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Increasing confidence in full field modelling and water flood planning for a giant reservoir under primary depletion through Material Balance modelling
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Abstract<p>One of the principle inputs to project economics and all business decisions is a realistic production forecast and a practical and achievable development plan (i.e. waterflood). Particularly this becomes challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity. The main objectives of the Production Forecast and feasibility study for water injection are:</p><p>1- Provide an overview of the total expected production profile, expected wells potential/spare capacity, water breakthrough timing and water cut development over time</p><p>2- Highlight the requirements to maintain performance, suggest the optimum development pattern</p><p>3- Increasing confidence in business decisions to develop the reservoir in question</p><p>The main tool used for these purposes is a sophisticated reservoir simulation software, namely CMG©, since it can predict reservoir behavior, honor physical constraints and capture the heterogeneity within the reservoir to accurately predict performance. However, the starting point for this kind of complicated studies needs to start from the basics, in order to understand the big picture and be able to plan properly for the scope to be delivered, hence, utilizing analytical tools like MBAL becomes quite necessary, if not crucial, to the success of full field modelling and choosing an optimum water flood pattern and design.</p><p>This paper covers the methodology for building the reservoir component utilizing a Material Balance model, of which the results will be used as an input to reservoir simulation to evaluate and accurately predict reservoir performance, which directly feeds into planning for water flooding projects and selection of an optimum flood pattern.</p><p>A Tank model was built at first to assess and understand the driving forces (energies) of the reservoir in question, utilizing pressure and production data from legacy wells, the prepared model is also supported by geological and petro physical studies to give representative results. Acquired Static Bottom Hole Pressures (SBHPs) in wells were used as anchor points for the tank pressure and to test the validity of the history match. Multiple analytical methods to QC the results and STOIIP volume were conducted, e.g. the Havlena-Odeh method.</p><p>This methodology has been tested successfully in the stated super giant oil field, in which the reservoir in question is a carbonate rock formation. An example of this is covered in the paper. It was concluded that utilizing a history matched and coherent MBAL model before conducting a detailed reservoir simulation study can save a lot of time and effort by providing guidance to the path which needs to be followed, and sheds light on the critical elements to be looked after. This has also helped to uncover the driving mechanisms and energies in the reservoir, hence allowing the engineer to plan for the necessary voidage replacement and water injection rates to sustain the reservoir pressure and pattern development. Another technical advantage of the described method is the higher sustainability of the model.</p><p>The suggested method, in combination with geological and petro physical information available, can be applied to majority of the reservoirs. This combination is paramount to ensure optimum time and planning that is followed for each reservoir development study that involves water flooding.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modification Of Rheological Properties Of Asphalt Effect Of Addition Of Asphaltenes And Oxidized Asphaltenes On The Compatibility Of Asphalt- Sulfur Blends
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This study is a complementary one to an extended series of research work that aims to produce a thermodynamiclly stable asphalt –sulfur blend. Asphalt was physically modified wiht different percentages of asphaltenes , oxidized asphaltenes and then mixed with sulfur as an attempt to obtaine a stable compatible asphalt-sulfur blend. The homogeneneity of asphalt-asphaltenes[oxidized asphaltenes]-sulfur blends were studied microscopically and the results are prsented as photomicrographs. Generally more stable and compatible asphalt-sulfur blends were obtained by this treatment.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
" Measuring the competitive performance of the National Insurance Company and some of its branches using the Revealed comparative advantage index RCAI "
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The research dealt with the subject of measuring the competitive performance of the National Insurance Company and some of its branches (Basra, Ninwa, Kirkuk and Babil), Depending on the Revenue Growth Index at the activity level, and the Revealed Comparative Advantage Index RCAIAt the branch level,To measure the competitiveness of the company And some branches, As the problem of research in the lack of adoption by some companies in the insurance service sector on scientific indicators to measure their competitive performance, The aims of the research is to measure the competitiveness of the National Insurance Company, as well as the competitiveness of its branches according to the scientific method, One of the main Conclusions of the re

