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How geometric reverse engineering techniques can conserve our heritage; a case study in Iraq using 3D laser scanning
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Abstract<p>Laser scanning has become a popular technique for the acquisition of digital models in the field of cultural heritage conservation and restoration nowadays. Many archaeological sites were lost, damaged, or faded, rather than being passed on to future generations due to many natural or human risks. It is still a challenge to accurately produce the digital and physical model of the missing regions or parts of our cultural heritage objects and restore damaged artefacts. The typical manual restoration can become a tedious and error-prone process; also can cause secondary damage to the relics. Therefore, in this paper, the automatic digital application process of 3D laser modelling of artefacts in virtual restoration is presented based on reverse engineering techniques. Two case studies were selected and processed in Iraq to meet the aim of this research and show how reverse engineering approaches can save our culture. The efficiency and safety of the preservation and restoration of cultural relics are improved and visually demonstrated. Different reverse engineering techniques applied to show the geometric potential for such approaches following laser-based 3D data application.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
The 2d International Conference Of Buildings, Construction And Environmental Engineering (bcee2-2015)
Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Preserve Cultural Heritage in Iraq Using Monitoring Techniques
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Reconstruction of 3D Shape for an Object using Laser Scanning Triangulation
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This paper presents a method of designing and constructing a system capable of acquiring
the third dimension and reconstructs a 3D shape for an object from multi images of that object using
the principle of active optical triangulation. The system consists of an illumination source, a photo
detector, a movement mechanism and a PC, which is working as a controlling unit for the hard ware
components and as an image processing unit for the object multi view raw images which must be
processed to extract the third dimension. The result showed that the optical triangulation method
provides a rapid mean for obtaining accurate and quantitative distance measurements. The final
result's analysis refers to the necessity of usin

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied
Product development from 3D scanner To CNC machine in reverse engineering
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The purpose of this article is to introduce reverse engineering procedure (REP). It can achieved by developing an industrial mechanical product that had no design schemes throughout the 3D-Scanners. The aim of getting a geometric CAD model from 3D scanner is to present physical model. Generally, this used in specific applications, like commercial plan and manufacturing tasks. Having a digital data as stereolithography (STL) format. Converting the point cloud be can developed as a work in programming by producing triangles between focuses, a procedure known as triangulation. Then it could be easy to manufacture parts unknown documentation and transferred the information to CNC-machines. In this work, modification was proposed and used in RE

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Publication Date
Fri May 02 2014
Journal Name
Remote Sensing
Calibrated Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning for 3D Object Segmentation
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Segmentation of urban features is considered a major research challenge in the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing. However, the dense datasets now readily available through airborne laser scanning (ALS) offer increased potential for 3D object segmentation. Such potential is further augmented by the availability of full-waveform (FWF) ALS data. FWF ALS has demonstrated enhanced performance in segmentation and classification through the additional physical observables which can be provided alongside standard geometric information. However, use of FWF information is not recommended without prior radiometric calibration, taking into account all parameters affecting the backscatter energy. This paper reports the implementation o

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Remote Sensing And Space Science
Evaluate 3D laser point clouds registration for cultural heritage documentation
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Professional Safety
How Technology Can Improve OSH Management in Construction
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
How Using Punctuation Dominates the Way Written Jokes Can Be Comprehended
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A joke is something that is said, written, or done to cause amusement or laughter. It could be a short piece or a long narrative joke, but either way it ends in a punchline, where the joke contains a second conflicting meaning. Sometimes when we read a joke, we understand it directly and fully, but this is not always the case. When a writer writes a joke, he intends to manipulate the reader in a way that the reader doesn’t get the joke at once. He does that by using pun on words or any other word play. We, as listeners to the joke, try to get the message depending mostly on the tone of the voice, in addition to other factors concerning vocabulary and grammar. But as readers of the joke, we need more other factors in order to get

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic Structural –Stratigraphic Study of Dhufria Area (Mid -Iraq) Using (3D) Techniques
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This study deals with the seismic reflection interpretation of lower Cretaceous Formations in Dhufria area, including structural and stratigraphic techniques. In the interpretation process, the 3-D seismic data volume and well logs have been used. Based on well logs and synthetic traces two horizons were identified and picked which are the top and bottom of Zubair Formation. These horizons were followed over all the area in order to obtain structural setting as well as studying Kirkuk group Formation of Tertiary age which represents highstand progradational seismic facies.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Reverse Engineering Representation Using an Image Processing Modification
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In the reverse engineering approach, a massive amount of point data is gathered together during data acquisition and this leads to larger file sizes and longer information data handling time. In addition, fitting of surfaces of these data point is time-consuming and demands particular skills. In the present work a method for getting the control points of any profile has been presented. Where, many process for an image modification was explained using Solid Work program, and a parametric equation of the profile that proposed has been derived using Bezier technique with the control points that adopted. Finally, the proposed profile was machined using 3-aixs CNC milling machine and a compression in dimensions process has been occurred betwe

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology
Nasal Prosthesis Fabrication using Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing (A Case Study)
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Abstract: Facial defects resulting from neoplasms, congenital, acquired malformations or trauma can be restored with facial prosthesis using different materials and retention methods to achieve life-like look and function. A nasal prosthesis can re-establish aesthetic form and anatomic contours for mid-facial defects, often more effectively than by surgical reconstruction as the nose is relatively immobile structure. For successful results, lot of factors such as harmony, texture, color matching and blending of tissue interface with the prosthesis are important. The aim of this study is to describe the non-surgical rehabilitation with nasal prosthesis for an Iraqi patient who received rhinectomy as a result of squamous cell carcinoma of the

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