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أثر تحسين جودة الخدمات التأمينية في تحقيق المزايا التنافسية: دراسة ميدانيــة
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يعد التأمين أحد المؤسسات المالية ذات التأثير على برامج التنمية ، وما زال قطاع التأمين يعاني من العديد من المشاكل منها الوعي أو التشريع أو كيفية توظيفه كمورد اقتصادي واجتماعي خدمة للمجتمع والمؤسسات والافراد. وحيث أن التأمين يقدم خدمة تستوجب التزامها بمواصفات محددة ، لذا أصبح من الضروري دراسة آليات تحسين جودة الخدمة التأمينية وكذلك دراسة واقع العملية التسويقية للخدمة التأمينية وما ينالها من تحديات داخلية أو خارجية، لذا تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تطوير أساليب تحسين جودة الخدمة في قطاع التأمين. ولغرض تحقيق البحث فقد تم اعتماد استبانة محكّمة تم توزيعها على الملاكات العاملة في شركة التأمين العراقية  وبعد تحليلها بنظام (SPSS) ومناقشتها ، أظهرت الدراسة العديد من النتائج التي تشجع على إمكانية تحسين الجودة وذلك لوجود الامكانيات المختلفة فضلاً عن أنها شرط من المزايا التنافسية في ظل اقتصاد السوق، كما أن تحقيق الجودة في الخدمة سيحسّن الاداء ويقلّل من الوقت والجهد ، لذا تركزت التوصيات على ضرورة أن تأخذ الشركات بخطوات اجرائية وعملية في بناء منظومة للجودة والعمل على تهيئة متطلباتها والسعي الجاد لتقويم الاداء المستمر والتفاعل مع شركات التأمين العربية والعالمية للاستفادة من تجاربها.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of quality costs in improving the quality of health services
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Improving the quality of health services in the health sector is an important and necessary matter that must be taken care of and improved, and this study seeks to demonstrate the role of quality costs in improving the quality of health services and achieving a high level of quality to satisfy the beneficiaries and to provide health services of good quality, and the research concluded that the main point of service provision Good health is the costs of prevention and evaluation (costs of quality conformity) and attention to it, and that technical competition contributes greatly to the development of the level of quality, as well as the use of health and medical staff with competent expertise, and that the costs of internal failure and th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of evaluation of investment projects in achieving competitive strategy
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The aim of the research is to determine the impact of evaluation of investment projects after the preparation of investment budgets taking into consideration within the investment budgets the concept of competitive strategy, as the harmony between the preparation of investment budgets and competitive strategy will contribute to the success of economic unity and achieve profits well and achieve a competitive advantage. Strategies for economic units because the most important factor to them is the costs produced and the progress of the research problem is focused on "Is it possible to include a strategy of competition, especially within the investment budget when prepared The study concluded that the investment plan prepared by the

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the effectiveness of self-managed teams in improving the quality of services / an applied study in Ramadi municipality
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This research aims to identify the effective role of self-managed teams in the quality of service performance in the directorate of Ramadi municipality. The problematic nature of our research involves this main question of the effective role of self-managed teams in the Municipality of Ramadi in improving the services of performance quality to the beneficiaries from the Directorate service. The importance of this study lies in the role played by the work teams in the organizations that excel in their field, the attendant of the changes in the leadership, administrative roles of the institutions, and teams leaders, will be achieved by the self-managed teams in improving the quality of the service provided by the institution to whi

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of compensation system in improving the quality of educational services (Halabja University as a model)
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          This study deals with the role of compensation system in improving the quality of educational services (University of Halabja as a Model) also our problem was the following question ; What is the role of compensation system in its different dimensions in improving the quality of educational services? And what is the relationship and impact of using the dimensions of the compensation system to improve the quality of educational services? The hypothesis of the research included the correlation and the impacts between the compensation system and its combined variables in the quality of educational services. This was proved through a field study and the distribution of questionn

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of Innovation in offering the banking services in achieving competitive advantage for banks ( An applied study in the Iraqi private Banks )
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     This research aims at recognizing the concept of Innovation in offering the banking services as well as the concept and dimensions of competitive advantage . And to identify and analyze the relationship ( correlation and impact ) between the concept of Innovation in  offering the banking services and the dimensions of the competitive advantage under discussion . The research includes all Iraqi private banks in Baghdad city only of the (20) banks . The researcher adopted , in this study , a random sample of the distribution of the questionnaire to members of the research sample are managers , customers and employees in these banks , and were distributed ( 115 ) form  questionnaire , ( 97 ) form w

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Alliance insurance companies with the banks to promote insurance services
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       Insurance companies seeking to develop programs to promote and market their services and to increase its customer through the use of modern technical marketing and reduce its dependence on agents and take advantage of work of the banks by alliances with them and including reinforcing get the parties to competitive advantages in the financial market , the insurance services intangible service stops marketed over the insurance awareness and   requires exceptional promotional efforts.                                   &nbs

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثر تحليل كلف النوعية على أساس الانشطة في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية
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يتطلب تحقيق تمايز الوحدة الاقتصادية في ظل استعمال تقنيات الأعمال الحديثة وازدياد المنافسة وعالمية الأعمال ضرورة الاهتمام بمستوى نوعية المنتجات وما تتطلبه هذه النوعية من كلف والتي تسمى بكلف النوعية، إذ ان العديد من الشركات العالمية قد قامت بدراسة وتحليل هذه الكلف ووضع برامج خاصة بها بهدف تخفيضها إلى أدنى حدٍ ممكن وبما يكفل تحقيق العديد من المنافع والتوفيرات في هذه الكلف وبما يرشد عملية اتخاذ القرارات

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The pioneering trend in managing health institutions and its impact on improving the quality of services : A case study in some institutions of the Iraqi Ministry of Health
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This study seeks to identify the role that the leadership trend plays in the management of health institutions in Iraq and its impact on improving the quality of the health service provided by analyzing some opinions of affiliates working in the Iraqi health sector where a survey list was used as a main tool for collecting primary data, as it was subjected to this analysis ( 60) of the medical staff, of whom (40) are doctors and (20) are affiliated with the rank of assistant physician, and (60) members of the administrative cadre have undergone their various job ranks and administrative specializations (department manager, auditor, observer, accountant, statistician, secretary). Reliance on statistical software (spss) in data ana

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Using Information and Communication Technology to Improving the Quality of Blended Learning Elements’, a Survey Study at the Technical College of Management /Baghdad
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 The research has been based on two main variables (information and communication technology) and the quality of blended education (physical and electronic), aiming to reveal the relationship between four dimensions (physical devices, software, databases, communication networks) and the elements of education represented by (the teacher, the student, the teaching process, curriculum).  The methodology and post-analysis-based research were conducted at the Technical College of Management / Baghdad through polling the opinions of a random sample that included (80) teachers out of (86) and the number of students (276) representing a random sample from all departments of the college (for the morning study) out of (3500) stud

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Using the international standard for Training (ISO-10015) to Improve the Quality of the Control Activity – A Survey Study at the Federal Board of Supreme Audit.
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The great  importance of training made it as an investment for the organization, and assert the Quality of performance which support it by prepare the employee to the Current and future Jobs . The Research problem a rounded about How to measure the impact of training based on (ISO 10015) and its effect on the Quality of performance , How to evaluation the results of training to attained the training goals . The Research aims to find out the effects of application of international standard guidelines (ISO 10015) to attained the quality of audit work achieved in the Federal Board of Supreme Audit. The Research sought to achieve a number of objectives cognitive and applied on the basis of four key assumptions, and other su

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