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“Relationship between Cathepsin K and Total oxidative state in diabetes mellitus Iraqi Women patients with osteoporosis
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Introduction and Aim: Diabetes mellitus patients almost always struggle with a metabolic condition known as chronic hyperglycemia. According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disorder that is characterized by decreasing bone mass and microstructural breakdown of bone tissue that increases susceptibility to fracture and increased risk of breaking a bone. Here, we aimed to compare the levels of CatK and total oxidative state in patients with diabetes and osteoporosis among the female Iraqi population and study the possible relationship between them. Materials and Methods: This study included 40 females with diabetes (Group G1), 40 with diabetes and osteoporosis (Group G2) and 40 normal healthy females (Group G3) as controls. All participants were checked for their height, weight and BMI. Blood drawn from everyone was analyzed for fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, Cathepsin K, TOS, TAC and MDA. Data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis. Results: According to the findings, the levels of cathepsin K increased significantly (P˂0.001) from Group 1 to Groups 2 and 3, as measured by their mean and standard deviation values. The results of total oxidant status, expressed as means and standard deviations (Mean ± SD), demonstrated a high significant (P˂ 0.001) decline from group G1 to groups G2 and G3. Conclusion: Cathepsin K was observed to be linked to both type 2 diabetes and bone loss. In postmenopausal Iraqi women with type 2 diabetes, Cathepsin K may serve as a biomarker for both diabetes and osteoporosis.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of Auditors the Islamic Financial Engineering tool for Assessing Funding Risk Management in Islamic Banks: Applied research on a sample of Islamic banks
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Experience the Islamic financial industry faces many challenges, most notably the lack of proper risk management tools that meet the requirements of legality and economic efficiency advantage from another side, so it requires the search for innovative ways to manage the risk of Islamic banking, Islamic finance industry is manufacture up-to-date, if compared with the financial industry (traditional), which increases the problematic of risk management in the Islamic financial industry nature of treatment which should be compatible with Islamic law, as well as economic efficiency, thereby Progress came the importance of research to highlight the entrance to Islamic financial engineering and the goals sought to be achieved through the use of

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Publication Date
Thu May 02 2019
Journal Name
University Of Anbar Sport And Physical Education Sciences
The Effect of the Exercises of Retrieving the ball from the Net on the Development of the skill of Defending the stadium in the Volleyball
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QA Sarhan, University of Anbar Sport and Physical Education Sciences, 2019

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
حوليات اداب عين شمس
Names of Day of Resurrection in the Hebrew translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran An analytical study Uri Rubin translation as a model
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The present study discusses the names of the Day of Resurrection in Uri Rubin’s translations of the Holy Qur’an. To identify the translation difficulties and complications and to find out the Hebrew equivalence, the study, through the application of a comparative analytical approach, aims at analyzing the linguistic structures of Day of Resurrection names cited in the Holy Qur’an. Heavenly religions are rich with distinct and unique terms that distinguish and reflect their specificity of other religions; something requires a great accuracy in the translation of such terminology. By investigating selected examples of the names of the Day of Resurrection in Arabic and Hebrew, the present study sheds light on the morphological and semant

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role Of Historical Memory In Promoting The Concept Of Belonging To The Homeland In A Novel "Mazurka For Two Dead Men" Of The Spanish Novelist Camilo Jose Cela: El Papel De La Memoria Histórica En El Apoyo Del Concepto De Pertenencia A La Patria , En La Novela “Mazurca Para Dos Muertos”, De Camilo José Cela
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       The present study discusses the significant role of the historical memory in all the Spanish society aspects of life. When a novelist takes the role and puts on the mask of one of the novel’s protagonists or hidden characters, his memory of the events becomes the keywords of accessing the close-knit fabric of society and sheds lights on deteriorating social conceptions in  a backwards social reality that rejects all new progressive ideas and  modernity. Through concentrating on the society flawing aspects and employing everything of his stored memory, the author uses sarcasm to criticize and change such old deteriorating reality conceptions.   


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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of The Electromagnetic Field Intensity and Duration of Time on Some of The Morphological Characteristics of The Plant Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.
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 The experiment was carried out in the field of botanical garden belonging to the Department of Biology Sciences, College of Education for Pure Science -Ibn AL-Haitham ,Baghdad University. for the growing season. 2014 -2013 to study the effect of the electromagnetic field which included five different intensities (0,5,10,15,20) MT and three periods of time, namely, (1,2,3) an hour and their interaction on  some of the morphological characteristics of the safflower plant . designed experiment by Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and three replicates per treatment, compared to the average using  less significant difference at the level of probability (0.05) , the results showed the following:- 1-Exposing seeds to diffe

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Calculation of the Charge Density Distributions and the Longitudinal Form Factors of 10 B Nucleus by Using the Occupation Numbers of the States
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The charge density distributions of 10 B nucleus are calculated using the
harmonic oscillator wave functions. Elastic and inelastic electron scattering
longitudinal form factors have been calculated for the similar parity states of 10B
nucleus where a core of 4He is assumed and the remaining particles are
distributed over 3/ 2 1p and 1/ 2 1p orbits which form the model space.
Core-polarization effects are taken into account. Core-polarization effects are
calculated by using Tassie model and gives good agreement with the measured

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Influence of behavioural implication of information on the selection of accounting methods and their reflection on investor's decisions field study on Iraq stock exchange
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The research aims to highlight on the behavioural approach in accounting, and clarify the behavioural implications of the main activities of accounting, and clarify the concept of information inductance within the framework of the behavioural approach and its impact on preparing financial statements. And that the impact of financial information on the behaviour of investment decision-makers, and to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire according to Likert five-step scale, and he took into consideration in preparing it in line with the characteristics of the study community, and that the target community for this questionnaire is the investors in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The researcher reached

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physics And Research (ijpr)
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The - mixing ratios of -transitions from levels in populated in the reactions are calculated in present work using - ratio, constant statisticalTensor and least squares fitting methods The results obtained are in general, in good agreement or consistent, within the associated uncertainties, with these reported in Ref.[9],the discrepancies that occurs are due to inaccuracy existing in the experimental data The results obtained in the present work confirm the –method for mixed transitions better than that for pure transition because this method depends only on the experimental data where the second method depends on the pure or those considered to be pure -transitions, the same results occur in – method

Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Two Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae M, Beauveria bassiana Vand the Pesticide ICON onLarvae, Pupa and Adult House Fly Musca domestica L
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 A study was conductedto determine thethe effects of two insect pathogenic fungiMetarhizium anisopliae and Beauvaria bassiana In biological control and comparing, insecticide, Icon, on larva , pupa and adults stage of house fly  was tested. The results  revealed non-significantly superiority differences in the percentages of cumulative death between the recommended concentration of Icon and the M.anisopliae(2 × 1011), but the results showed, significant difference in accumulation death between M. anisoplia ( 2 × 1011 ) and  B. bassiana were found at the same concentration, the accumulation death of  M.anisoplia reached to 100, 80, 95% for larval, pupa and stage after 96  hours respectively,  com

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
An Instructional Design According to the constructivism Model for Chemistry Subject and Its Effect on the Life Skill by the Second Intermediate Female Students
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The research aims to identify the effect of teaching-learning design based on the constructivism theory on the life skills of middle stage students. The sample consisted of (60) students from one of the middle schools in Baghdad's governorate. The experimental group and control group consisted of 30 students for each group, the research tool was the life skills scale composed of (78) items. The scale proved its validity and reliability, which was found to be (0.85). The results showed a statistically significant difference in life skills between the two groups of research in favor of the experimental group, which studied the educational design according to models of constructivism theory compared to the usual method of teaching.

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