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The possibility of applying ABC system in service companies: Application study in Dar A’salam Bank Diwaniyah department
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The studies in ABC system have become so many nowadays especially in industrial companies. But they are almost rare in service companies and that has put more difficulties in front of the researcher.

This study consists of two sides, theoretical and practical. The first side (theoretical) deals with the most important features of ABC system and it focuses on its characteristics, standards and aims. While the practical side deals with the practice of this system in one of these service companies which is Dar-A’Salam Bank. The researcher has made use of being the accounting adviser of the bank and that he can get the necessary data. He has come up with, after making a comparison between the cost of ABC system and traditional cost system, that justice is not achieved according to the traditional system and the method followed is unfair. So the researcher has recommends to follow ABC system since it supplies us with more accurate and detailed financial and non-financial information.

Cost accounting has suffered from big troubles in the second half of the nineteen century when the investment in fixed assets increased greatly. As a result there was a need for active cost system to distribute the cost related to these assets, and if it is easy to distribute direct cost, it is very difficult to distribute indirect cost and we may consider this the big problem.



There were many studies about this problem. Among these studies those done by “Arther L. Thomas” such as “Problem of distribution in financial accounting theory”, “The Useful Random distribution” and his last study “The Problem of distribution” in 1974 in which he insisted that distribution process is unjustified logically”. In that it is destruction for distribution process as a system and logic. Thomas theory was not accepted, therefore, there was Zimmer man’s study “Comparison of cost and benefit of distribution Process” 1979, which was considered a better study and a better defense for the distribution process.

The researchers divided into supporters, objectors and independents. This argument helped to develop distribution process through cost accounting. Indirect cost began to cause a trouble in the shade of technological development in product. So the traditional methods were not sufficient in giving accurate output and not enough to make a strategic and managing decision. Therefore, there was a need for a new system, which can give the theoretical justification described by Thomas. This system should also be accepted by the practicians and able to solve distribution troubles.

ABC system was a result of these studies and researches which the researchers insisted that it was the best solution.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences Researches
The Role and Importance of Electronic Automation in Banking Service Development: A Case Study of the Commercial Bank of Iraq
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Electronic banking services appeared as a result of laying the foundations for the application of electronic automation in the banking field, and despite the clear expansion in its adoption and implementation as an inevitable necessity imposed by international and national developments, its application was not ideal according to the level that was expected to occur after the abandonment of traditional banking services, which produced some risks Which is evident in the absence of a legal system, whether at the level of proving and authoritative electronic banking services such as electronic signature, Or at the level of protecting the confidentiality of these services and ensuring that they are not exp

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحليل سياسات إدارة الموارد البشرية وأثرها على الخدمة المدنية في العراق (دراسة ميدانية في إدارة الصحة العراقية)
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يهدف هذا البحث الى تحليل وتأثير سياسات إدارة الموارد البشرية (كمتغير مستقل) الواردة في برنامج إصلاح القطاع العام على الخدمة المدنية (كمتغير تابع)، وتكمن أهمية البحث في تحقيق وتطبيق المشروعات المختلفة في مجاميع  الإصلاح الخاصة بالقطاعات العامة وبجهاز إدارة الموارد البشرية على وجه الخصوص ، وذلك من خلال تحليل اتجاهات الإدارة وسياساتها و تحديد كافة نقاط القوة والعمل على تحسين وزيادة معدلات كفاءتها والع

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التحليل الفني لاتجاهات اسعار الاسهم باستخدام خارطة تحليل القوة النسبية - دراسة تحليلية في عينة من الشركات المدرجة في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية-
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يتناول البحث الحالي احد الاساليب المعروفة والمستخدمة في تحليل الاسهم بصورة منفردة او ضمن (قطاعاتها الصناعية) الا وهو اسلوب تحليل القوة النسبية.

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توصل البحث الى عدد من الاستنتاجات، الا ان اكثر

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Thu Jun 30 2022
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Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Lark Journal For Philosophy , Linguistics And Social Sciences
Nostalgia to the land of Mesopotamia in the novels of Iraqi Jews in the Diaspora
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Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المستخلص تمثل إدارة التغيير التنظيمي، نهج يُتبع لتحويل او انتقال الفرد، او فريق العمل، او المنظمة من حالة راهنة الى حالة مستقبلية مخطط لها. فهي عملية تنظيمية تهدف إلى مساعدة اصحاب المصلحة للقبول ومن ثم تبني التغييرات في بيئة الاعمال الخاصة بهم. ويمكن
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Modern trends in the architecture of mosques in Jordan
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The role of Japan in the reconstruction of Iraq
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The Role of Japan in the Reconstruction of Iraq 

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