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Derivation of a New Equation to Obtain the Permeability Coefficient of Clayey Soils

The main objective of this research is to find the coefficient of permeability (k) of the soil and especially clayey soil by finding the degree of consolidation (rate of consolidation). New modify procedure is proposed by using the odometer (consolidation) device. The ordinary conventional permeability test usually takes a long time by preparing and by testing and this could cause some problems especially if there is a need to do a large number of this test and there were a limited number of technicians and/or apparatus. From this point of view the importance of this research is clear, since the modified procedure will require a time of 25 minute only. Derivation made to produce an equation which could be used to fined the permeability if the proposed procedure fallowed to find the permeability of soils and this done by specification the degree of consolidation at any loading stage. The results of permeability found by the proposed procedure and by ordinary test (directly by falling head method, and indirectly by accelerated consolidation method using the oedometer device). After that these results were found by proposed procedure compared with that results which found by ordinary test. it has been found that this equation give a very good results with (95.83) % accuracy and degree of correlation of (0.9988) comparing with ordinary methods and beside that it takes a very short time.

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