The main objective of the present work is to find a method increases the efficiency of the airfoil that is used for blade in wind turbine, wing in aircraft, propeller and helicopter (like NACA 4412). By overcoming the separation of flow at high angle of attacks, a slotted airfoil had been used and solved numerically through connecting the pressure side in the bottom surface with the suction side in the top surface of the airfoil to energize the separated flow. Slot exit, width and slope were considered as a parameters of slot configuration to determine the effective design of consideration. Reynolds number was taken as [1.6 x106 ] and the angle of attacks were ranged from (0o - 20o ). The numerical solution with Ansys Fluent commercial program had been used to solve a fully turbulent N.S. equations with κ-ω SST turbulence model. The method of changing variables with best one among them was adopted to find the design of the slot. The results of flow field and airfoil characteristics for solid and slotted airfoil were described and illustrated in the present work which showed that the airfoil produces higher lift coefficient value and lower drag coefficient as compared with solid airfoil. Moreover, it delays stalling angle of attack to 19o . The slotted airfoil shows an increasing in maximum lift to drag ratio up to 110% at angle of attack 18o . The most effective slot is found at 60% chord, slope 65o and width 1% chord.