This research is dealing with Islamic creed faith which would be the prophecy concept. The prophecies subject one greatest creed doors with God’s - high ranking – fortunate - messengers faith is one faith’s six pillars ; though no correct faith to adorer , until the adored completely faith in God’s angels , holly books
this study examined the various incidents of heritage and documentary dimension in relation with the contemporary history of Baghdad and the presence of religious minorities and ethnicities. The Baha'i came to Iraq in the late century and the list of religious minorities is still not recognized. In this research study
A disagreement has arisen among scholars regarding the ruling on historical statues and monuments in Muslim countries, especially after the Taliban blew up some huge historical statues, and we have witnessed different positions that reach the point of contradiction, each claiming to be right, and now that the crisis has passed and the intensity of the dispute has subsided, I see It is appropriate to discuss this issue calmly, without drifting behind this or that party, to find out the legal position on these statues and monuments.
I presented the most prominent modern opinions related to the subject and discussed them in this research, which I called (Sharia’s position on historical statues and monuments), in which I tried to reach
The study of the subject of (Egyptian public opinion on the Libyan revolution) came to reveal the role of Egyptian public opinion in mobilizing and solidarity for the masses. With the events witnessed by the Arab countries before the revolution, this was evident by the people 's attitudes towards the tripartite aggression against Egypt in 1956, and the June 1967 war, and the most recent what the Egyptian people showed towards the Libyan revolution. The Egyptian press followed the completion of the arms deal with France and revealed the ability of the Libyan negotiator to achieve moral gain, supported by Egyptian support to thwart the United States intentions to arm "Israel" similarly. The Egyptian people expressed a love for peace and su
... Show MoreJudaism followed the approach of monotheism after God Almighty sent Moses (peace be upon him) to convey to them the messages of their Lord, so that they might be on a right guidance and path, but the people did not follow that path.” Love of matter and faith in what is witnessed, so they portrayed the Lord in several images in line with what their souls drew upon them.
اتخذت الهند موقفاً محايداً من الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية، لما له من أبعاد سياسية واقتصادية وعسكرية مع أطراف الصراع في الحرب، وقناعتها بعدم قدرتها على التأثير فيها. فهي تربطها علاقات استراتيجية تاريخية مع روسيا، الداعمة لها سياسياً في مجلس الأمن والوسيط ضد خصومها الصين وباكستان. لذلك الهند مقتنعة بأن أوكرانيا تُعدّ مجالاً للنفوذ الروسي الذي عمل حلف شمال الأطلسي على التوسع به رغم التحذيرات الروسية. لذا أيقنت ا
... Show MoreThe use of destructive weapons in wars without restrictions and controls, which eat green and dry land, pollute the environment and cause genocide, has become the problem of the times.
International conventions for the protection of the environment during armed conflicts are characterized by generality, ambiguity, and open to interpretation by the participating states in the agreement, and each state interprets these texts to serve its interests, but the Islamic Sharia stipulates the prohibition of the use of these comprehensive destructive weapons in an unambiguous manner, As stated in the Holy Quran:
... Show MoreKing Ghazi (1933-1939) was of the Arabic characters that characterized national and
patriotic spirit and that faced the British policy in all its aspects.
King Ghazi distinguished as of Arab nationalist tendencies and called for the
liberalization of Arab lands which were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. He called for
reunification under the one Arab country, Hence came the King invitations to liberate Kuwait
from the British protectorate and consolidated with Iraq.
King Ghazi established a private radio station in the royal palace (AL zzaahoor) palace
and provided special programs to return of Kuwait to Iraq, this radio station was The
prominent role in the revitalization of the Kuwaiti National Movement, an
Many reasons combined behind the Standing of U.S. against Britain in its aggression against Egypt in 1956; the consensus of world opinion on the need to stop the aggression and the fear of the Soviet military intervention which mean a new world war.
United States desired to weaken British influences in the region in general to get new oil gains in the Arabian Gulf and Egypt at the expense of Britain. The exiting of Britain from the area served U.S. strategic interests in the Middle East in general and Egypt in particular to keep the flow of oil for U.S advantage.
The United States wanted to keep its image in the region to apply its future political projects including Eisenhower Project, which intended to take the position of Britis
الحمد لله خالق الأكوان، وبارئ الإنسان، عظيم الشأن والإحسان، والصلاة والسلام على خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلين الصادق الأمين محمد وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين وعلى من سار على هديه بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.
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فالقرآن الكريم هو ذروة الفصاحة والإعجاز والسلامة اللغوية يمثل بقراءاتهِ القرآنية المتعددة: المتواترة والشاذة والآحاد أصلا أصيلا للنحو العربي يحتج به في إقامة
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