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Effect of traditional and automated sorting on some tomato's properties
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This study was conducted in a laboratory experiment at the University of Baghdad, College of Science, computing Department, 5 km from the center of Baghdad city, in 2021 to evaluate the sorting method for the tomato crop. The experiments were conducted in a factorial experiment under a complete randomized design with three replications and using SAS analysis, artificial neural network, image processing, the study of external characteristics, and physical features; fruit surface area and fruit circumference were 1334.46 cm2,57.53 cm2 and free diseases. The error value was less than zero, while training with outputs recorded the highest value and which was 5. The neural network's performance between the input and the mean square of the regression, as recorded as the best value to validate the performance, was 58.11 in the second period. The importance of fruit circumference is attributed to the sorting and grading of fruits, especially in packing boxes and marketing. Keywords: Automated grading and sorting, traditional grading and sorting, image processing, computer vision, Artificial neural networks

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Trends Technological And Science ,engineering
Automated Sorting for Tomatoes using Artificial Neural Network
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A .technology analysis image using crops agricultural of grading and sorting the test to conducted was experiment The device coupling the of sensor a with camera a and 75 * 75 * 50 dimensions with shape cube studio made-factory locally the study to studio the in taken were photos and ,)blue-green - red (lighting triple with equipped was studio The .used were neural artificial and technology processing image using maturity and quality ,damage of fruits the of characteristics external value the quality 0.92062, of was value regression the damage predict to used was network neural artificial The .network the using scheme regression a of means by 0.98654 of was regression the of maturity and 0.97981 of was regression the of .algorithm Marr

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 14 2022
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية لعلوم التربة
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Sorting and grading agricultural crops using manual sorting is a cumbersome and arduous process, in addition to the high costs and increased labor, as well as the low quality of sorting and grading compared to automatic sorting. the importance of deep learning, which includes the artificial neural network in prediction, also shows the importance of automated sorting in terms of efficiency, quality, and accuracy of sorting and grading. artificial neural network in predicting values and choosing what is good and suitable for agricultural crops, especially local lemons.

Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal On Interactive Design And Manufacturing (ijidem)
A real-time automated sorting of robotic vision system based on the interactive design approach
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of growth regulators on sex expression and some quantitatve properties
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This study was conducted in an orchard pomegranate's Department of Horticulture College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad for two seasons 1999-2000 on cultivars pomegranate Salimi and narrators seedless to study the effect spraying Nizant growth in sex ratio of flowers and recipes flowering and winning was selected 27 trees per class 15 years old planted

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Biopolymer Alginate on some properties of concrete
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Alginate from Large brown seaweeds act as natural polymer has been investigated as polymer and has been added to concrete in different percentages ( 0% , 0.5% , 1% and 1.5% ) by the cement weight and the study show the effect of using alginate biopolymer admixtures on  some of the fresh properties of the concrete (slump &  the density  fresh) also in the hardened state (  Compressive strength , Splitting tensile strength  and Flexural strength ) at 28 days. The mix proportion was (1:2.26:2.26) (cement: sand: gravel) respectively and at constant w/c equal to 0.47. The results indicate that the use of alginate as a percent of the cement weight possess a positive effect on fresh properties of co

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of bentonite addition on some properties of porcelain
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Porcelain is one of the most important ceramic materials with a wide range of traditional and technical applications. Since most mixtures of porcelain have a high sintering temperature, bentonite has been added in this research to improve the characteristics of sintering and burning. The porcelain mixture consisted of the following Iraqi raw materials: 30% wt kaolin, 30 wt% non-plastic clay (grog), 10% wt sodium feldspar, 10 wt% potassium feldspar and 20 wt% flint. After the mechanical mixing process and transfer the powder mixture to the slurry by adding distilled water, then different weight percentage of the sodium bentonite(0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10) wt% was added. The specimens were prepared by using the solid casting m

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Kerosene and Gasoline on Some Properties of High Performance Concrete
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During the last quarter century, many changes have taken place in the tanks industry and also in the materials that used in its production، while concrete is the most suitable material where concrete tanks has the benefits of strength, long service life and cost effectiveness. So, it is necessary improvement the
conventional concrete in order to adapt the severe environment requirements and as a result high
performance concrete (HPC) was used. It is not fundamentally different from the concrete used in the past, although it usually contains fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag and silica fume, as well as
superplasticizer. So, the content of cementitious material is high and the water/cement ratio is low. In this

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studing Effect of Temperature on Some Mechanical Properties of Single And Hybrid Composites
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 In this research,we are studied impact strength, bending and compression strength of composites including the epoxy resin as a  matrix , with gawaian red wood flour ,Russian white wood flour ,glass powder and rock wool fibers as reinforcement materials with volume fraction (20%) for all samples,and compared them in different conditions of  temperatures.         The results have shown that the impact strength increased with the reinforcement with (particles and fibers),and at high temperatures for all samples prepared,and also observed an increase in elasticity coefficient of  epoxy composites filled with (different particles) and decreased in elasticity coefficient of epoxy com

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of high and low density polyethylene on some mechanical properties of concrete
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The increasing use of plastics in various aspects of modern life resulted in the availability of enormous amount of wastes, including a negative effect on the environment and humans. So it is necessary to find solutions to deal with these wastes and ensure to use them as solutions to use in concrete mix . In this research the production of concrete containing high and low density polyethylene has been used by (5, 10, 15)% as a replacement of part of the volume of sand, so as to obtain concrete good compressive strength as well as other benefits such as improved possibility of pumping concrete and reduce the loss of concrete for workability polymer is a material that is non-absorbable of water . It is also intended to dispose of these was

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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            A laboratory experiment was carried out during winter season of 2021 in the Seed Technology Laboratory- College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Baghdad, to find out the allopathic effects of aerobic and terrestrial aqueous extracts of Artemisia vulgaris L. on the seed germination and seedling growth of linseed. A factorial experiment according to a completely randomized design (CRD)at three replicates was used; the first factor in clouded type of aqueous extract for two plant parts which were aerobic (stems and leaves) and terrestrial (root and rhizomes), while the second factor included five concentrations

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