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The impact of voluntary corporate disclosure on tax planning: An applied analytical research of a sample of Iraqi private joint-stock companies
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In recent years, the attention of researchers, governments and international non-governmental organizations has focused on the aggressive practices adopted by companies with the aim of evading the tax burden or from paying the tax obligations imposed on them by law, as the results of these practices are negatively affected by tax revenues. And that companies are part of the society in which they work, and they have rights and obligations, including paying taxes. The research community is the Iraqi private shareholding companies, and the research sample was 4 companies within the private sector and in the field and finance - banking, insurance, industrial and service, which are Ashur Bank, Al-Ahlia Insurance Company, Baghdad Soft Drinks Company and Asia Cell Company. The research aimed to measure the effect of the voluntary disclosure of companies on tax evasion in the companies of the research sample and for the period from 2011 to 2015 through the results of analyzing the level of practice of the searched companies for the voluntary disclosure. The absence of a trace of voluntary disclosure in tax evasion and the research summarized the variation and difference in the rates of voluntary disclosure for companies between sectors. There is no specific or converging level, which means that each company has its own unique policy, culture and awareness of adopting and practicing optional disclosure regardless of the sector in which it operates. And Iraqi private shareholding companies, based on the results of the analysis of the financial reports of the companies, the research sample practiced tax evasion at different rates The most important thing is the adoption of the optional disclosure measurement model proposed in this research as a basis for measuring the optional disclosure, as it is a measure that includes many financial, insurance, industrial and service sectors and activating the role of the supervisory and supervisory authorities, in the forefront of which is the tax administration represented by the General Tax Authority and reducing the opportunities and volume of manipulation in financial reports and imposing penalties Strict and deterrent against those who violate the tax law and infringe on it and try to present misleading financial data by enacting many judicial rulings and high fines

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions
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The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 10 2016
Journal Name
مجلة الادارة والاقتصاد
تحليل وقياس العلاقة بين نسبة تفضيل السيولة ومعدل التضخم في الاقتصاد العراقي للمدة 1990-2016
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تفضيل السيولة - تضخم جانب الطلب - الاستقرار النقدي - معدل التضخم

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 16 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الإمام الكاظم
الوعي بالمسؤوليةً البيئيـة عنـد طلبـة الكيـمياء فـي كــلية التـربية للعلـوم الصـرفة – أبن الهيثم في العراق
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقية
المكتبة الاسلامية الرقمية مشروع صناعة مكتبة رقمية للطالب في قسم علوم القران الكريم والتربية الإسلامية
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تهدف الورقة البحثية الى اعداد مشروع لصناعة مكتبة رقمية للطالب في قسم علوم القران الكريم والتربية االسالمية في كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم االنسانية / جامعة بغداد ، اعدت الباحثة استمارة نموذج كوكل تضمنت مجموعة من االسئلة الغرض منها تحديد المؤلفات االساسية التي يحتاجها طالب العلوم االسالمية في دراساته وابحاثه ،واعتمدت الباحثة على المنهج الوصفي اسلوب المسح لجمع البيانات ، ووزعت االستمارة عبر الصفوف االلكترو

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التحديات التحديات المعاصرة للثقافة الإسلامية دراسة في الصورة النمطية المتبادلة للسلام وللحرب بين الإسلام والغرب
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Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استراتيجية التدريس التبادلي في اكتساب مهارة قراءة الخريطة الجغرافية لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي
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The aim of this study is to find out the effect of reciprocal teaching   on the fifth literary class pupils in acquiring the skill of geographic map reading. The researcher uses the partial experimental design/pre- post-test for two equivalent control and experimental groups.

   The population of the study is represented by the fifth literary class pupils at a school of the Directorate of Education /Baghdad Karkh second. The sample is selected randomly as section (A) the experimental group and section (C) the control group. The sample total number is (60) pupils, (30) pupils for each group. The two groups are equalized in the following variables: IQ, age and the pupils’ previous geog

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر أستراتيجية الملخصات القبلية على التحصيل والاستبقاء لدى طالبات الصف الثاني متوسط في مادة التاريخ
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Research problem: the problem of the current research can determine the dimensions of answering the following question - What is the impact of the use strategy summaries tribal collection and retention in the second grade students in the middle of history?
The importance of research: In order to achieve the desired education and access to educational goals required, and to address all the challenges facing the educational process, so you may need to use methods and different educational methods in the teaching of social history, particularly, of those methods and modalities to adopt strategies tribal in teaching, has chosen researcher summaries tribal style, which is one of the strategies of goo

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
إيجاد الحل المقبول (الممكن) والأمثل لأنموذج البرمجة الخطية في ظل عدم تحقق شرطّي الإمكانية والأمثلية
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تعد البرمجة الخطية عاملاً مؤثراً وفعالاً في عملية صنع و إتخاذ القرار عندما تكون الموارد متاحة أو متوفرة لكي تعطي أهدافاً معينة ، وتكمن البرمجة الخطية في حل وتقييم الانشطة أو الفعاليات عند تطبيق إحدى أدواتها وهي الطريقة المبسطة العامة ، التي يكون فيها الحل مقبولاً (ممكناً) ويجب التوصل الى الحل الامثل عندها تسمى بالطريقة المبسطة الاولية أو يكون الحل فيها أمثلاً ويجب التوصل الى الحل الم

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التعايش السلمي في الاسلام بين التنظير والتطبيق عهد الامام علي (عليه السلام) للاشتر النخعي / انموذجا
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     Peaceful coexistence is not seen as a new topic of secretions of modern civilization, a requirement to solve the problems of our era or one of the indications of urgent immediate needs, rather, tolerance is considered basis for building a state. Therefore, we can touch on the principles and basics of tolerance in the Holy Qur’an, the speeches of the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) and his hadiths, and the principle of brotherhood that he established

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
سياسة سياسة العزلة البريطانية المجيدة واثرها على الدول الاوربية في عهد الملكة فكتوريا(1837-1901)
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Britain found itself at the end of the nineteenth century in front of many obstacles within Europe, it is to hold the coalition Russian Franco in 1894, and what form of threat to the interests of Britain in its colonies outside Europe, as well as the development of other European countries in military and economic aspects such as Germany and the United States and others. As she was defying the fleet of Britain, Germany, and the last has a naval fleet was able to protect all the way Britain and its colonies throughout the nineteenth century

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