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الزمن الصرفي عند المحدثين
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Modern linguistic theories have given the researchers some real opportunities to find out important linguistic phenomena that

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
العدول الصرفي في صيغ الافعال (الالتفات في الزمن) في شعر العيارين والشطار
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    The Arabian language was particularized in its style, which dazzles minds, so sophistication and diversity have been seen, which gives to words that aren't given to others in a specific weight and creator way, and applies to them even though semantics don't come only from the formula that came out

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
العدول الصرفي في صيغ الافعال (الالتفات في الزمن) في شعر العيارين والشطار
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The Arabian language was particularized in its style, which dazzles minds, so sophistication and diversity have been seen, which gives to words that aren't given to others in a specific weight and creator way

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The fundamentalist and news theory between the modernity and excessive modernization of the foreground
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Conclusion :

The conflict between the fundamentalist and news theory in the methodology that each of the two schools pursued with the Twelver Shi'a Imamiyyah in deriving the legal rulings from the sources of legislation, especially in the second source, which is the noble hadith and narration after the Holy Qur’an, which is the first source has gone through multiple and complex stages that led This struggle to excess, stress, exaggeration, negligence, neglect and indulgence by each of the two schools in dealing with the noble hadith and narration and in the manufacture of rules and laws and fundamentalist and juristic theories of the process of jurisprudential development of legal rulings where every school believed and proceed

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Efforts of Modern Arabs in Neurolinguistics, a cognitive approach
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Neurolinguistics is a new science, which studies the close relationship between language and neuroscience, and this new interdisciplinary field confirms the functional integration between language and the nervous system, that is, the movement of linguistic information in the brain in receiving, acquiring and producing to achieve linguistic communication; Because language is in fact a mental process that takes place only through the nervous system, and this research shows the benefit of each of these two fields to the other, and this science includes important topics, including: language acquisition, the linguistic abilities of the two hemispheres of the brain, the linguistic responsibility of the brain centers, and the time limit for langua

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج إبن النديم البغدادي في تصنيف الشعراء المحدثين
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يعد كتاب(الفهرست) لإبن النديم أول كتاب جامع في القرن الرابع الهجري ،حصر الكتب و المؤلفات العربية و رصدها في مجالات العلم و المعرفة و الثقافة و الفن ،و اللغة والأدب و الشعر بما يكشف عن النشاط الفكري ، و الحياة العقلية و العلمية للعصر .

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الشذوذ الصرفي وضرورتهُ في اللغة العربية
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 مما لاشك فيه أنّ اندفاعنا للقيام بهذه الدراسة المتواضعة له أسبابه ، أهمها إن بعض الأبنية الصرفية مازالت مغمورة في ركام الدراسة قابعة تحت غبار الزمن على أساس أنها خارجة عن القواعد الصرفية الأساسية من غير مسوغ لهذا الخروج ، وهذه محاولة جادة للوقوف على بعضها ، لكي ننفض عنها الغبار لتخرج إلى النور ،

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Morphological Participation in the Forms of (Faul) and (Fael)
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This research examines the phenomenon of the Arabic language repeated in the Qur'an and poetry, as some morphological formulas are valid in their uses and indications in more than one way. search).

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Time in (what and whatever) conditionals
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This is a research in which I studied the opinions of Arab scholars, in their studies
For (what) and (whatever) the two conditionals and their indication of time, and its name
B (time in (what) and (whatever) the two conditions), and I mentioned their opinions in it
This issue was discussed and discussed, and in this study it relied on the sources of the Arabic language.
Especially the books of grammar, interpretation, and the opinions of the scholars of the principles of jurisprudence are mentioned,
I also mentioned the opinion of the scholars of jurisprudence, and how they likened (whatever) to (everything).
In its indication of repetition, and as long as it indicates repetition, it indicates
time Because repetitio

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
The Philosophy of time in contemporary arts
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Fine art represents part of society's culture. The development of art was accompanied by the penetration of new worlds known as the fourth dimension. After art entered the boundaries of geometry and reduction; He began to break into the absurd, and the form and philosophy of art changed, moving from modernity to what came after it to contemporary. Transforming from a formal form into a symbolic form with philosophical implications linked to the light, audio and kinetic effects as they embody time, the concept became the master of the idea. The research aims to identify the concept of time and its types, then the philosophical concept of time and its reflection on contemporary art, through the analytical study of a selection of contempora

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Deconstruction the Theatrical Time in the Expressionist Doctrine
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Time affects all elements of the intellectual scene or the theatrical scene. It came along with the theatrical doctrines according to the conditions of those doctrines and their conceptual ideas or the method of their mechanisms in the application. While it is classically or realistically integrated, we see it in the expressionist doctrine inconsistent and its inconsistency makes it responsive for the deconstruction strategy. Hence the researcher entitled his study (deconstruction the theatrical time in the expressionist doctrine) so that deconstruction would be a field for his study.   The study starts with an introduction presenting the research problem, importance and objective. The theoretical framework consisted of three s

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