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The cognitive and educational importance of the academic teacher for developing the applied skills of third-stage female students in the subject of teaching methods from their point of view
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The research aimed to prepare a measure of the importance of enlightenment, academic education, and applied skills for third-stage female students, including teaching methods from their point of view/College of Education and Sports Sciences/University of Baghdad/Al-Jadriyah. The researchers used descriptive description in the comprehensive research procedures, an appropriate methodology in achieving the research objectives, sufficient for interpretations, how important is the academic teacher’s knowledge of teaching methods for student learning, what are the roles that the learners have acquired from the academic teacher. The scale of importance and horror consists of 15 items. The research population includes female students of the third stage/College of Education, Fitness and Sports Sciences, numbering (135) students. Attractive artistic drawings were chosen in proportion to 48%. The researchers concluded that the educational and cognitive importance of the academic teacher for developing applied skills for female students is considered the main focus for learners, especially for third-year female students, as she is the link through which what has been learned at this stage is linked and refined in the next stage of the educational process for female students. The researchers recommend benefiting from the academic teacher for the subject. Teaching methods in holding workshops and lectures for all educational levels, and emphasizing the importance of the subject of teaching methods for learners because it is the jewel that is acquired during the four years of study.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Photo -induced Electron Transfer Between Ruthenium (II) tris –(2,2  - bipyrdine ) and Methyl Viologen
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Electron transfer (ET) reactions represent an elementary chemical process which occurs in a large  variety of molecules, ranging from small ion pairs up to large biological system.      A theoretical study of photo – induced electron transfer between Ruthenium (II) tirs -( 2,2 ï‚¢- bipyrdine ) Ru(bpy)  2 3 and Methyl Viologen MV2+ in a variety of Solvents at room temperature is presented . This study is based on an optical activation by the absorption of light .The Solvent is described by a dielectric continuum model, and  the transferring is represented by a quantum mechanical wave function . In this application, the reorganization energy  , the driving free energy  Gï

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University
Multi -Focus Image Fusion Based on Stationary Wavelet Transform and PCA on YCBCR Color Space
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The multi-focus image fusion method can fuse more than one focused image to generate a single image with more accurate description. The purpose of image fusion is to generate one image by combining information from many source images of the same scene. In this paper, a multi-focus image fusion method is proposed with a hybrid pixel level obtained in the spatial and transform domains. The proposed method is implemented on multi-focus source images in YCbCr color space. As the first step two-level stationary wavelet transform was applied on the Y channel of two source images. The fused Y channel is implemented by using many fusion rule techniques. The Cb and Cr channels of the source images are fused using principal component analysis (PCA).

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Six-coordinate oxime-imine cobalt(III) complexes with amino acid co-ligands; synthesis and characterisation
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In this publication, several six coordinate Co(III)-complexes are reported. The reaction of 2,3-butanedione monoxime with ethylenediamine or o-phenylenediamine in mole ratios of 2:1 gave the tetradentate imine-oxime ligands diaminoethane-N,N`-bis(2-butylidine-3-onedioxime) H2L1 and o-phenylenediamine-N,N`-bis(2-butylidine-3-onedioxime), respectively. The reaction of H2L1 and H2L2 with Co(NO3)2, and the amino acid co-ligands (glycine or serine) resulted in the formation of the required complexes. Upon complex formation, the ligands behave as a neutral tetradantate species, while the amino acid co-ligand acts as a monobasic species. The mode of bonding and overall geometry of the complexes were determined through physico-chemical and spectro

