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Occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp among people live in north of Baghdad
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In this study 737 stool specimens were collected from people attending some primary health care centres and hospitals in North of Baghdad, during the period from beginning of April 2009 till the end of March 2010. Different factors were examined to be related with the prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis which were (number of family member, travelling history, source of drinking water and domestic animal present). Significant relations (p≤0.05) were observed between infection rate and the following factor: -Number of family member: The high percentage of Cryptosporidium spp positive cases were seen in families composed of (15-19) and (more than 20) individual which were 28.32% and 16.37% respectively when compared with other family clusters -Travelling history: infection rate was higher in patients with travelling history 38.8%, than patient without travelling history 14.81%. -Source of drinking water: persons who consumed boiled water showed the minimum rate of infection which was 5% when it compared with other persons who consumed tap, filtered and bottled water. While there was no significant relation between the presence of domestic animals and rate of infection, although it was higher in patients who had domestic animals in their household 19.49% than those who had no domestic animals in their household 13.89%

Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Genotyping of Cryptosporidium Spp. Isolated from Human and Cattle in Baghdad Province, Iraq
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Cryptosporidiosis is an intestinal protozoan parasitic disease that infects human and animals, caused by apicomplexan parasite belong to the genusof Cryptosporidium. The current study was done to record the infection rate of cryptosporidiosis in human and cattle, and genotype the clinical isolates of Cryptosporidium in Baghdad Province. A total of 265 stool sample were collected (150 from human and 115 from cattle) during the period from December 2016 to the May 2017. Cryptosporidial infection was detected using modified acid fast stain. DNA of the parasite was extracted from oocysts of positive fecal samples and nested PCR method was used for partial 60 kDa glycoprotein (gp60) gene amplification then sequence analysis for selected samples.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 06 2019
Journal Name
National Academy Science Letters
The Detection Limit of PCR Amplification for Cryptosporidium spp. Oocysts in Fecal Samples
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Occurrence of Amoebic Versus Bacillary Dysentery among Children Under Five Years of Age in Baghdad City
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Background: During Annual statistical report published by the Iraqi ministry of health the year 2004 showed that mortality rate was 0.15 per 1000 of diarrheal episodes among children under five years.Objectives: To study the occurrence of Shigellosis and Entamoeba histolytica in a sample of children from certain hospitals in Baghdad and determine its relation to some demographic factors.Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in Baghdad city involving 400 children with bloody diarrhea under five years of age attending four hospitals, 130 cases from Central Pediatric Hospital, 110 cases from Al Mansoor Pediatric Hospital, 90 cases from Al Kadhimya Teaching Hospital and 70 cases from Mohammed Baaqir Al Hakeem Hospital for the p

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of depression status on dental caries severity among internally displaced people in Baghdad/Iraq
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Background: changing in lifestyle like displacing place could cause depression which is a common mental disorder that change general health that affect dental caries incidence and severity. The aims of this study were to assess the relation of depression status on prevalence and severity of dental caries among internally displaced people. Material and Method: The sample include 121 internally displaced people aged from 13-17 years. Method for depression measuring is by using Children Depression Inventory (CDI2) questionnaire. Dental caries is measured by using caries experience (DMFs) and caries severity D1-4. Result: the mean value for decayed and missing surfaces were higher in high depression grade as compering with low and medium dep

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Hemipteran species of alfalfa plant surveyed in Abu Ghraib, Baghdad during the months of April, May and October of 2010. The study was registered, eight species belonging to eight genera and six families. The results showed that Deracoris sp. Kirschbaum,1855 and Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, 1878 the most abundant species while Lygaeus pandurus Scop. and Pyrrhocorius apterus (Linnaeus 1758) were the lowest during the study period.


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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring Gratitude of the Sample of Displaced people in Baghdad city
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Displacement is a problem that worries the human conscience and has received the attention of the international community. Furthermore, it has become one of the most urgent issues nowadays, especially when the number of displaced people in different countries are increased because of the causes of displacement and their political, economic, environmental, social and psychological effects. Iraq is one of the countries where displacement has taken place in several governorates, according to United Nations and International Organization for Migration (IOM), Iraq is considered the second largest country in the world after Syria in terms of the number of displaced people in 2015. Gratitude, a positive emotional response to benevolence, is a m

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Some Epidemiological Aspects of Giardiasis in North of Baghdad
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Different factors have been examined to be related with the prevalence of Girdiasis in the north of Baghdad in human beings which were (gender, age , occupation ,family size,faecal status and presence of domestic animals) during the period from the beginning of April 2009 till the end of March 2010. This study revealed that the total rate of infection in human being was 11.66% , and no significant differences (p?0.05) were noticed between male and female as their rates of infection were 52.32% and 47.68% respectively , as well as no significant relation was observed between faecal status and the rate of infection, the percentage of positive cases in diarrheal patients was higher than the non diarrheal patients who were 74.41 and 25.59 respe

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
New Media and Political Awareness among Young People
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This study seeks to answer urgent questions about the role of new media that have emerged recently, such as the Internet and social networking sites and information services through mobile and others to increase awareness among young people, especially university students. during a field study that took place on a sample of students in the Department of Media at the University of Petra Kingdom of Jordan during the second semester in 2013 in the study the researcher finds increased attention and follow-up by young people for many of the world events and regional and local communities through exposure to a number of new media; in the forefront of the Internet and increase the level of awareness and interests young people do many of the eve

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2003
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Seven fish species were collected from the drainage network at Al-Madaen region, south of
Baghdad with the aid of a cast net during the period from March to August 1993. These fishes
were infected with 22 parasite species (seven sporozoans, three ciliated protozoans, seven
monogeneans, two nematodes, one acanthocephalan and two crustaceans) and one fungus
species. Among such parasites, Chloromyxum wardi and Cystidicola sp. are reported here for
the first time in Iraq. In addition, 11 new host records are added to the list of parasites of
fishes of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Cryptosporidium sp. by Reverse Osmosis System of Tap water in Baghdad: Afkar M. Hadi
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A total of 60 samples of drinking water filtrated by Reverser 0smosis Filtration System from April to October 2012, from different houses in Baghdad – Al Resafa, so as to identify the eggs and cysts of protozoa. Two methods applied direct smear and staining technique with zeal nelson stain, which appeared Tape warm eggs, Ascaris lumbrecoides eggs and oocyst of Cryptospordium sp. This study revealed that total contamination rate with intestinal parasites in tap water were 96.6% this high rate, refers to filtrate tap water by reverse osmosis system was useful to prevent or reduce the contamination of drinking water, in order to reduce risks to public health; So recommended to apply this method at water purification stations. Dis

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