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أبرز معالم مدرسة أهل البيت التفسيرية

مرّ التفسير القرآني بمراحل عديدة وقد ظهرت مدارس ومذاهب وطرق عدة لقراءة النص القرآني وبيانه وتفسيره، ناهيك عن نشأته الأولى التي قادها رسول الإنسانية والمعلّم الأوّل محمد بن عبد الله (ص)، فكان الشارح والمبيّن عن الله سبحانه  قال سبحانه: "وَأنْزَلْنَا إلَيكَ الذِكْرَ لِتُبَيّنَ لِلنَاسِ مَا نُزِّلَ إليَهم وَلَعَلّهُم يَتَفَكَرُون"النحل/ 44.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رؤية أهل البيت عليهم السلام للمرآ ة بوصفها زوجة

يدور البحث عن رؤية اهل البيت عيهم السلام إلى النساء كزوجة، إذ تناولت الكثير
من الد اراسات الكتابة عن أهل البيت عليهم السلام  لكن لم تتناول كتابتهم عن
النساء كز وجة؛ لذا فقد وجدا الباحثين الشيء المفيد والمختصر لأولئك القادة العظماء

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Attitudes and prayers Ahl al-Bayt peace be upon them to poets In the Umayyad and Abbasid periods Objective study

Poetry occupied the Arabs in a unique position, especially in the era; ignorant, Umayyad and Abbasid, in addition to its literary and aesthetic dimensions, it is at the forefront of tools and media at the time. The poet appointed society and poetry Diwan Arabs records their exploits and virtues and their valor in the wars... The Prophet Muhammad () realized the importance of poetry, so he took advantage of him in the libel for his Islamic call. In the Umayyad and Abbasid states, poetry had a clear role in social, literary and political life, as the ruling authority used its influence on many poets to be media to support its political theory, by praising the Caliph and his aides, and exposing those who dissented and opposing them. The

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Imagination and Emotional Impact by Constructional Methods:Al-Almohdeen’s (Believers’) Poetry in AhlAl-Bayt, (peace be upon them) as a Model

The language that consists of only twenty-eight letters, but it is so broad that we are unable to understand it from all sides and this expansion is mainly caused by imagination, so Arab imagination, whose language goes in all directions And as it always responds to our ears, ancient critics divide imagination into holistic and partial But the language is not limited to these parts only. Do we wonder, where is the structural method of wishing, hope, questions and other methods of all this? In this paper, we try to show the importance of the method of writing in moving imagination in an interactive way, and what is related to human feelings in most, if not all, of its methods By studying the poetry of the believers in the Ahl al-Bayt, pea

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
حقوق الإنسان في منهج أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) "الإمام علي بن الحسين السجاد (عليه السلام ) إنموذجا"

    تعدُّ حقوق الإنسان من الأمور التي حثّ الدين الإسلامي على احترامها ومن الأمور غير مسموح المساس بها ، وإنّ إغفالها أو إهمالها أو تضييعها يؤدي الى نتائج خطرة

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The most prominent philosophical and rhetorical concepts in the perspective of philosophers and theologians

     This research aims to clarify and define the most important philosophical and rhetorical concepts to which many philosophical and rhetorical issues refer، since they have an effective role in the diversity and difference of intellectual schools، which are indispensable in proving major dogmatic issues، such as the concept of (existence، being، essence، and authenticity). Existence or Essence in contrast to the consideration of the other concept)، because it is one of the complex concepts and common words that carry different connotations among thinkers.

   And from (the rule of judging something is a branch of its perception)، the researchers began to define these concepts، as evidence of the sincerity of perce

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم السياسية
مدرسة فرانكفورت النقدية: الاسس والمنطلقات الفكرية

تعـد مدرســة فرانكفــورت ابــرز مدرســة فلــسفية اجتماعيــة نقديــة معاصــره وجهــت نقــدا مركزيا وبناءً للـسلبيات الاجتماعيـة والفكريـة التـي عرفتهـا المجتمعـات الاوربيـة المعاصـرة بتوجيه انتقادات جذرية وعميقة للمفاهيم والقيم التي تأسست عليهـا هـذه المجتمعـات كـ )العقلانية ، الحرية ، التقدم العلمي والتقني )، اذ كان اغلب مفكريهـا يـسعون الـى هـدف واحد مشترك هو العمل على تغيير الواقـع ليـصبح اكثـر انـس

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Frankfurt School of Cash: Foundations and Intellectual premises

The Frankfurt School most prominent school of philosophical and social cash Contemporary directed cash centrally according to the cons of social and intellectual known to communities of European contemporary criticism of radical and profound concepts and values that founded this community (k rationality, liberty, scientific and technical progress), as was most of the thinkers seeking to one common goal is to work to change the reality to become more humane and find a picture of the mind that are commensurate with the human mind .as Although extinguished spark most of the patrons adults, but the ideas of philosophical and social cash continue to be under live and this is evidence of the vitality and strength of the impact and effe

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
عن البيت الأول وأبوّته

كيف بنى الشاعر العربي القديم قصيدته موسيقيا ؟ ولماذا تقوم هذه القصيدة على معمار إيقاعي معين دون غيره ؟ ولماذا صار ذلك البناء سمة لتشكيل ذائقتنا الشعرية وترديد مسارها ـ الذي لا يكاد يشابهه ما لدى الأمم الأخرى ـ حتى عصرنا الراهن هذِا ؟ وما علاقة البناء الموسيقي بالانفعالات الشعورية والنفسية المشتجرة في ذات المبدع ؟

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أهل الذمة وأثرهم العلمي في العصر العباسي

    The dhimmis scholars of the Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences because they are the owners of civilizational inheritances

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أهل الذمة وأثرهم العلمي في العصر العباسي

Non-Muslim scholars, who are Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi, excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences, being the owners of civilizational inheritances. On the rest of the sciences in which non-Muslims excelled, namely mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, astrology, philosophy, history, and the Arabic language.

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