibers. The AB-PAS stain of the uterine glands revealed light-neutral glycoprotein. The cervix had a very thick wall and displayed numerous huge mucosal folds, covered by ciliated and non-ciliated pseudo-stratified epithelium. The tissue core of the cervix was very thick, and composed of highly cellular, highly vascular, and non-glandular fibrous connective tissue. Layers forming the muscularis of the cervix are composed of circularly, obliquely, and longitudinally oriented smooth muscle bundles. The cervical epithelial cells revealed a light film of neutral glycoprotein that covered the epithelial surface, and the goblet cells denoted strong acidic mucopolysaccharide. Conclusions: The current study concluded that the most mature nonpregnant local breed dogs during the proestrus and estrus phases had an active endometrial architecture that is suitable for the management of reproduction.
Objective: Certain advantages of donkeys are still not listed as for other equine species. Moreover, donkeys lack comprehensive scientific studies. The present study examines the histological architecture and histochemical characteristics of the esophagus in the Iraqi local breed donkey (Equus asinus). Materials and Methods: Eight esophagus samples were collected from a local breed donkey. Tissue specimens (~1 cm³) were collected from the cervical, thoracic, and abdominal regions of the esoph¬agus and processed via routine histological technique. The tissue sections were stained with hema¬toxylin and eosin, Massons Trichrome, and combined Alcian blue (pH 2.5) plus PAS (AB-PAS). Results: The esophagus of the local breed donkey h
... Show MoreAbstract: Background: Tribuls terrestris increases levels of various hormones in steroid family including testosterone, DEHA, and estrogen and for this reason improves sport performance, fertility in men and women, sexual function in men and women. There is, at present, lack of scientific confirmation of these supposed benefits. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the possible effect(s) of Tribuls terrestris on the mouse ovarian morphology and function, alone and in combination with other ovulation modulator agent (clomiphene citrate). Materials & Methods: A total of 49 sexually mature healthy Norway albino female mice were used in this study; 25 for pilot study and 24 for the experimental study. Experimental animals were divided
... Show MoreSamples of the ovary and uterus of local breed cats used to investigate the histological, histometrical and hormonal features. The paraffin embedding technique was used for processing of tissue that stained by hematoxyline and eosin stain, and massons trichrom stain. Ovary of at proestrus or oestrus phases composed of outer cortex that covered by cuboidal germinal epithelium and inner medulla. Tunica albuginea composed of a thin layer of characterized by fusiform stromal cells. The cortex content groups of Oogonial cells, numerous primordial follicles, little primary, secondary and tertiary follicles in addition for 1-2 follicular cysts and mature corpus letium. In pregnant cat the thickness of ovarian cortex was significantly incre
... Show MoreAN Salih, LO Hamza, Ann. For. Res, 2022 - Cited by 2
The present study represent the histological and histochemical structure of the esophagus of laughing dove Streptopelia senegalensis, one of the wild birds, which feed on the seeds( grainvorous).The result showed that the esophagus long tubular quit wide and highly distensible organ situated at the right side of the nick , lie between pharynx and stomach it was divided into cervical and thoracic part , the cervical part longer than the thoracic part, and the crop was merely enlargement fusiform in shape which located at the entrance of the thorax. Esophagus parts showed that composed of four layer ;the mucosa, sub mucosa, muscular and adventitia or serosa, the mucosal layer was arranged in folds which was longer in the c
... Show MoreThe wall of the esophagus in Mabuya aurata septemaeniata as in high vertebrates consists of four layers, mucosa, submucosa,muscularis and serosa. Mucosa forms many unorganized short and long folds penetrate inside the esophageal cavity. Mucosa contains two sub layers, first one is lining epithelium which includes two types of cells, simple ciliated columnar epithelial cells and goblet cells, second one is lamina properia. Mucosa does not have muscularis mucosa. There is no esophageal glands within esophagus. Many special stains were used as (Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)) to detect Carbohydrates in goblet cells. Alcian blue were used to detect the amount of goblet cells within lining epithelium. Alcian blue + PAS together confirm that the
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