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Technical Assistance Contract
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The importance of a Technical Assistance Contract is coming as a means of one of transfer knowledge ways of technology from the party that knows it, to the party that does not know it, So it was considered as one of the most important requirement to develop countries and there subsidiaries projects, by this contract, these countries are able to absorb transferee technology knowledge and adapted according to local environmental conditions.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
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Maintenance Contract - A Comparative Study with Islamic Jurisprudence
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Contemporary life is racing against time in its temptations and variables, and it has become shaped and changed in an amazing way in its various aspects and fields. This was facilitated by intellectual and scientific communication between civilizations, and the rapid progression in successive inventions and discoveries in the fields of science and arts of knowledge. This contributed to a great economic and commercial renaissance. Then, these economic developments entered the world into a very strong competition, which forced producers to calculate all production costs, to reach the highest profits by reducing the price of the produced commodity on the one hand, and achieving quality in appearance (especially) on the other hand. Since the ma

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Jurisdiction in the contract of professional football player ((comparative study))
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Is no longer a football player looks to sport as a means of entertainment and physical development. But become see as part of The economic and is getting in return for the effort of، Through a contract with a club to organize the activity which is called a contract of professional, This contract is similar to the rest of the contracts in terms of problems and dispute that arise during the implementation or after it ends because of the nature of sports to such disputes and privacy being subject to special rules (regulations, national and international professional) required that subject to judicial bodies private mission confined settle sports disputes these entities and is affiliated unions legal committees and the court of arbitration for

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Secure Smart Contract Based on Blockchain to Prevent the Non-Repudiation Phenomenon
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Blockchain is an innovative technology that has gained interest in all sectors in the era of digital transformation where it manages transactions and saves them in a database. With the increasing financial transactions and the rapidly developed society with growing businesses many people looking for the dream of a better financially independent life, stray from large corporations and organizations to form startups and small businesses. Recently, the increasing demand for employees or institutes to prepare and manage contracts, papers, and the verifications process, in addition to human mistakes led to the emergence of a smart contract. The smart contract has been developed to save time and provide more confidence while dealing, as well a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on conducting a marriage contract through modern means of communication Juristic study
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This research dealt with highlighting the images of marriage through the modern means of communication and the legal ruling for it. Dowry even be knotted on them; because they are then one of the parties to the contract and contracted in one contract, and this is prohibited by law and law and common sense.

It turns out that it is permissible to advertise marriage through the Internet in accordance with the rules and standards that preserve values ​​and morals and safeguard dignity and chastity. The acts in Islamic law are vested with intentions. If intentions are true, then the act is true, and Internet marriage is what falls under this order.<

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Employ Computer Technology (Power Point( For Development of Technical Skills for Students of Education Technical Material in Colors: اخلاص هاشم عودة
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Resulted in scientific and technological developments to the emergence of changes in the educational process and methods of teaching modern formats commensurate with the level of mental retardation. Which called for educational institutions, including the University of Baghdad / College of Fine Arts to urge and guide researchers to study and follow-up of recent developments in the educational process in order to develop in the fine arts in general and technical education in particular being play an important role in achieving educational goals. The educational methods of modern educational require effort-intensive and advanced for the development of technical skills among students, and thus worked researcher to employ computer technology

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Technical features of the Islamic and Chinese ceramics
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Eat this research study features Technical Ceramics Islamic and Chinese The study of four chapters , such as the first chapter the general framework for research and containing the problem that put the following question: Mamdy effect features art on porcelain Islamic and Chinese ) , and whether there are dimensions of the aesthetic , intellectual and ideological in porcelain Islamic and Chinese with lies the importance of research in the promise of a qualitative study and add a scientific theme features art in porcelain Islamic and China , and the objectives of this study One was in the detection of features technical Ceramics Islamic and Chinese study examined the length of time the ninth century AD , and the tenth century AD , and in

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 21 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Technical Processing of documentary programs in satellite channels
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The current research dealt with the study and analysis of the documentary
program on RT satellite channel dealt with research in a problem identified
by the researcher in a major question, which is the methods of technical
processing of documentary programs in satellite channels? The goal of
identifying the channel's handling of its documentary programs.
The research is considered descriptive research in which the researcher
used the survey method, the content analysis method to analyze (12)
documentary programs, It was determined by the comprehensive inventory
method within the temporal field of research extending from 1/10/2019 to
The researcher has obtained several results, the most important

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What is the contract of cultivating the land of the waqf in Islamic jurisprudence and the Algerian Awqaf law
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What is the contract of cultivating the land of the waqf in Islamic jurisprudence and the Algerian Awqaf law

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Stimuli effectiveness of teaching aids in the development of the technical capacity of secondary school students in the technical configuration items: ليلى شويل حسين
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The importance of culture moot ( visual ) in the community , serves as the conceptual basis for the technical and aesthetic awareness , as all the fields of art represents a kind of social consciousness can not be separated from the practice of performance and awareness of it. That the link between what you do image that expresses the cognitive aspects and performance , and what is reflected on the receiver by turning the event into a set of symbols and meanings that have a correlation relationship to society , education, and other fields. Therefore must provide " material conditions and psychological " that helps the learner to interact effectively and with the active elements of the learning environment in the classroom and gain

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
Revue Des Recherches En Droit Et Sciences Politiques
Contract duration concept
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Time is an essential element of contracts، as there is an independent in many parts of each contract، but the time dimension has a significant impact on the provisions of all contracts and is not limited to a particular range of contracts، and French and Arab jurists alike have called for this dimension to be given special attention، and as a result the French legislator has introduced the term duration of the contract، to try to limit the temporal elements، to clarify their provisions and to distinguish between them in decree131/2 016، but for our Arab country it did not receive the appropriate answer. The problem of duration in contracts relates to the lack of clarity of the idea، and then to confuse the various time terms in the

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