This study examines the transformation of political slogans, clichés, and stereotypes in Russia and Iraq during periods of political regime change in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The main objective of the work is to identify and comparatively analyze the linguistic and cultural changes that accompanied political transformations in both countries. The research is based on theoretical concepts of political myth, framing, and critical discourse analysis. The research methodology includes content analysis of political texts, comparative analysis of linguistic transformations, and analysis of statistical data on cultural consumption. The main hypothesis is that, despite the presence of common trends in linguistic and cultural changes due to global processes of democratization and globalization, the specific forms and dynamics of these changes differ significantly depending on the national context. The results of the study demonstrate that both countries experienced processes of de-ideologization of socio-political vocabulary, democratization of public rhetoric, and pluralization of worldviews. However, significant differences were also revealed, particularly in the nature of language policy and the role of religion in public discourse. The study contributes to understanding the mechanisms of interaction between language, culture, and politics in conditions of radical social transformations and can be used to predict the socio-cultural consequences of political changes.