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The Influence of the Hyaluronic Acid Gel on the Postoperative Sequelae following Surgical Removal of the Impacted Mandibular Third Molar in Comparison with the A-PRF: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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One of the most common procedures in oral surgery is the removal of impacted mandibular third molars, often followed by pain, swelling, alveolitis, and trismus. Purpose. To compare the outcomes of the intrasocket application of 1% hyaluronic acid oral gel (HA) and advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) on the expected postoperative complications, pain, swelling, and trismus follow the surgical extraction of the impacted mandibular third molar. Material and Methods. A randomized controlled trial was conducted at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, Dental Teaching Hospital. Healthy patients who required surgical removal of the impacted mandibular third molar were divided randomly into three groups. The extraction site of the group (A) patients remained without the addition of any material, just suturing of the wound with simple interrupted sutures, while in group (B) patients, the extraction site was filled with 1 cc of 1% hyaluronic acid gel (periokin®), and in group C patients, the extraction site was filled with A-PRF. Results. Sixty-six eligible patients participated in this study; both hyaluronic acid gel 1% (periokin®) and advanced platelet-rich fibrin showed a significant reduction in pain, swelling, and trismus on the 1st, third, and seventh postoperative days when compared to the control group, while the comparison between HA and A-PRF showed no significant differences except for the pain on the third postoperative day. There was a significant pain decrease in the A-PRF group than HA group. Conclusion. Intrasocket application of 1% hyaluronic acid gel (periokin®) or advanced platelet-rich fibrin can be an effective primary way to significantly reduce postoperative pain, trismus, and edema compared to the control group following mandibular third molar surgery.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study affects Pulse Parameters versus cavity length for both Dispersion Regimes in FM mode locked.: Bushra.R.Mhdi|Gaillan H.Abdullah|Mohand M.Azzawi|Nahla.A.Hessin|Basher.R.Mhdi
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To demonstrate the effect of changing cavity length for FM mode locked on pulse parameters and make comparison for both dispersion regime , a plot for each pulse parameter as Lr function are presented for normal and anomalous dispersion regimes . The analysis is based on the theoretical study and the results of numerical simulation using MATLAB. The effect of both normal and anomalous dispersion regimes on output pulses is investigate Fiber length effects on pulse parameters are investigated by driving the modulator into different values. A numerical solution for model equations using fourth-fifth order, Runge-Kutta method is performed through MATLAB 7.0 program. Fiber length effect on pulse parameters is investigated by driving th

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Foavedur mass media for children and modifyin Their behaviour from point of their parents view: Foavedur mass media for children and modifyin Their behaviour from point of their parents view
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The research aimed to know favoured mass media for children and
modifying their behaviour ,the child became aquires the information from
mass media that he exposure them without any guidance , where upon the
quidance proqrammes becomes real danger whereas qet out their civil

style and converting to deadly poisons,and because of little study for this
supject the two researchers opined to perform astudy to know the favoured
mass media to the children and what are the mass media that modify their
behavior according to ther parent points of view ,after propring the research
measurement and the suilable statical methods it has shown that there are
mass media affect in children behavior ,they are st

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 20 2028
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The aim of this study was to increasing natural carotenoides production by a locally isolate Rodotorula mucilagenosa M. by determination of the optimal conditions for growth and production of this agents, for encouragest to use it in food application permute artificial pigments which harmfull for consumer health and envieronmental. The optimal condition of carotenoides production from Rhodotorula mucilaginosa M were studied. The results shows the best carbon and nitrogen source were glucose and yeast extract. The carotenoids a mount production was 47430 microgram ̸ litter and 47460 microgram ̸ litter, respectively, and the optimum temperature was 30°C, PH 6, that the carotenoides a mount was 47470 microgram ̸ litter and 47670 microgr

