One of the main aims of Metrical Phonology Theory (MTT) is to provide the stress of poetry on the syllable, the foot, and the phonological word levels. Analyzing poetry embodies one of the most prominent and controversial metrical issues as the subsumed number and types of syllables, feet, and meters are balanced compared to other literary texts. The MTT saw the light during the late seventies (1975) and (1977) by Liberman and Prince, who produced it as part of non-linear phonology. Its roots originated in prosody, which studies poetic meter and versification. The basis of the metrical analysis is the prosodic analysis developed in London by Firth and his students in 1950. This study aims to identify the values of five metrical parameters in modern English poetry. To achieve this aim, the first five lines of Tennyson's poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' are decided to pass through by examining the five metrical parameters along with Pearl et al. (2009). These five parameters are: Quantity Sensitivity, Extrametricality, Foot- Directionality, Boundedness, and Foot- Headedness. The drawn conclusions have shown: Quantity Sensitive, Extrametrical, Foot- Directionality- Left, Bounded, and Foot- Headed- Left values.
In this paper, we used maximum likelihood method and the Bayesian method to estimate the shape parameter (θ), and reliability function (R(t)) of the Kumaraswamy distribution with two parameters l , θ (under assuming the exponential distribution, Chi-squared distribution and Erlang-2 type distribution as prior distributions), in addition to that we used method of moments for estimating the parameters of the prior distributions. Bayes
Preparation and Identification of some new Pyrazolopyrin derivatives and their Polymerizations study