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Typical Federal Budget According to the budget performance
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The purpose of this research that, the performance budget  is the best style of budget styles that can help and contribute in forming preparing federal typical budget in Iraq , By taking advantage of the application of the principles of scientific rules that would ensure optimal allocation and investment of the financial resources of the state and achieve the best performance and the lowest possible cost, both with regard to the administrative and accounting side, reducing the waste of public money, so that can enhance the success , power , and safety of financial activity of managerial system that it focuses on the magnetite and quality of the work done and the objectives wanted to meet. so application of performance budget requires making some justification on financial and accounting laws and instructions because and for make this system application success.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Relationship between federal budget estimates And actual implementation
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he public federal budget of the state includes estimated figures for state revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year. The estimation process is one of the main parts of the preparation of the general budget of the state and the accuracy in the estimation of revenues and expenditures of the most important principles that should be based on the process of making estimates and should not overestimate the assessment process to ensure the availability of funds in the future in all cases, which lead to unfair distribution of allocations, so the research aims to study The case of preparing the budget in the Directorate and how to estimate the expenditure in, by the analysis of operating budgets and identify deviations in the implementa

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of external borrowing to bridge the federal budget deficit of the Republic of Iraq
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 The deficit budget, one of the results of increased public spending for their revenues due to the economic pressures imposed by the interest of the economies of those countries from the need to increase government spending in order to revitalize the national economy and accelerate economic growth rates and provide employment to the growing levels of unemployment in those countries opportunities and what is required to address the current debt crisis (borrowing), which has become a big burden on the governments and the need to move towards the application of austerity spending and tax increases, which inevitably forced those countries will be reflected reduced spending on basic aspects of life and their peoples, particularly earners

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internal audit of spending units and its impact on the efficiency of the federal budget
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The role of internal control is based on the effectiveness of the budget through an analysis of the reality of the budget in the research sample as it was studied in the preparation and preparation stages and the implementation stage. The sample showed that the sample did not comply with what is stated in the Ministry of Finance publication of instructions and ceilings. In the process of preparing and resulting from the occurrence of deviations in large proportions both in the discussion of the Ministry of Finance or when implementation as a low rate of implementation and the absence of allocations for some items, although there is a need for them as well as the transfer of large proportions of transfers both up or down and the purpose o

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The public budget under terrorism
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تعرض بلدنا العراق الى أقسى الهجمات الإرهابية التي أثرت بشكل مباشر وغير مباشر في النواحي المالية و الاقتصادية وبرز هذا التأثير في وسيلة الدولة لإدارتها المالية و هي الموازنة العامة التي تحمل في طياتها توقعات الدولة الانفاقية و قنواتها الايرادية ومن أهم هذه التوقعات هي ما تنتجه  العمليات الإرهابية وما تخلفه من تبعات وخسائر بشرية ومادية ومعنوية، مقدرة بشكل مالي ومبالغ نقدية .

وتصدي  الدولة في هذه ال

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of tax reform to increase the federal budget revenues
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The percentage contribution of tax revenue in the federal budget is verysmall compared with the revenue earned from oil revenues, as the dependenceon oil revenues mainly to finance the state budget, have a negative impact onthe national economy as it makes it a one-sided and prisoner of on revenue, thatis the revenue derived from oil which is unstable revenue for continuouschanging in the price of oil The oil revenues reached to (85.4%) in 2009 withpercentage (93.11%) in 2013, The research objective is to study the possibilityof increasing tax revenues in order to raise the proportion of its contribution infinancing the federal budget through effective tax reforms, The mainconclusion of the research is
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed mechanism to activate the role of the Federal board supreme Audit in the examination of the federal budget estimates of the state
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The aim of the research is to present and discuss the subject of the budgeting estimates and how to activate the role of the Federal board of supreme audit in examining these estimates through reference to Articles 6 and 10 of the Federal board of supreme Law, which did not restrict Federal board of supreme in Preventive control on examination process for planning which is prepared from the government units, as the result of a large amount  of government units Provisions and the weakness of estimates in most of its items, which rely on personal assessment and not based on scientific and logical basis of the estimate, which leads to the emergence of a deficit is not true in the general budget and this seems clear in most Iraq

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the foundations of preparing the general budget of the StateThrough the 2008 federal budget analysis
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تعد الموازنة الأداة الأساسية لتنفيذ أولويات أية دولة، ويتوجب النظر إليها في ضوء المناخ الاجتماعي والسياسي والاقتصادي، لأنها تساعد في توجيه الاقتصاد لتحقيق النمو ورفع مستوى الرفاهية. اعتمدت وزارة المالية في أعداد الموازنة السنوية بعد 9/4/ 2003 أسلوباً مغايراً لما كان معتمداً في العقود الماضية، إذ كانت هناك موازنتين الأولى الموازنة الجارية، والثانية الموازنة الاستثمارية رغم وجود قانون يحتم إصدار موازنة

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accountability measures in enhancing the results of the federal budget in government spending units
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The role and procedures for accountability in the spending units significant impact in enhancing the results of the budget it is found by studying and comparing the results of the implementation of the budget for the research sample for a period of two years to repeat the same deviations and irregularities of Guanyin, regulations and instructions that have occurred in implementation results and two consecutive Kaltjaoz customizations and low rates of implementation and the lack of exchange of allocations Finance despite the presence budget note that such remarks are always indicate in regulatory reports, but these observations repeated Bostmr in the results of the implementation of the budget. Which clearly reflects the absence of the ro

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public budget System repair Targets Prepared Public Budget
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Require senior management of the state when developing the strategy the general budget to the clarity of the reasons that are based upon the ministries in the preparation of estimates of expenditure for the next year to justify the spending, and in the absence of targets, the ministry or government unit would not be in front, but be guided by the size of expenditure for the last year in addition to the percentage of represented an increase of appropriations required for the next year in light of the fiscal policy of the state, so the requested increase in appropriations to meet the desired increase in some of its activities and to meet the increase in salaries and prices. So must be available to the Ministry of criteria that coul

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Budget Programs and Performance away to enhance the control in government economic units
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     The control function of important functions in the system of government for several reasons , perhaps the most important of the magnitude of spending and spending in one of the tools adopted in the implementation of the control function.                               

        Perhaps the most prominent stages of the development budget in terms of setup and use in the budget programs and performance , as specialized literature  show its importance in strengthening financial and operationl

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