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Short Term Deflection of Ordinary, Partially Prestressed and CFRP Bars Reinforced Concrete Beams
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 16 2006
Journal Name
No Journal
Novel Metal Complexes of Tetradentate Ligands Type N2S2 Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Characterisation
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This study is included the preparation of two tetradentate amide-thiol proligands of the general structure [H2Ln], [where; (n = (1–2)]. The ligands [H2L1] and [H2L2] have been prepared from the reaction of the cyclic thioester 2-oxo-1, 4-dithiacyclohexane (compound 1) and 3-chloro-2-oxo-1, 4 dithiacyclohexane (compound 2) with 2-aminomethanepyridine in (1:1) ratio respetively. The reaction was carried out in chloroform at room temperature and under N2 atmosphere. Structural formula of these two ligands have been reported.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Radiological Assessment and Mechanical Separation of NORM Contaminated Soil from Iraqi Oil Fields
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Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) contaminated sites at Al-Rumaila Iraqi oil fields have been characterized as a part of soil remediation project. Activity of radium isotopes in contaminated soil have been determined using gamma spectrometer High Purity Germanium detector (HPGe) and found to be very high for Al-Markezia, Al-Qurainat degassing stations and storage area at Khadhir Almay region. The activity concentration of samples ranges from 6474.11±563.8 Bq/kg to 1232.5±60.9 Bq/kg with mean value of 3853.3 Bq/kg for 226Ra, 843.59±8.39 Bq/kg to 302.2±9.2 Bq/kg  with mean value of 572.9 Bq/kg for 232Th and 294.31±18.56 Bq/kg to 156.64±18.1 Bq/kg with mean value of 225.5 for 40K. S

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Micro-Mesoporous ZSM-5/MCM-41 Composite Zeolite
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Nanocrystalline micro-mesoporous ZSM/MCM-41 composite was synthesized using alkaline treatment method and two step of crystallization in poly tetraflouroethylene (PTFE) lined autoclave. The synthesized zeolites was characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier transport infrared (FTIR), and N2 adsorption-desorption (BET). It was approved that the best results for alkaline leaching can be got with 1.5M NaOH solution. High surface (BET) area of 630 m2/g with pore volume of 0.55 cm3/g has been got. AFM reports showed a nano-level size for average particle size of 50nm.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Thermal and Catalytic Degradation Kinetics of High-Density Polyethylene Over NaX Nano-Zeolite
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Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of waste plastics in an inert atmosphere has been regarded as a creative method, since pyrolysis can convert plastics waste into hydrocarbons that can be used either as fuels or as a source of chemicals.

Natural Iraqi kaolin clay was used to synthesis the NaX nano- zeolite by hydrothermal conditions with average particle size equal to 77.63nm.Thermal decomposition kinetics of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in the absence and presence of catalysts nano NaX Zeolite was investigated. Thermal and catalytic degradation of HDPE was performed using a thermogravimetric analyzer in nitrogen atmosphere under non-isothermal conditions 4, 7 and 10 °C/min heating rates were employed in thermogravimetric anal

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Earth And Environmental Science
Impact Resistance of Limestone Cement Self Compacting Concrete Reinforced by Locally Available Grids
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Impact strength of self-compacted concrete is a field of interest, mostly when the concrete is produced from sustainable materials. This research's main objective is to clarify the ability to use two types of Portland limestone cement (Karasta and Tasluja) in self compacted concrete under impact loading, further to the economic and environmental benefits of the limestone cement. The impact loading was applied by a low-speed test, using the drop ball on concrete. Moreover, the study reveals the resistance of the grids reinforced concrete to impact loading by using polymer grid, and steel grid reinforced concrete slabs. Mixes reinforced by steel mesh had the highest results, indicating that the steel mesh was more robust because it had

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Agronomy Journal
Use of Rainfall Data to Improve Ground-Based Active Optical Sensors Yield Estimates
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Ground-based active optical sensors (GBAOS) have been successfully used in agriculture to predict crop yield potential (YP) early in the season and to improvise N rates for optimal crop yield. However, the models were found weak or inconsistent due to environmental variation especially rainfall. The objectives of the study were to evaluate if GBAOS could predict YP across multiple locations, soil types, cultivation systems, and rainfall differences. This study was carried from 2011 to 2013 on corn (Zea mays L.) in North Dakota, and in 2017 in potatoes in Maine. Six N rates were used on 50 sites in North Dakota and 12 N rates on two sites, one dryland and one irrigated, in Maine. Two active GBAOS used for this study were GreenSeeker and Holl

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