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Organic acid concentration thresholds for ageing of carbonate minerals: Implications for CO2 trapping/storage
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Hypothesis CO2 geological storage (CGS) involves different mechanisms which can store millions of tonnes of CO2 per year in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and deep saline aquifers. But their storage capacity is influenced by the presence of different carboxylic compounds in the reservoir. These molecules strongly affect the water wetness of the rock, which has a dramatic impact on storage capacities and containment security. However, precise understanding of how these carboxylic acids influence the rock’s CO2-wettability is lacking. Experiments We thus systematically analysed these relationships as a function of pressure, temperature, storage depth and organic acid concentrations. A particular focus was on identifying organic acid concentration thresholds above which storage efficiency may get influenced significantly. Findings These thresholds (defined for structural trapping as a water contact angle θ > 90°; and for capillary trapping when primary drainage is unaffected, i.e. θ > 50°) were very low for structural trapping (∼10−3–10−7 M organic acid concentration Corganic) and extremely low for capillary trapping (10−7 M to below 10−10 M Corganic). Since minute organic acid concentrations are always present in deep saline aquifers and certainly in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs, significantly lower storage capacities and containment security than previously thought can be predicted in carbonate reservoirs, and reservoir-scale models and evaluation schemes need to account for these effects to de-risk CGS projects.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Colloid Interface Science
Corrigendum to “Organic acid concentration thresholds for ageing of carbonate minerals: Implications for CO2 trapping/storage” [J. Colloid Interface Sci. 534 (2019) 88–94]
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Erratum for Organic acid concentration thresholds for ageing of carbonate minerals: Implications for CO2 trapping/storage.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
CO2-wettability of sandstones exposed to traces of organic acids: Implications for CO2 geo-storage
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Wettability of CO2-brine-mineral systems plays a vital role during geological CO2-storage. Residual trapping is lower in deep saline aquifers where the CO2 is migrating through quartz rich reservoirs but CO2 accumulation within a three-way structural closure would have a high storage volume due to higher CO2 saturation in hydrophobic quartz rich reservoir rock. However, such wettability is only poorly understood at realistic subsurface conditions, which are anoxic or reducing. As a consequence of the reducing environment, the geological formations (i.e. deep saline aquifers) contain appreciable concentrations of various organic acids. We thus demonstrate here what impact traces of organic acids exposed to storage rock have on their wettabil

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
Wettability of nano-treated calcite/CO2 /brine systems: Implication for enhanced CO2 storage potential
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Nanofluids are proven to be efficient agents for wettability alteration in subsurface applications including enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Nanofluids can also be used for CO2-storage applications where the CO2-wet rocks can be rendered strongly water-wet, however no attention has been given to this aspect in the past. Thus in this work we presents contact angle (θ) measurements for CO2/brine/calcite system as function of pressure (0.1 MPa, 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 15 MPa, and 20 MPa), temperature (23 °C, 50 °C and 70 °C), and salinity (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% NaCl) before and after nano-treatment to address the wettability alteration efficiency. Moreover, the effect of treatment pressure and temperature, treatment fluid concentration (SiO2 wt%) and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Organic Electronics
Charge trapping in doped organic Zener diodes
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Concentration of lead and the proportion of sedimentary organic matter , clay minerals , non-clay minerals and soil gradation , City of Nasiriyah , Southern Iraq
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The present research included sampling and analysis of 41 soil samples , the samples cover various areas of Nasiriyah city (industrial,commercial,residential and agricultural ) to estimate pollution levels of lead element and determine the correlation between lead concentration and natural factors in soil which represent sedimentary organic matter content, granular gradient, clay minerals and non-clay minerals . The results of the current study showed that the average concentration of lead in the soil samples was 61.12 ppm , it was noticed an increase in the concentration of lead in environmental components in the area of this study especially in residential , industrial and commercial location and the impact of natural factors of the so

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 28 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Assessing Acid Fracturing for Low-Permeability Carbonate Formation to Improve Oil Production
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This study investigates the application of hydraulic acid fracturing to enhance oil production in the Mishrif Formation of the Al-Fakkah oilfield due to declining flow rates and wellhead pressures resulting from asphaltene deposition and inadequate permeability. Implementing acid fracturing, an established technique for low-permeability carbonate reserves, was essential due to the inadequacy of prior solvent cleaning and acidizing efforts. The document outlines the protocols established prior to and following the treatment, emphasizing the importance of careful oversight to guarantee safety and efficacy. In the MiniFrac treatment, 150 barrels of #30 cross-linked gel were injected at 25 barrels per minute, followed by an overflush wi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
CO2 geo-storage capacity enhancement via nanofluid priming
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CO2 geo-storage efficiency is strongly influenced by the wettability of the CO2-brine-mineral system. With decreasing water-wetness, both, structural and residual trapping capacities are substantially reduced. This constitutes a serious limitation for CO2 storage particularly in oil-wet formations (which are CO2-wet). To overcome this, we treated CO2-wet calcite surfaces with nanofluids (nanoparticles dispersed in base fluid) and found that the systems turned strongly water-wet state, indicating a significant wettability alteration and thus a drastic improvement in storage potential. We thus conclude that CO2 storage capacity can be significantly enhanced by nanofluid priming.

Publication Date
Fri Sep 23 2016
Journal Name
Spie Proceedings
Quantifying charge trapping and molecular doping in organic p-i-n diodes
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Assessment of wettability and rock-fluid interfacial tension of caprock: Implications for hydrogen and carbon dioxide geo-storage
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 14 2019
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Synthesis of Novel Heteroatom-Doped Porous-Organic Polymers as Environmentally Efficient Media for Carbon Dioxide Storage
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The high carbon dioxide emission levels due to the increased consumption of fossil fuels has led to various environmental problems. Efficient strategies for the capture and storage of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide are crucial in reducing their concentrations in the environment. Considering this, herein, three novel heteroatom-doped porous-organic polymers (POPs) containing phosphate units were synthesized in high yields from the coupling reactions of phosphate esters and 1,4-diaminobenzene (three mole equivalents) in boiling ethanol using a simple, efficient, and general procedure. The structures and physicochemical properties of the synthesized POPs were established using various techniques. Field emission scanning elect

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