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Employing Phytoremediation Methods to Extract Heavy Metals from Polluted Soils
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The phytoremediation technique has become very efficient for treating soil contaminated with heavy metals. In this study, a pot experiment was conducted where the Dodonaea plant (known as hops) was grown, and soil previously contaminated with metals (Zn, Ni, Cd) was added at concentrations 100, 50, 0 mg·kg-1 for Ni and Zn, and at concentrations of 0, 5, 10 mg·kg-1 for cadmium. Irrigation was done within the limits of the field capacity of the soil. Cadmium, nickel and zinc was estimated in the soil to find out the capacity of plants to the absorption of heavy and contaminated metals by using bioconcentration factors (BCFs), bioaccumulation coefficient (BAC) and translocation factor (TF). Additionally, BCF values of both Ni and Zn were less than one i.e. Dodonaea hazing moderate bioaccumulation properties based on heavy metals. As for BCF values of Cd, they have by passed, i.e. Dodonaeahas the ability to the absorption of cadmium sulfate in the root system. Regarding the bioaccumulation coefficient (BAC) values for Cd, Ni, and Zn, it was found that they were generally below one, indicating that Dodonaea exhibits moderate capabilities for bioaccumulating these heavy metals. Therefore, Dodonaea plant is useful in treating heavy metals. Highlighting a pioneering approach, this study introduces a novel method that significantly advances the understanding of phytoremediation’s role in reducing pollution caused by various industries working on the soil, specifically through the use of Dodonaea in the T3 treatment group, which showed remarkable efficacy on metal-contaminated soi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Extraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils using EDTA and HCl
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The present study examines the extraction of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) from   a contaminated soil by washing process. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (Na2EDTA) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution were used as extractants.  Soil washing is one of the most suitable in-situ/ ex-situ remediation method in removing heavy metals. Soil was artificially contaminated with 500 mg/kg (Pb , Cd and Ni ).  A set of batch experiments were carried out at different conditions of  extractant concentration , contact time, pH and agitation speed. The results  showed  that the  maximum removal efficiencies  of (Cd, Pb  and Ni ) were (97, 88 and 24 )&nbs

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Decontamination of Cobalt-Polluted Soils Using an Enhanced Electro-kinetic Method, Employing Eco-friendly Conditions
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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using of Some Bacterial Species to Treat Polluted Soils with Hydrocarbons.
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    Three bacterial species were isolated from three polluted soils with gasoline which leaks from electricity generators that used in different regions in Baghdad; the regions choices to collect the polluted soils were (Al-Shaab, Al- Jadryia and Al-Saydiya).     The bacterial species were identified according to international biochemical   methods. It was found that these species were Escherichia coli, Enterobacter    aerogenes and serratia marcesens.      It was found that the optimum temperature and pH were 37C°and 9 these were to cultivate E.coli and S.marcesens, while for   E.aerogenes   were 25 C° and   9. &

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Radiation Research And Applied Sciences
Bioaccumulation and translocation of radionuclides heavy metals in Cynodon dactylon: A phytoremediation approach in Al-Dora refinery
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Methods for Removing Dyes from Polluted Water; A Review
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Most of the water pollutants with dyes are leftovers from industries, including textiles, wool and others. There are many ways to remove dyes such as sorption, oxidation, coagulation, filtration, and biodegradation, Chlorination, ozonation, chemical precipitation, adsorption, electrochemical processes, membrane approaches, and biological treatment are among the most widely used technologies for removing colors from wastewater. Dyes are divided into two types: natural dyes and synthetic dyes.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Concentrations of heavy metals (Copper Cu, Iron Fe, Manganese Mn, Cadmium Cd, and Lead Pb) have been studied in river crab Sesarma boulengeri (Outer part of the shield and interior tissues) which caught from two stations in Shatt Al – Arab river (Salhia and Aldeir areas). Elements concentrations were measured by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, concentration of heavy metals in the internal tissues was higher than in the outer shield in both of the stations with the highest value of the elements was to iron 95.21 mg\ kg during the spring as well as copper was 55 mg\kg and manganese was 39.09 mg\kg. The study showed the presence of seasonal changes in the studied heavy metals concentrations values in the tissues of river crab;

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Heavy Metals Removal from Simulated Wastewater using Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetland
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This study aimed to assess the efficiency of Nerium oleander in removing three different metals (Cd, Cu, and Ni) from simulated wastewater using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) system. The HSSF-CW pilot scale was operated at two hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 4 and 7 days, filled with a substrate layer of sand and gravel. The results indicated that the HSSF-CW had high removal efficiency of Cd and Cu. A higher HRT (7 days) resulted in greater removal efficiency reaching up to (99.3% Cd, 99.5% Cu, 86.3% Ni) compared to 4 days. The substrate played a significant role in removal of metals due to adsorption and precipitation. The N. oleander plant also showed a good tolerance to the uptake of Cd, Cu, and Ni ions fr

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution onto Sawdust Activated Carbon
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In this study, sawdust as a cheap method and abundant raw material was utilized to produce active carbon (SDAC). Physiochemical activation was utilized where potassium hydroxide   used as a chemical activating agent and carbon dioxide was used as a physical activating agent. Taguchi method of experimental design was used to find the optimum conditions of SDAC production. The produced SDAC was characterized using SEM to investigate surface morphology and BET to estimate the specific surface area. SDAC was used in aqueous lead ions adsorption. Adsorption process was modeled statistically and represented by an empirical model. The highest specific surface area of SDAC was 688.3 m2/gm. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Removal of Heavy Metals from Industrial Wastewater by Using RO Membrane
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Industrial wastewater containing nickel, lead, and copper can be produced by many industries. The reverse osmosis (RO) membrane technologies are very efficient for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing nickel, lead, and copper ions to reduce water consumption and preserving the environment. Synthetic industrial wastewater samples containing Ni(II), Pb(II), and Cu(II) ions at various concentrations (50 to 200 ppm), pressures (1 to 4 bar), temperatures (10 to 40 oC), pH (2 to 5.5), and flow rates (10 to 40 L/hr), were prepared and subjected to treatment by RO system in the laboratory. The results showed that high removal efficiency of the heavy metals could be achieved by RO process (98.5%, 97.5% and 96% for Ni(II),

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Heavy Metals Removal from Simulated Wastewater using Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetland
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This study aimed to assess the efficiency of Nerium oleander in removing three different metals (Cd, Cu, and Ni) from simulated wastewater using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) system. The HSSF-CW pilot scale was operated at two hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 4 and 7 days, filled with a substrate layer of sand and gravel. The results indicated that the HSSF-CW had high removal efficiency of Cd and Cu. A higher HRT (7 days) resulted in greater removal efficiency reaching up to (99.3% Cd, 99.5% Cu, 86.3% Ni) compared to 4 days. The substrate played a significant role in removal of metals due to adsorption and precipitation. The N. oleander plant also showed a good tolerance to the uptake of Cd, Cu, and Ni ions fr

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