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المعالم الفكرية في بغداد )شارع المتنبي( أنموذج
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The city of Baghdad has witnessed multiple stages in its
growth and development, and this is reflected in its intellectual
space, which responds to urban, economic, social and political
changes, which was reflected in its fabric and land uses. Baghdad
was characterized by the spontaneous weaving and hierarchy of
streets and alleys, s

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المعالم المعالم العمرانية القديمة في قلعة كركوك
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This study examines the remaining architectural features in Kirkuk Castle,which does not include the heritage buildings outside it. The castle's fortifications are limited about military samples of the city during the Ottoman era ,concentrating on the importance remains of the walls that held on the edge of the hill leads to the interior, As well as some religious buildings such as mosques, shrines and churches, and the service buildings with most important caesarean dating back to the Seljuk era and a range of housing    The importance of the subject lies in the study of these buildings , documentation, and knowledge of the designs and models of building to make it a link in the series of the late Islamic architecture

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اهمية المنهج القرآني في تخطيط المعالم العلمية للشخصية الاسلامية
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Human wealth is the most valuable wealth on the face of the earth, and building the intellectual, cultural and scientific human being is the greatest process carried out by all religions and philosophies at all times, and the divine law aimed at reforming the earth, including in order to preserve this great wealth, and to preserve its existential and qualitative entity

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اهمية المنهج القرآني في تخطيط المعالم العلمية للشخصية الاسلامية
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Human wealth is the most valuable wealth on the face of the earth, and building the intellectual, cultural and scientific human being is the greatest process carried out by all religions and philosophies at all times, and the divine law aimed at reforming the earth, including in order to preserve this great wealth, and to preserve its existential and qualitative entity.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Rashid Street and its impact in the political twenties of the last century
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Rasheed Street has had great importance by the nature of what was seen as being of vital events of a key facility in the Iraqi capital Baghdad since ancient times until now .
And such as cultural and historical memory-rich street for Iraq, pulsating nerve since the beginning of the last century thanks to the commercial and intellectual stature, as well as being a tourist landmark frequented alleys most of the tourists coming to Iraq , which counted for them a source of tourist attraction, given the religious diversity of fungal who excelled by the street, as we find in exchange for his Church of the Virgin Mary, the time which was built in the middle of the Caliphs Mosque towering minarets and promised that the oldest and largest of t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Commercial Job in Abu Tayara Street in the Municipality of Al- Dora
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The commercial job is one of the most important businesses in the cities as there is no city can exist without commercial markets to offer service to its inhabitants. This study aims to distribute the commercial function in Abu Tayara Street located in the municipality of Al-Dora by highlighting the size of such businesses in this street. It focuses on analyzing the change that has occurred due to the usages of the commercial land not only in the residential areas, but also in various aspects associated with the growth of the population in the city. Both expansion and development of the economic and social aspects in the area have increased the demand for commercial services. So, the research focuses on the aspects of functional speciali

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
دور سهولة الوصول في تعزيز ابعاد التنمية الحضرية شارع الرشيد حالة دراسية
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة الامام جعفر الصادق (ع) للدراسات القانونية
ارتفاقات الملكية الفكرية
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يتناول البحث دراسة حق الارتفاق في الملكية الفكرية

Publication Date
Thu Jul 21 2022
Journal Name
المضامين الفكرية في تصميم الطوابع العراقية
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تعد الطوابع احدى وسائل الاتصال المهمة في المجتمع لما تتميز به من مستوى في القيمة الفنية والفكرية، فضلاً عن كونها وسيلة من وسائل الخطاب الاعلامي وذلك لتعدد وظائفها التي من ابرزها:التوثيق لمرحلة معينة وحدث ما.التداولية الرسمية للمراسلات المحلية والعالمية.الاعلانية كونها تعطي انطباعاً عن مراحل التطور والتقدم الاجتماعي والحضاري والسياسي للمجتمع.الدعائية لما تتضمنه من مفاهيم وأفكار وتوجهات سياسية واقتصادية

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
مجلة رسالة الحقوق
إساءة استعمال حقوق الملكية الفكرية
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إساءة استعمال حقوق الملكية الفكرية

Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجذور الجذور الفكرية للتصوف الإسلامي
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Islamic mysticism is one of Islamic philosophy fields, which originated and evolved in the light of Islam and civilization; It has received numerous and extensive studies, academic or specialized research, diversified approach and style and mixed up the views and numerous sects and all of them tried to clarify various aspects of the truth, and we discussed this; One of these Studies that have tried to deal with an important aspect of it and the ideology roots of this aspect; some theory was believed to be an Islamic experience which has pure introduced ideas, direction and morality of the essence of Islam itself

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