تضمن البحث تحقيق مخطوط"، سرور الفؤاد بالصافنات الجياد في معرفة الخيل
وأسمائياالشيخ محمد العمري" وكما ظاىر من عنوان المخطوط إنوُ يتناول الخيل، والخيل
موضوع ميم في حياة العربي قبل الاسلام باعتباره يمثل جزءاً من تفاصيل حياتو الملازمة لوُ
واعتماده عمييا ىذا أولاً وثانياً ماتحمموُ الخيول من معاني الفروسية والعنفوان وماتثيره في
الأنسان من حب الأقتناع والمتعة المتحققة من النظر إلييا وحبو لمسبق،
The objective of this in vivo study is to investigate the effects of 337.1 nm pulsed N2 laser on cellular immune response represented by lymphocyte transformation capacity and phagocytosis activity in laboratory animals. The samples include 60 adult male BALB/c mice, were divided into control group and experimental groups. The experimental groups were divided into two main groups according to the time period after N2 laser irradiation. Each group was divided into 9 subgroups which exposed to N2 laser radiation at different values of pulse repetition rates and exposure times. The results of immunological tests demonstrated that the exposure to 180 J/cm2 of N2 laser radiation induce adverse effect to cellular immune response. The results o
... Show Moreتبحث هذه الدراسة في المهارات االتصالية عند المحررين الصحفيين وترتيب أولويات امتالكها لديهم إذ تلعب المهارات االتصالية دورا مهما في نجاح عملية التحرير الصحفي للرسالة بكل أنواعها سواء كانت خبرا أو مقاال أو تقريرا أو تحقيقا أو حديثا ، وتتنوع هذه المهارات بين األساسية المتعلقة باالتصال والمالحظة القوية وسرعة التعبير وبين المكملة لها المتعلقة باللغة والمعنى واإلرسال واالستقبال ، وتأتي هذه الد ارسة لتركز الضوء
... Show MoreIn this work, results of a mathematical analysis of the role of workpiece preheating in laser keyhole welding were presented. This analysis considered the steady-state welding as well as certain range of boundary conditions over which preheating effect would be indicated. This work is an attempt to interpret the role of preheating to increase welding depth and perform keyhole welding with high quality using physical and thermal properties of steel alloys.
The propagation of laser beam in the underdense deuterium plasma has been studied via computer simulation using the fluid model. An appropriate computer code “HEATER” has been modified and is used for this purpose. The propagation is taken to be in a cylindrical symmetric medium. Different laser wavelengths (1 = 10.6 m, 2 = 1.06 m, and 3 = 0.53 m) with a Gaussian pulse type and 15 ns pulse widths have been considered. Absorption energy and laser flux have been calculated for different plasma and laser parameters. The absorbed laser energy showed maximum for = 0.53 m. This high absorbitivity was inferred to the effect of the pondermotive force.
The microstructures of rapidly solidified laser clad layers of laser cladding of Inconel 617 with different nickel-aluminum premixed clad powders are discussed. The effect of different cladding speeds on the microstructures of rapidly solidified laser clad layers is discussed too. The detailed microstructural results showed that different growth mechanisms are produced during rapid solidification. These are planar, cellular, cellular/dendritic and dendritic.
بينت النظريات والمناهج النقدية الحديثة بعد تفعيلها لوسائل قراءة النص وتحليل عناصره وبيان وسائل تماسكه وروابطه فضلا عن تمثيله لمضامين مركزية ودلالات فرعية ان النصوص التراثية بوصفها نصوصا كاملة لسمات النص المؤثر قابلة للحضور في مجال المعرفة وفق تصور حديث يختلف عن تصور منتجهامنهجيا كما اتضح مدى عمق هذه النظريات والاسس التي ارساها بلاغيو العرب التي كانت ولاتزال محط انظار كبار النقاد وباحثي البلاغة.
إنّ أنواع الحديث النّبوي الشريف تعدّدت عند المحدّثين؛ وتنوّعت أساميها بحسب ما تميّز به كل نوع.
ومن الأنواع الّتي حظيت بالتصنيف والتأليف: الحديث المُسَلْسَل، وهو ما اتّفق الرّواة فيه على أمر واحد من صيغ الأداء، أو الحالات القولية أو الفعلية، أو القولية والفعلية معا.
This research aims to realize one of the pillars of Saudi vision (2030) through searching for new sources full of material folklore that had not previously been studied, so this study will study folk motifs engraved on the doors and windows in the Bani Amru Center in the Al-Namas governorate that is situated in the Asir region , in particular the tribe (Bani Rafe), before being disappeared due to the abandonment of the old architecture by the people of the region and their fascination with modern architecture, therefore I must as one of the people of the region document and preserve that through studying, analyzing, classifying it, then inspiring typed paintings using a new technical typing that have not yet been used in the Kingd
... Show MoreA Mini-TEA CO2 laser system was designed and operated to obtain a pulse at 10.6 μm. Output energy of 30 mJ, with preionization pins, and pulse duration of 100ns were obtained. While an output energy of 6mJ and pulse duration of 100 ns in absence of pre-ionization were obtained. The system was operated with Ernest profile main-discharge electrodes. Dependencies of supply voltage and output laser energy on the pressure inside laser cavity were investigated as well as dependencies of supply voltage and output energy on the main capacitor(8CO2 : 8N2 : 82He :2CO). Efficiency of was calculated to be 4.4%.
Riding in Andalusia was a sport emphasized by Islam. It also works to strengthen the muscles, prevent them from sagging, gain vitality and vitality, regulate blood circulation and improve brain and heart function. The research we discussed in the study is not limited to a particular class. Most Andalusian rulers practiced equestrian And they hold concerts and competitions of horse competition, as happened during the reign of Caliph al-Hakam al-Mustansir and Muzaffar ibn Abi Amer and the governor adopted Ben Abbad and the Caliph Muhammad bin Bani al-Ahmar, the governor of the city of Granada in the presence of the great poets such as the son of Abu Salt and Ibn
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