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Soils located above the groundwater table are generally unsaturated and possess negative pore-water pressures. A soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) that relates the water content of a soil to matric suction is an important relationship for the unsaturated soil mechanics. The SWCC essentially shows the ability of an unsaturated soil to retain water under various matric suctions. The filter paper method is a soil suction measurement technique. Soil suction is one of the most important parameters describing the moisture condition of unsaturated soils. The measurement of soil suction is crucial for applying the theories of the engineering behavior of unsaturated soils.In this paper, three soil samples were collected from three sites within Baghdad city in Iraq. These soils have different properties and they were prepared at different degrees of saturation. For each sample, the total and matric suction were measured by the filter paper method at different degrees of saturation. The soil samples were mixed with different percentages of Nacl salt.It was concluded that the suction increases with the decrease of the degree of saturation. The relationships between the total and matric suction and the filter paper water content are approximately linear and indicate decrease of suction with the increase of the filter paper water content. All soil samples exhibit unique linear relationship between the total suction and filter paper water content and matric suction. When salt exists in the soil, there is a noticeable increase in both matric and total suction.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Switching dynamics in terms of effective time constant to determine switching points using a Debye relaxation equation
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In this work, the switching dynamics of a Fabry-Perot etalon were analyzed in term of effective time constant, which changes dramatically near the switching points. The switch-ON and switch-OFF have been analyzed numerically using a modified Debye dynamic equation. The method used to determine the solution of the Debye relaxation equations solved numerically to predict the behavior of the etalon for modulated input power.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of Gypsum- Calcite Percentages Using a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), in Alexandria Gypsiferous Soil -Iraq
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In this study the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry (FTIR) provides a quick, efficient and relatively inexpensive method for identifying and quantifying gypsum concentrations in the samples taken from different sites from different localities from Alexandria district southwest Baghdad. A comprehensive spectroscopic study of gypsum-calcite system was reported to give good results for the first time by using IR for analytical grades of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and calcite (CaCO3) pure crystals. The spectral results were used to create a calibration curve relates the two minerals concentrations to the intensity (peaks) of FTIR absorbance and applies this calibration to specify gypsum and calcite concentrations in Iraqi gypsiferous soi

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 26 2022
Journal Name
Electrical Engineering
Optimal insulation design of form-wound stator winding with stress grading system under fast rise-time excitation
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The effective insulation design of the stress grading (SG) system in form-wound stator coils is essential for preventing partial discharges and excessive heat generation under pulse-width modulation excitation. This paper proposes a method to find the optimal insulation design of the SG system aimed at reducing the dielectric and thermal stresses in the machine coil. The non-uniform transmission line model is used to predict the voltage propagation along the overhang, SG, and slot regions considering the variation in the physical properties of the insulation layers. The machine coil parameters for different insulation materials are calculated by using the finite element method. Two optimization algorithms, fmincon and particle swarm optimiz

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Using Artificial Neural Network to Predict Rate of Penetration from Dynamic Elastic Properties in Nasiriya Oil Field
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   The time spent in drilling ahead is usually a significant portion of total well cost. Drilling is an expensive operation including the cost of equipment and material used during the penetration of rock plus crew efforts in order to finish the well without serious problems. Knowing the rate of penetration should help in speculation of the cost and lead to optimize drilling outgoings. Ten wells in the Nasiriya oil field have been selected based on the availability of the data. Dynamic elastic properties of Mishrif formation in the selected wells were determined by using Interactive Petrophysics (IP V3.5) software based on the las files and log record provided. The average rate of penetration and average dynamic elastic propert

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of 1D-Synthetic Geomechanical Well Logs for Applications Related to Reservoir Geomechanics in Buzurgan Oil Field
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Knowledge of the distribution of the rock mechanical properties along the depth of the wells is an important task for many applications related to reservoir geomechanics. Such these applications are wellbore stability analysis, hydraulic fracturing, reservoir compaction and subsidence, sand production, and fault reactivation. A major challenge with determining the rock mechanical properties is that they are not directly measured at the wellbore. They can be only sampled at well location using rock testing. Furthermore, the core analysis provides discrete data measurements for specific depth as well as it is often available only for a few wells in a field of interest. This study presents a methodology to generate synthetic-geomechani

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Ridge regression method with some classical methods to estimate the parameters of Lomax distribution by simulation
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In this research provide theoretical aspects of one of the most important statistical distributions which it is Lomax, which has many applications in several areas, set of estimation methods was used(MLE,LSE,GWPM) and compare with (RRE) estimation method ,in order to find out best estimation method set of simulation experiment (36) with many replications  in order  to get mean square error and used it to make compare , simulation experiment  contrast with (estimation method, sample size ,value of location and shape parameter) results show that estimation method effected by simulation experiment factors and ability of using other estimation methods such as(Shrinkage, jackknif

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Study the Behavior of Castellated Steel Column Encasing by Different Reactive Powder Concrete Thickness with Laced Reinforcement
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Castellated columns are structural members that are created by breaking a rolled column along the center-line by flame after that rejoining the equivalent halves by welding such that for better structural strength against axial loading, the total column depth is increased by around 50 percent. The implementation of these institutional members will also contribute to significant economies of material value. The main objectives of this study are to study the enhancement of the load-carrying capacity of castellated columns with encasement of the columns by Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and lacing reinforcement, and serviceability of the confined castellated columns. The Castellated columns with RPC and Lacing Reinforcement improve com

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Ground Water Quality Evaluation with Using WQI of Selected wells in Mandali Area, Diyala Governorate, East Iraq
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     Groundwater is necessary to ensure the safety of Mandali's water supply. Groundwater samples were collected from various parts of the city for this study. Two aquifers have been identified: the first is a free bed made up of Quaternary deposits. The second is the primary bed that conveys water,  belonging to the Bai Hassan Formation. Nineteen groundwater samples were collected from wells and examined for physicochemical parameters in the current study during October 2021. Samples were analyzed for main cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+;  anions HCO3- , SO42- , Cl- and NO3-,  pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Total Dissol

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 21 2022
Journal Name
Peerj Computer Science
Performance evaluation of frequency division duplex (FDD) massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) under different correlation models
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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (massive-MIMO) is considered as the key technology to meet the huge demands of data rates in the future wireless communications networks. However, for massive-MIMO systems to realize their maximum potential gain, sufficiently accurate downlink (DL) channel state information (CSI) with low overhead to meet the short coherence time (CT) is required. Therefore, this article aims to overcome the technical challenge of DL CSI estimation in a frequency-division-duplex (FDD) massive-MIMO with short CT considering five different physical correlation models. To this end, the statistical structure of the massive-MIMO channel, which is captured by the physical correlation is exploited to find sufficiently

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Benford’s law to appreciation the risk in financial transactions: Application study in Baghdad University
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The financial fraud considers part of large concept to management and financial corruption, the financial fraud is appeared especially after corporate, that is Emerge agency theory, that is because recognize relationship between the management company and stakeholder, that is through group from constriction in order to block the management to fraud practice, that on the basis was choose another party in order fraud this practice and give opinion on financial statement, that consider basis decision making from stakeholder to basis the report auditor about creditability this is statement that reflect real activity for the company.The Auditor in order to lead work him Full professionalism to must using group from control Techniques, that is

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