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A study Some Technical Indicators of the Local Designed Machine
Abstract<p>The effect of compound machine on wheat/ AlNoor cultivar was studied based on some technical indicators. were tested under three speeds ( 2.541, 3.433 and<sup>-1</sup>) and three tillage depths (14, 16 and 18cm). The experiments were conducted in a factorial experiment under complete randomized design with three replications. The results showed that the<sup>-1</sup> practical speed was significantly better than other two speed in all studied conditions. Except for the FC, which achieved the best results with the third speed 4.091<sup>-1</sup>. mechanical parameters, plant growth parameters and yield and growth parameters. The 14cm depth was significantly superior to the other two levels of 16 and 18cm in all studied conditions. All interactions were significant, the best interaction was between the first speed<sup>-1</sup> and 14cm tillage depth for all studied traits</p>
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