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Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players
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The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify and experiment in the training process through the use of a training method suitable for the youth category and taking into account their level. The researcher adopted a method for recognizing its effect on muscle strength and the skill of straight transmission in tennis as a modest contribution In order to improve the reality of this game and reach the players to the best levels. The study also aims to develop a training curriculum in a flat pyramid style and to identify the effect of flat hierarchical technique in some aspects of muscular strength and the skill of straight transmission of the nascent players in tennis. The researcher also hypothesized that there are statistically significant differences between the results of tribal and remote tests in some musculoskeletal aspects of tennis players There were statistically significant differences between the results of the tribal and remote tests in the skill of the straight transmission of the tennis players. As the researcher used the experimental method with one experimental group and the sample of the study consisted of (6) players emerging from tennis out of (10 players).     The study concluded with a set of conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which is that the flat hierarchical method has a positive effect on some aspects of muscular strength and the skill of straight transmission of the players who are born in tennis. The researcher also recommends the adoption of the training method on the flat hierarchical method in the development of force and the emphasis on the use of weight exercises in the training curriculum.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Computational Intelligence And Neuroscience
A New Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Arm (Denso VP6242)
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This paper presents a novel inverse kinematics solution for robotic arm based on artificial neural network (ANN) architecture. The motion of robotic arm is controlled by the kinematics of ANN. A new artificial neural network approach for inverse kinematics is proposed. The novelty of the proposed ANN is the inclusion of the feedback of current joint angles configuration of robotic arm as well as the desired position and orientation in the input pattern of neural network, while the traditional ANN has only the desired position and orientation of the end effector in the input pattern of neural network. In this paper, a six DOF Denso robotic arm with a gripper is controlled by ANN. The comprehensive experimental results proved the appl

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    This study identified the genus Coelastrella Chodat, 1922 which was isolated from a sediment sample taken from the Tigris river in Baghdad Governorate, Iraq. The alga was isolated and cultured in modified Chu 10 media and the morphological features of the isolated algae were observed in light microscopy (LM); it showed some characteristic features of this genus, such as its ellipsoidal or lemon- shaped cells, a visible pyrenoid and the chloroplast parietal. To ensure correct identification of the isolated alga, a molecular analysis using 18S rRNA gene and DNA sequencing revealed a match with C. terrestris (Reisigl) Hedewald & N. Hanagata 2002. This species is a new record in Iraq

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Production of Biofilm from Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Post-Surgical Operation Inflammation
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      Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is the most common pathogenic bacteria in the hospitals and communities, the ability to form biofilm is considered the main cause of Staphylococcus pathogenicity since it provides resistance to both antibiotics and host immune response, so this study was aimed to evaluate the biofilms formation and its association with antibiotic resistance in clinical isolates of MRSA, in order to achieve this aim, 237 samples were collected from different patients with wounds infections after surgeries and samples from operations galleries from varies hospitals in Baghdad ,68 isolates out of 237 were subjected to Staphylococcus aureus according to conventional meth

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 19 2021
Journal Name
Archives Of Civil And Mechanical Engineering
Push-out test of steel–concrete–steel composite sections with various core materials: behavioural study
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Steel–concrete–steel (SCS) structural systems have economic and structural advantages over traditional reinforced concrete; thus, they have been widely used. The performance of concrete made from recycled rubber aggregate from scrap tires has been evaluated since the early 1990s. The use of rubberized concrete in structural construction remains necessary because of its high impact resistance, increases ductility, and produces a lightweight concrete; therefore, it adds such important properties to SCS members. In this research, the use of different concrete core materials in SCS was examined. Twelve SCS specimens were subjected to push-out monotonic loading for inspecting their mechanical performance. One specimen was constructed from co

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Emergent Materials
Spectroscopic characteristics of highly pure metal oxide nanostructures prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering technique
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In this work, metal oxide nanostructures, mainly copper oxide (CuO), nickel oxide (NiO), titanium dioxide (TiO2), and multilayer structure, were synthesized by the DC reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The effect of deposition time on the spectroscopic characteristics, as well as on the nanoparticle size, was determined. A long deposition time allows more metal atoms sputtered from the target to bond to oxygen atoms and form CuO, NiO, or TiO2 molecules deposited as thin films on glass substrates. The structural characteristics of the final samples showed high structural purity as no other compounds than CuO, NiO, and TiO2 were found in the final samples. Also, the prepared multilayer structures did not show new compounds other than th

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Energy Conversion And Management
Improved PCM melting in a thermal energy storage system of double-pipe helical-coil tube
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal Vol. 28, Supplement No. 1, Pp. 46 - 48 , June 2021
Association of enamel defects with nutritional status among primary schools students in Al-Najaf city
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 08 2021
Journal Name
Public Works Management & Policy
Causes of Problems in Post-Disaster Emergency Re-Construction Projects—Iraq as a Case Study
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This study examines the causes of time delays and cost overruns in a selection of thirty post-disaster reconstruction projects in Iraq. Although delay factors have been studied in many countries and contexts, little data exists from countries under the conditions characterizing Iraq during the last 10-15 years. A case study approach was used, with thirty construction projects of different types and sizes selected from the Baghdad region. Project data was gathered from a survey which was used to build statistical relationships between time and cost delay ratios and delay factors in post disaster projects. The most important delay factors identified were contractor failure, redesigning of designs/plans and change orders, security is

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 19 2022
Journal Name
Advances In Continuous And Discrete Models
Geometric properties of the meromorphic functions class through special functions associated with a linear operator
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Abstract<p>According to the theory of regular geometric functions, the relevance of geometry to analysis is a critical feature. One of the significant tools to study operators is to utilize the convolution product. The dynamic techniques of convolution have attracted numerous complex analyses in current research. In this effort, an attempt is made by utilizing the said techniques to study a new linear complex operator connecting an incomplete beta function and a Hurwitz–Lerch zeta function of certain meromorphic functions. Furthermore, we employ a method based on the first-order differential subordination to derive new and better differential complex inequalities, namely differential subordinations.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Air Pollution around Durra Refinery (Baghdad) from Emission NO2 Gas at April Month
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Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is one of the most dangerous contaminant in the air, its toxic gas that cause disturbing respiratory effects, most of it emitted from industrial sources especially from the stack of power plants and oil refineries. In this study Gaussian equations modelled by Matlab program to state the effect of pollutant NO2 gas on area around Durra refinery, this program also evaluate some elements such as wind and stability and its effect on stacks height. Data used in this study is the amount of fuel oil and fuel gas burn inside refinery at a year 2017. Hourly April month data chosen as a case study because it’s unsteady month. After evaluate emission rate of the all fuel and calculate exit velocity from

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