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Credit derivatives: Do they matter to avoid credit exposure? (Some evidences from the US market)
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Credit derivatives (CDs) have been increasingly acknowledged as an important requirement to hedge and transfer credit risk CR. Nonetheless, they have been extensively criticized for destabilizing the whole economic system bringing about the latest subprime credit crisis. The study’s main aim is to investigate the reason for the use of (CDs), whether it is used for hedging or trade purpose, for four of the US international financial institutions that had made it through the 2007 crisis to resume functioning post-crisis. This will be for three different and critical periods, namely the pre, during and after crisis periods (Q1, 2000-Q1, 2014). Adopting the SUR technique, the investigation of the factors that influence the net position of (CDs) as to achieve the main purpose is made possible. It has been found that the use of (CDs) is inconsistent with the predictions of theories of risk management to this day. The implication is that most derivatives positions are held for dealer activities rather than for loan hedging. Reflecting that financial institutions also resort to using (CDs) for trading and speculation, this provides an indication for a risk-taking motive. Entities that have a better position in regard of their size, capital and net interest margin make greater use of (CDs) for this purpose.

Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Bank Deposit Guarantee Scope: Comparative Study
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The guarantee of deposits came in most countries as a result of the financial crises faced by the banks, as the role of the guarantee agencies does not end to the point of enabling the depositor to recover his deposit, but rather it is considered necessary to overcome crises and stabilize the banking system.

The decisions related to the coverage determined by the types of guarantee are important, and it is required that these decisions be consistent with the policy of each guarantee to control and limit the negative effects that accompany deposit insurance, in order to face any risk that threatens deposits and confidence in them and to avoid any financial failures for the stability of the banking system and the protection of depo

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stabilizability of Riccati Matrix Fractional Delay Differential Equation
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In this article, the backstepping control scheme is proposed to stabilize the fractional order Riccati matrix differential equation with retarded arguments in which the fractional derivative is presented using Caputo's definition of fractional derivative. The results are established using Mittag-Leffler stability. The fractional Lyapunov function is defined at each stage and the negativity of an overall fractional Lyapunov function is ensured by the proper selection of the control law. Numerical simulation has been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme for stabilizing such type of Riccati matrix differential equations.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Boubaker Scaling Operational Matrices for Solving Calculus of Variation Problems
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     In this paper, a general expression formula for the Boubaker scaling (BS) operational matrix of the derivative is constructed. Then it is used to study a new parameterization direct technique for treating calculus of the variation problems approximately. The calculus of variation problems describe several important phenomena in mathematical science. The first step in our suggested method is to express the unknown variables in terms of Boubaker scaling basis functions with unknown coefficients. Secondly, the operational matrix of the derivative together with some important properties of the BS are utilized to achieve a non-linear programming problem in terms of the unknown coefficients. Finally, the unknown parameters are obtaine

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Competitiveness of an enterprise under a flexible manufacturing system. Manufacturing strategy and flexibility - Case study
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The research has designed for studying the relationship between manufacturing strategy and its flexibility under the flexible manufacturing system with their reflection on the competitive environmental performance of the firm. To interpret and tackle the problem, a hypothesis has formulated stating that “ the competitive performance of a firm is interpreted by the manufacturing strategy and flexibility which are derived from the firm and its business  strategies under the flexible manufacturing system”. Related literatures with their theoretical dissertations, which enhanced the thoughtful content, have analyzed. An illustrative case study on the flexible manufacturing system at Toyota Motors Corporation working at the g

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrical Systems
AI-Driven Prediction of Average Per Capita GDP: Exploring Linear and Nonlinear Statistical Techniques
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Average per capita GDP income is an important economic indicator. Economists use this term to determine the amount of progress or decline in the country's economy. It is also used to determine the order of countries and compare them with each other. Average per capita GDP income was first studied using the Time Series (Box Jenkins method), and the second is linear and non-linear regression; these methods are the most important and most commonly used statistical methods for forecasting because they are flexible and accurate in practice. The comparison is made to determine the best method between the two methods mentioned above using specific statistical criteria. The research found that the best approach is to build a model for predi

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion Inhibition of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Identifying Average Reservoir Pressure in Multilayered Oil Wells Using Selective Inflow Performance (SIP) Method
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The downhole flow profiles of the wells with single production tubes and mixed flow from more than one layer can be complicated, making it challenging to obtain the average pressure of each layer independently.  Production log data can be used to monitor the impacts of pressure depletion over time and to determine average pressure with the use of Selective Inflow Performance (SIP). The SIP technique provides a method of determining the steady state of inflow relationship for each individual layer. The well flows at different stabilized surface rates, and for each rate, a production log is run throughout the producing interval to record both downhole flow rates and flowing pressure. PVT data can be used to convert measured in-situ rates

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimal Dimensions of Small Hydraulic Structure Cutoffs Using Coupled Genetic Algorithm and ANN Model
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A genetic algorithm model coupled with artificial neural network model was developed to find the optimal values of upstream, downstream cutoff lengths, length of floor and length of downstream protection required for a hydraulic structure. These were obtained for a given maximum difference head, depth of impervious layer and degree of anisotropy. The objective function to be minimized was the cost function with relative cost coefficients for the different dimensions obtained. Constraints used were those that satisfy a factor of safety of 2 against uplift pressure failure and 3 against piping failure.
Different cases reaching 1200 were modeled and analyzed using geo-studio modeling, with different values of input variables. The soil wa

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Crossref (10)
Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Autonomous state security
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The state, as one of the most important social institutions that works to provide services and security for individuals, needs security, and this security is achieved according to a specific hierarchy that starts from the security of the individual and the security of society to the security of the state, as the advanced state security is based on the basic pillars of solidarity and social peace This security consists of several levels (human, regional, social, economic, and cyber), unlike Arab criminal legislation, including Iraqi law, which is based on the concept of traditional state security, as it relies on the military side only in order to provide maximum criminal protection for the security of the political system The security of

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving System of Linear Fredholm Integral Equations of Second Kind Using Open Newton-Cotes Formulas
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In this paper, the linear system of Fredholm integral equations is solving using Open Newton-Cotes formula, which we use five different types of Open Newton-Cotes formula to solve this system.  Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (closed Newton-Cotes formula)    Finally, at the end of each method, algorithms and programs developed and written in MATLAB (version 7.0) and we give some numerical examples, illustrate suggested method

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