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 14 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Sculptured Surface Design and Implementation by Lofting Design Method Using Cross-sectional B-Spline Curves
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This research presents a particular designing strategy for a free form of surfaces, constructed by the lofting design method. The regarded surfaces were created by sliding a B-spline curves (profile curves), in addition to describing an automatic procedure for selective identification of sampling points in reverse engineering applications using Coordinate Measurement Machine. Two models have been implemented from (Ureol material) to represent the different cases of B-spline types to clarify its scope of application. The interior data of the desired surfaces was designed by MATLAB software, which then were transformed to UG-NX9 software for connecting the sections that were designed in MATLAB program and obtaining G-code programs for the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Particle-Hole State Density Calculations with Non-Equidistant Spacing Model: II. Pairing and Exact Treatment
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In an earlier paper, the basic analytical formula for particle-hole nuclear state densities was derived for non-Equidistant Spacing Model (non-ESM) approach. In this paper, an extension of the former equation was made to include pairing. Also a suggestion was made to derive the exact formula for the particle-hole state densities that depends exactly on Fermi energy and nuclear binding energies. The results indicated that the effects of pairing reduce the state density values, with similar dependence in the ESM system but with less strength. The results of the suggested exact formula indicated some modification from earlier non-ESM approximate treatment, on the cost of more calculation time

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Intellectual and Religious Characteristics Andalusion Societ Image Beni Al-Ahmar Era Poetry as a model
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The intellectual and religious characteristics were an influential presence in the same Andalusian poet, especially among the poets of Beni El-Ahmar because they are part of the heritage of poets, and that is to push them towards the glory of this heritage and to take care of it and benefit from its inclusion, inspiration and similarity.

That this inflection on the poetic heritage is justified by the poets of the sons of the Red were inclined to preserve the inherited values, especially as it was related to their poetry, especially that the Andalusian poet did not find embarrassment in the inspiration of heritage and emerged when he mentioned the homes and the ruins and the camel and the journey, although the community Andalusian

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Mutual Impact between Current Account status and selected Total Variables Iraq : study status 2004-2019
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The flexibility of interaction between the movement of macroeconomic variables that affect and are affected by the balance of payments, especially the movement of the current account, implies a perception of the maturity of economic development and what the theory assumes from the launch of a wide range of economic movement that varies in the degree of its influence according to the level of economic development and the vitality of the internal/external overlap relations through the assumed response to the movement of the macroeconomic variables. On this basis, it is possible to estimate the soundness and rationality of the economic decision taken that takes into account the required reciprocal repercussions between the current a

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Transfocation Technique to Overcome Atmospheric Scintillation Effect on a Laser Detection and Tracking System (LDTS)
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Atmospheric transmission is disturbed by scintillation, where scintillation caused more beam divergence. In this work target image spot radius was calculated in presence of atmospheric scintillation. The calculation depend on few relevant equation based on atmospheric parameter (for Middle East), tracking range, expansion ratio of applied beam expander's, receiving unit lens F-number, and the laser wavelength besides photodetector parameter. At maximum target range Rmax =20 km, target image radius is at its maximum Rs=0.4 mm. As the range decreases spot radius decreases too, until the range reaches limit (4 km) at which target image spot radius at its minimum value (0.22 mm). Then as the range decreases, spot radius increases due to geom

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Study on CFRP-Confined Square Concrete Compression Members Subjected to Compressive Loading
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Strengthening of the existing structures is an important task that civil engineers continuously face. Compression members, especially columns, being the most important members of any structure, are the most important members to strengthen if the need ever arise. The method of strengthening compression members by direct wrapping by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) was adopted in this research. Since the concrete material is a heterogeneous and complex in behavior, thus, the behavior of the confined compression members subjected to uniaxial stress is investigated by finite element (FE) models created using Abaqus CAE 2017 software.

The aim of this research is to study experime

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Elevated CO2 Concentration and Air Temperature Impacts on Mangrove Plants (Rhizophora apiculata) Under Controlled Environment
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Global climate change has shown to have a significant impact on critical ecosystems, that in turn has led to elevated CO2 and temperatures that accompany changes in many abiotic factors, including mangrove forests, facing challenges in their habitat. This study conducted to investigate the morphological and physiological characteristic of the mangrove Rhizophora apiculata in response to elevated CO2 concentration and air temperature for the selection of tree species that are able to adapt to climate change. The seedlings were grown in controlled growth chambers with two temperatures, 21 and 38°C, under elevated CO2 at 650 ppm for three months. The plants watered with two liters of saline water

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