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Assessment of some mechanical properties of PMMA/silica/zirconia nanocomposite as a denture base material
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Abstract<p>In this research, nanocomposites of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and a mixture of nano silica (SiO<sub>2</sub>) and nano zirconia (ZrO<sub>2</sub>) were prepared in different weight percentages of the nano fillers to improve some of the properties of PMMA resin to be used as a denture base material. The nano filles were surface modified with a coupling agent and added to the PMMA in different amounts. Impact strength, transverse strength, hardness and roughness were tested for both control and experimental groups. The results indicate that PMMA/silica/zirconia nanocomposites, prepared with 5% by weight of both types of fillers, had a slight increase in impact strength, transverse strength and hardness with only an insignificant increase in roughness. This kind of composite material may have the potential for application in dental practice.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Evaluation of Corrosion Pits in Esthetic Coated Stainless Steel Orthodontic Archwires in Dry and Wet Environment at Different Intervals (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: The demand for esthetic orthodontic appliances is increasing; so the esthetic orthodontic archwires were introduced. Among them, Teflon and Epoxy coated stainless steel archwires. The amount of force available from the archwire depends on the structural properties and susceptibility to corrosion. All metallic alloys are changed during immersion in artificial saliva, chlorhexidine mouthwash andtoothpaste, but their behaviors differ from one type to another. They corrode at different rates, which lead to decrease the amount of force applied to the teeth. This in vitro study was designed to evaluate the corrosion pits in stainless steel archwires coated with Teflon and with Epoxy in dry and after immersion in artificial saliva, chl

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Meta Gene
Cytokine gene variations and their impact on serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-12 among Iraqi Arabs
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic, Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Study of Bismarck Brown Dye Adsorption onto Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide-Grafted-Poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic Acid)
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The adsorption behavior of Bismarck brown (BB) dye from aqueous solutions onto graphene oxide GO and graphene oxide-g-poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) GO-g-pBCM as adsorbents was investigated. The prepared GO and GO-g-pBCM were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR, which confirmed the compositions of the prepared adsorbents. Adsorption of BB dye onto GO and GO-g-pBCM was explored in a series of batch experiments under various conditions. The data were examined utilizing Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The Langmuir isotherm was seen as increasingly reasonable from the experimental information of dye on formulating adsorbents. Kinetic investigations showed that the experimental data were fitted ve

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Calculation of the partical distribution function g(r12,r1) for Carbon Ion cases (C+2,C+3,C+4) in the position space
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The aim of this work is study the partical distribution function g(r12,r1) for Carbon ion cases (C+2,C+3,C+4) in the position space using Hartree-Fock's Wave function, and the partitioning technique for each shell which is represented by Carbon Ions [C+2 (1s22s2)], [C+3 (1s22s)] and [C+4 (1s2)]. A comparision has been made among the three Carbon ions for each shell. A computer programs (MATHCAD ver. 2001i) has been used texcute the results.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biological and chemical Study to evaluate the types of water used for drinking in the Al-youssiffiyah area and its effect on public health
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Election study included four sites for the waters in area of Youssifiyah south of Baghdad (river water, tank water, liquefactions water, and water filtrate and seethed and purifier by alum and chloride), the samples were collected during the month of June in 2007. Temperature, electrical conductivity and acidity are measured. Also , the concentration of chloride , sulphate , carbonate , nitrate , sodium , calcium , magnesium , hard total and total dissolved substances are determined , as well as heavy metals assess environmental risk (such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe). It was also a study of bacterial totals included both total Bacteria (TB) and Total Coliform Bacteria (TC) and Fecal Coliform (FC) and Fecal Streptococci (FS). The stu

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of Managerial Accounting Information System in Improving the Value Chain and its Impaction Evaluation Performance: دراسة حالة في الشركة العامة لصناعة الزيوت النباتية
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The performance measures and traditional methods used in management accounting is no longer able to provide convenient to evaluate the performance of economic units in the modern manufacturing environment information، and so this information is more important and feasibility must be Mistohat of all the company's activities and functions، and it is a problem Find the inadequacy of information management accounting that contribute to meet the needs of the upper levels of management to cope with the problems resulting from the increased size and complexity of the business، and lack of management accounting information and methods used in the performance evaluation، which reflected negatively on the value chain activities and then on the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social support and its relation with death anxiety for olds who are listed at the Palestinian ministry of social affairs in the Jerusalem governorate
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The study aimed to identify the social support and its relation with death anxiety for
olds who are listed at the Palestinian ministry of social affairs in the Jerusalem governorate,
the researcher uses the descriptive method and she bases her research on two types of
criterion: the social support and the criterion of death anxiety, these two criterion are applied
on a stratified random sample, amounted to (184) of the elderly.
The results show no statistical differences in the level of social support for olds who
are listed at the Palestinian ministry of social affairs according to the variables of sex.
Whereas there are statistical differences in the level of social support for those olds according
to the variab

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of aqueous extracts and isolation proteinous compound from clove buds on serumglucose, triglyceride , glutathione and malnodialdehyde levels in alloxan induced diabetic mice
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This study was included preparing acold aqueous extract of clove buds The study also comprised the isolation and studying the proteinous compound,which was seperated using gel filtration technique and determined approximately molecular weight of this isolated compound(6799) dalton . The aim of the study demonstrate effects of the crude aqueous, non proteinous extract, proteinous precipitate and proteinous compound on serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, also glutathione and malondialdehyde levels in liver and kidney tissues in diabetic mice-induced alloxan.Extracts were administerated interaperitioneally. The results were indicated that the crude aqueous, non proteinous extr

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Colloid Interface Science
Corrigendum to “Organic acid concentration thresholds for ageing of carbonate minerals: Implications for CO2 trapping/storage” [J. Colloid Interface Sci. 534 (2019) 88–94]
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Erratum for Organic acid concentration thresholds for ageing of carbonate minerals: Implications for CO2 trapping/storage.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2013
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Competitive biosorption of Pb(II), Cr(III), and Cd (II) from synthetic wastewater onto heterogeneous anaerobic biomass in single, binary, and ternary batch systems
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Biosorption of lead, chromium, and cadmium ions from aqueous solution by dead anaerobic biomass (DAB) was studied in single, binary, and ternary systems with initial concentration of 50 mg/l. The metal-DAB affinity was the same for all systems. The main biosorption mechanisms were complexation and physical adsorption of metallic cations onto natural active functional groups on the cell wall matrix of the DAB. It was found that biosorption of the metallic cations onto DAB cell wall component was a surface process. The main functional groups involved in the metallic cation biosorption were apparently carboxyl, amino, hydroxyle, sulfhydryl, and sulfonate. These groups were part of the DAB cell wall structural polymers. Hydroxyle groups (–O

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