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Colloids And Surfaces A: Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects
Studies on membrane stability and extraction of ciprofloxacin from aqueous solution using pickering emulsion liquid membrane stabilized by magnetic nano-Fe2O3
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Red Ginger's Anti-Anxiety Effect on BALB/c Strain Mice (Mus musculus) Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Measurements as Anxiety Model
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There is a correlation between the occurrence of anxiety and the production of inflammatory mediators, and red ginger rhizome is a well-known herbal product with a high content of phenolic and flavonoid compounds that can be used as anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. The aim of study to evaluate the effect of red ginger as antianxiety in mice (Mus musculus) BALB/c strain by measuring levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10.  Anxiety model mice were carried out by giving treatment with the Forced Swimming Test (FST) for 7 days then assessed by carrying out the Elevated Plus Maze for Mice (EPM) test for one day. After the treatment, the anxiety mice model was made, followed by administration of red ginger ethanol extract therapy for 14 days.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Multiple and Coherent Noise Removal from X-Profile 2D Seismic Data of Southern Iraq Using Normal Move Out-Frequency Wavenumber Technique
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Multiple eliminations (de-multiple) are one of seismic processing steps to remove their effects and delineate the correct primary refractors. Using normal move out to flatten primaries is the way to eliminate multiples through transforming these data to frequency-wavenumber domain. The flatten primaries are aligned with zero axis of the frequency-wavenumber domain and any other reflection types (multiples and random noise) are distributed elsewhere. Dip-filter is applied to pass the aligned data and reject others will separate primaries from multiple after transforming the data back from frequency-wavenumber domain to time-distance domain. For that, a suggested name for this technique as normal move out- frequency-wavenumber domain

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
Nano Hybrids And Composites
Synthesis of ZnS QDs with Different Values of pH and White Light Generation from Fabrication of TPD: PMMA/ZnS Hybrid Devices
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Quantum dots (QDs) of zinc sulfide (ZnS) was prepared by chemical reaction with different potential of hydrogen (pH) and used to fabricate organic quantum dot hybrid junction device. The optical properties of QDs were characterized by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis.) and photoluminescence (PL) spectrometer. The results show that the prepared QDs were nanocrystalline with defects formation. The energy gap (Eg)calculated from PL were 3.64, 3.53 and 3.35 eV for pH=8, 10 and 12 respectively. This decreasing of energy gaps is results of the effect the pH solution increases, which in turn leads to the shifted of the PL spectrum toward red shifted, which makes the energy bands at surface states are shallow ban

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect Of Psychological Counselling On The Development Of Psychological Skills and the Level Of First Class Soccer Referees (Baghdad governorate)
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of the Crude Terpenoids Compounds of Melia Azedrach Leaves and Fruits on Some Biological Aspects of Whitefly Bemisia tabaci
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This study was carried out to determine the effects of crude terpenoid compound extracts of Melia azedarach L. leaves and fruits on some biological aspects of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 65-70%. The results indicated a significant effect on eggs and immature stages when treated with 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 mg/ml of leaves and fruits. The mortality rate increased with concentration. It reached 98.68, 100, 100, 95.70, 86.30, and 42.68% for eggs, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nymphal instars, pupa, and adults, respectively, at a concentration of 2 mg/ml for leaves extract. At the same time, it reached 94.86, 100,100, 100, 87.89, and 44.90% for eggs, 1st, 2nd, and 3r

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Ceramics International
Surface structural features and optical analysis of nanostructured Cu-oxide thin film coatings coated via the sol-gel dip coating method
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Oncology And Radiotherapy
The Effect of Green Low Laser (LLL) on the white blood cells on platelet on people on brain and prostate cancer
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The effect of Low-Level Laser (LLL) provided by green semiconductor laser with an emission wavelength of 532 nm on of human blood of people with brain and prostate cancer has been investigated. The effect of LLL on white blood cell (WBC), NEUT, LYMPH and MONO have been considered. Platelet count (PLT) has also been considered in this work. 2 ml of blood sample were irradiating by a green laser of the dose of 4.8 J/cm2. The results suggest a potential effect of LLL on WBC, PLT, NEUT, LYMPH, and MONO of people with brain and prostate cancer Key words: white blood cell , platelet , low-level laser therapy