اهتم العرب بالجواهر والاحجار الكريمة منذ القدم وازداد هذا الاهتمام في حقب الترف والحضارة . ولم يقتصر استخدام الجواهر والاحجار على الطبقات الغنية كالخلفاء والامراء والوزراء بل شمل كل شرائح المجتمع الاخرى لان الاحجار
The tribunal is a new term in Iraqi law, where several projects including the law of the protection of Iraqi doctors No.26 of 2013 and before adopted the decision of the Board of Directors of the Revolution Decree No.2 and 7/4/1997, but the law maker did not show the most talented claims but also described them to the organization of the ratios and blood. As the regulations were organized by the civil and criminal court of 1918 during the British accupation of Iraqi, where the council of the senate and the specialists (DS) and the disputes of the disputes between the members of the clans and so the law shall be repeatedly working for the customary title and a law and is a law of the law and others crisis.
للإهتمام بظاهرة الألوان في الحضارات الإنسانية عامة ، جوانب متعددة ، فهي تتصل ، من ناحية ، بالجانب الفني إذ تدل على رهافة حس الناس وعلو أذواقهم ، وقابليتهم على تمييز الألوان في الطبيعة وتحديدها تحديدا دقيقا
للإهتمام بظاهرة الألوان في الحضارات الإنسانية عامة ، جوانب متعددة ، فهي تتصل ، من ناحية ، بالجانب الفني إذ تدل على رهافة حس الناس وعلو أذواقهم ، وقابليتهم على تمييز الألوان في الطبيعة وتحديدها تحديدا دقيقا . كما انها تتصل
أنزل ألله تعالى كتابه العزيز على رسوله محمد(ص) هداية للناس كافة وإنقاذا لهم من الكفر والشرك والضلال ، فبين لهم فيه أمور دينهم ودنياهم وميز لهم الحرام من الحلال ، وقصَ عليهم أخبار بعض الأمم السالفة قبلهم وما نزل بهم من عقاب جزاء
This research deals with the form of the physical identity which is concerned with the features and characteristics that distinguish the shape of the city from other existing cities and reveal its similarity with the self (itself) and objective difference with others. Accordingly, these features must be sophisticated and variable resulting the shape of the city, while preserving the continuity of time, and eventually leads to the emergence of the whole shape. Physical identity is conceptually equivalent with the terms "personality" and "sense of place". The research determined the criteria for evaluating the physical identity as follows:
... Show Moreذكر القدماء كلمة الجواهر ولم يصنفوها بأنها كريمة ، و لكنهم قالوا عن الذهب و الفضة بأنهما معدنين نفيسين تمييزا لهما عن النحاس و الحديد . أما إسم الأحجار الكريمة فلم يرد في كتاباتهم من قبل حسبما تحققت
Precious stones enjoyed a high level of goodwill among people in the ancient world as they were considered as important source of their jewels, an effective medicine to cure their diseases and spiritual healing that bring optimism and happiness by holding it especially to those who believe their effects on the Human.
Arab woman didn't abandon the interests of the neighbor civilizations as she coped with them and took what she desired of jewelry like pearls, sapphires and emerald. She used some of precious stones like antimony, magnet and bezoar in prescriptions for curing diseases and injuries. She also used turquoise, onyx and cat eye stone to prevent envy and Exorcism purposes as she thought that these stones could protect her from
This research has investigated the effect of the customer knowledge management CKM in sustainable promotion SP. The research conducted a quantitative method on a sample of employees in the Al-Furat State Company for Chemical Industries affiliated / the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Iraq. The research’s problem presented a set of questions, one of the most important was (is there a relation and impact between the dimensions of customer knowledge management and sustainable promotion). The aim of the research is to identify the extent to which customer knowledge management activities are applied in understudy organization. This research adopted the questionnaire as a main instrument to collect information from (140) participants in
... Show MoreBroyden update is one of the one-rank updates which solves the unconstrained optimization problem but this update does not guarantee the positive definite and the symmetric property of Hessian matrix.
In this paper the guarantee of positive definite and symmetric property for the Hessian matrix will be established by updating the vector which represents the difference between the next gradient and the current gradient of the objective function assumed to be twice continuous and differentiable .Numerical results are reported to compare the proposed method with the Broyden method under standard problems.
Each language in the world has its special methods in using articles that connected with nouns. There are languages do not have articles and others their articles from one class, that is to say it do not have masculine and feminine such as our Arabic language. Also in some languages the nouns come after article.
The main aim in our research is to analyze the usage of these articles and its presence or not in the structure of sentence for the learners of Spanish language as a foreign language.
The usage of these articles in Spanish language forms one of the problems that face students in the grammar of Spanish language, at the same time it stands as a problem in translation becau
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