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Can the automated pump be an alternative to tourniquet in knee arthroscopy ?
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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Arthroscopic knee surgeries are performed in very large numbers worldwide, and in spite of relatively low complication rate, but the total number is significant. Some of these complications are due to tourniquet use and can be serious. OBJECTIVE: Is to asses if automated pump (with or without) dilute epinephrine saline irrigation can replace the tourniquet use in soft tissue arthroscopic knee surgeries. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 36 patients (9 females 25 % and 27 males 75 %) were included in this prospective experimental nonrandomized study, and were necessitated soft tissue arthroscopic knee surgeries. Patients were divided into two groups, in group A (patients) tourniquet and automated pump were used. In group B (18 patients) automated pump with or without epinephrine irrigation fluid were used. For both groups, visibility, time of surgery, amount of irrigation fluid used, pressure of pump, postoperative pain and hemoglobin level before and after surgery were assessed and compared. RESULTS: There was no significant statistical difference( p value more than 0.05) in regard to visibility, time of surgery, amount of irrigation fluid used, pressure of pump and postoperative pain between the two groups. There was no significant statistical difference between hemoglobin levels before and after surgery in both groups. CONCLUSION: Automated pump (with or without) dilute epinephrine saline irrigation can replace the tourniquet in soft tissue arthroscopic knee surgeries. KEY WORDS: arthroscopy , knee, pump, torniqute, epinephrine.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 10 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Microfracture Arthroscopy Efficacy In Treatment Of Articular Cartilage Insult Of Knee
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Background: The treatment of articular cartilage defects is one of the most clinical challeng for orthopedic surgeons. Articular cartilage is a highly organized tissue with complex biomechanical properties and substantial durability. However, it has a poor ability for healing, and damage from trauma or degeneration can result in morbidity and functional impairment. debilitating joint pain, dysfunction, and degenerative arthritis                                                                           Objectives: The purpose of study is to show effectiveness of micro fracture arthroscopy as a method of treatment for such problem . Type of the study: Cros

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 10 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Microfracture Arthroscopy Efficacy In Treatment Of Articular Cartilage Insult Of Knee
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Background: The treatment of articular cartilage defects is one of the most clinical challeng for orthopedic surgeons. Articular cartilage is a highly organized tissue with complex biomechanical properties and substantial durability. However, it has a poor ability for healing, and damage from trauma or degeneration can result in morbidity and functional impairment. debilitating joint pain, dysfunction, and degenerative arthritis                                                 &nbs

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
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Environmental Research
Can electrocoagulation technology be integrated with wastewater treatment systems to improve treatment efficiency?
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Considerable amounts of domestic and industrial wastewater that should be treated before reuse are discharged into the environment annually. Electrocoagulation is an electrochemical technology in which electrical current is conducted through electrodes, it is mainly used to remove several types of wastewater pollutants, such as dyes, toxic materials, oil content, chemical oxygen demand, and salinity, individually or in combination with other processes. Electrocoagulation technology used in hybrid systems along with other technologies for wastewater treatment are reviewed in this work, and the articles reviewed herein were published from 2018 to 2021. Electrocoagulation is widely employed in integrated systems with other electrochemical tech

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Environmental Research
Can electrocoagulation technology be integrated with wastewater treatment systems to improve treatment efficiency?
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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المؤتمر العلمي الدولي السادس للدراسات المعاصرة في العلوم الاجتماعية (اكاديمية ريمار ) Rimak اسطنبول – تركيا
Criteria to be met in selecting the obtimal areas for generating alternative electric energy from wind
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Criteria to be met in selecting the obtimal areas for generating alternative electric energy from wind

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
How Using Punctuation Dominates the Way Written Jokes Can Be Comprehended
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A joke is something that is said, written, or done to cause amusement or laughter. It could be a short piece or a long narrative joke, but either way it ends in a punchline, where the joke contains a second conflicting meaning. Sometimes when we read a joke, we understand it directly and fully, but this is not always the case. When a writer writes a joke, he intends to manipulate the reader in a way that the reader doesn’t get the joke at once. He does that by using pun on words or any other word play. We, as listeners to the joke, try to get the message depending mostly on the tone of the voice, in addition to other factors concerning vocabulary and grammar. But as readers of the joke, we need more other factors in order to get

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 27 2023
Journal Name
Future Oncology
Plain Language Review: What are Biosimilar Medicines and how Can they be Used to Treat People with Cancer?
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 19 2022
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Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Developing an Automated Vision System for Maintaing Social Distancing to Cure the Pandemic
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The world is currently facing a medical crisis. The epidemic has affected millions of people around the world since its appearance. This situation needs an urgent solution. Most countries have used different solutions to stop the spread of the epidemic. The World Health Organization has imposed some rules that people should adhere. The rules are such, wearing masks, quarantining infected people and social distancing. Social distancing is one of the most important solutions that have given good results to confront the emerging virus. Several systems have been developed that use artificial intelligence and deep learning to track social distancing. In this study, a system based on deep learning has been proposed. The system includes monitor

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Shapes as an Alternative to the Word in Designing Textbooks: سحر علي سرحان-منى محمد غلام
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Shapes have differed in terms of their temporality, tools, technical variations, aesthetic functions and dimensions. The beginnings started with manual primitive techniques that have played an a significant artistic role in the ancient civilizations, then developed with the technological development and the digital technologies that encompassed various programs and specialist means in the graphic design, so that its visual outputs in the textbook that is considered a communication means that has an effect and attracts the recipient. That is what made the researcher search and investigate this topic describing the research problem as follows: What are the shapes as alternatives to the words in the design of the textbook? The research obje

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Applying Decisions’ Theory to choose an Alternative Factor for Spatial Development in Holy Karbala Governorate
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It is very well known in the planning publications that when creating spacing development to a region or sub-region, it can be able to make more than an alternative consisting with the strategic directions overtaken from the actual development of region and the situational and developmental objectives needed. However, the difficulty facing the situational planning is in selecting one of these alternatives to be the best in order to make a balanced situational re-structure, and achieving the economic, social and civil objectives. The developmental situation elements in the regions and governorates, including (Karbala) impose themselves as situational power which implies the process of re-structural arrangement where the situational develo

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