This study has aimed to measure the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges at King Khalid University. For gathering the required data, a questionnaire has been designed and distributed to the faculty members of community colleges at King Khalid University in a random sample method. The chosen sample size has covered (123) individuals. Questionnaire forms have been distributed and retrieved from (117) participants. Therefore, the estimated response has reached 95 % of the total sample size. The results of the study have shown that there is not any significant relationship between the skills which the graduates acquire and the requirements of employment. That is, the skills that the community colleges graduates acquire at King Khalid University do not affect the employment requirements. Therefore, the study has recommended the following: To strengthen the partnership between community colleges and owners of the labor market in order to know the job requirements and the skills required for them especially for the coming period. And train the graduates of those community colleges before they graduate. That is, the researchers recommend to concentrate on the practical side of training students before they graduate. And review of the contents of the current programs so as to develop the skills required for the labor market, and other tools.
Somal is considered one of the unstable and restless African Arabian country in
comparison with other Arabian. It has been exposed to division and separation by
European colonization process that worked hardly on dividing this country according to
Berlin conference (1884-1885). Even after obtaining its independence during the sixties
and being led by civilian organizations which were unable to solve the problems of
Somalian society after obtaining the independence.
Somal continued its suffering even after the military rule under the leadership of
Mohammed Sayad Beree.
During Beree's rule, Somal suffered from the War with Ethiopia, as well as it
witnessed an economical Crisis. It suffered also from the tribal po
The intellectual and revolutionary movements that have emerged since the beginning of the second half of the first century of the Islamic era did not appear suddenly, but must have preceded by a social consciousness, multi-forms, in the forefront of class awareness and religious awareness, and awareness was more painful, Of the society of the Arabian Peninsula - before Islam - feel it and suffer from it, a sense of injustice and tyranny, oppression and humiliation, and the destruction of dignity as well as poverty and hunger, and the injustice of tribal laws, and tyranny of each other and the tyranny of their heads on the tribes members and families belonging to this tribe or hill
По мнению ученых, исследующих современные деривационные процессы, „начиная со второй половины XX в., активизируются новые социолингвистические и коммуникативные факторы”, определяющие специфику современного словотворчества в ряде типологически близких славянских языков [Нещименко 2010: 39]. В результате возросшего влияния масс-медиа на коллективное сознание носителей языка, на существующий вербальный
... Show Moreيرجع تاريخ الاصلاحات الادارية إلى سبعينات القرن الماضي ،ولاسيما الندوة التي عقدت لبحث العوامل المؤثرة في انخفاض الانتاجية عام 1976، وعملية ترشيق الاجهزة الادارية للدولة عام 1987.
ان بحثنا الموسوم (نظام المعلومات المحاسبية ودوره في عملية اتخاذ القرارات) يتم عرضه في فرعين مترابطين، هما:
- المحاسبة نظام معلومات.
- الادارة صانعة للقرار.<
أن الكتاب في مجال الاختبارات والقياس والإحصاء الرياضي والذي صيغ بطريقة مبسطة وعلى وفق الفعالية التي تم تناولها بالبحث والدراسة سواء أكانت الدراسة في الجانب البدني أو المهاري أو الوظيفي للعبة أو تبحث في المواصفات الجسمية من ناحيتي القياسات والأدلة الجسمية وكل بصورة منفردة ، أو بصورة دراسة مركبة من ناحية تناول القياسات الجسمية مع المتغيرات البدنية لفعالية ما على سبيل المثال وتناولهما في دراسة واحدة أو تناول
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يركز البحث على قصائد ماكسيمس للشاعر جارلس اولسن.تعتبر هذه القصائد ابداع غير تقليدي ونادر حيث استطاع الشاعر من خلالها ان ياخذ القارىء في عمليه مستمرة لشخصية واحدة في مكان واحد وهو جلوسستر.ان قصائد ماكسيمس مقسمة الى ثلاث مجلدات تقرأ كقصيدة واحدة . تقرأ هذه السلسلة من القصائد بسياق شخصي وسياسي ووجداني. تركز الدراسة على فكرة الوقت والمكان حيث تظهر القصائد بانوراما من المناظر الطبيعية والاشخاص والنماذج بصوره مس
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Books of plans are a type of writing in Islamic history , its a type of work whose authors have strived to serve as a comprehensive historical encyclopedia, and they focused most of their attention on highlighting the various aspects of the history of Egypt