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دور محاسبة التكاليف في إبلاغ الإدارة بتكاليف الجودة
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Due to the great technical developments in the field of informational knowledge, technological and productive changes and intense competition among institutes in the era of globalization, focus of these institutes on the notion of total quality management has been increased. Quality costs have represented an essential ratio of the production costs, a matter that requires preparing information about these costs, Because of that, the need for preparation and availability of accounting information system to measure and prove these costs has been emerged.

        The descriptive analytic method has been used here to answer the questions raised in this study. Among the results that have been reached at is the necessity for preparing the accounting information system to identify quality costs and make it one of its essential outputs due to its importance in improving the management continuity in supervision (control) and showing the increase in the costs of internal and external failure during its existence. This may pay the attention of the management and then try to reduce it in order to improve the quality of products and earn the customer's satisfaction a matter that increases sales and ability to compete.

          According to what has been presented above, the programmers of quality improvement must be given close attention due to their role in providing great and high returns. Accounting information systems must provide the report of quality costs within its outputs of the financial reports let alone that it should be designed depending on the activities related to quality.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of Total Quality tools to reduce costs and improve quality
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The research aims to study the problem of high production costs and low quality and the use of total quality management tools to detect problems of the high cost of failure and low quality products, diagnosis, and developing appropriate solutions.

To achieve the goal, we studied the overall quality tools and its relationship with the costs and the possibility of improving quality through the use of these tools.

Was limited to these tools and study the relation to the reduction of costs and improving quality have been studied serially by the possibility of the reduction.
To achieve the goal, the study of the concept of total quality management

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of artificial intelligence in achieving Customer satisfaction and its reflection on cost accounting: An applied research in the Iraqi electronic industries company
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Based economic units to technology to add innovations that lead to contribute to customer satisfaction, under intense competition and rapid development in customer taste, the economic units tend to apply the concepts that contribute to customer satisfaction led by the introduction of artificial intelligence techniques. In the production prominent role in the contributing and responding to the rapid changes in customer tastes, and consequent impact this in achieving customer satisfaction. Search gained importance of relying on artificial intelligence techniques to achieve customer satisfaction through speed of response to changes in the tastes of customers and thus be able to increase its market share، and sales growth، and to achieve a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات محاسبية ومالية
دور الذكاء الصناعي في تحقيق رضا الزبون وانعكاسه على محاسبة التكاليف بحث تطبيقي في شركة الصناعات الالكترونية
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دور الذكاء الصناعي في تحقيق رضا الزبون وانعكاسه على محاسبة التكاليف بحث تطبيقي في شركة الصناعات الالكترونية

Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
design Electronic cost accounting system for the Iraqi Airways Company
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The research Was based to on a real problem and realistically of represented by that  Iraqi Airways company does not have the electronic cost accounting system and therefore  be the process of  the pricing various services provided by a company sample research respecting  air transport and air cargo and aviation fuel and services and catering are not properly especially in the presence of new data from the new companies entering competition in Iraqi aviation industry and therefore does not provide price flexibility in order to compete in getting market share, And then research this problem addressed through design an electronic cost Accounting system covers all the costs incurred by the compan

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of the application of cost accounting system in the contracting institutions in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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The study aimed to identify the reality of the application of cost accounting system in the contracting institutions in Saudi Arabia, and the extent of the reflection of the application of this system on the effectiveness and efficiency of the general performance of these institutions. Where the research community consists of the contracting institutions operating in the Saudi Arabia, and then a suitable random sample was selected from seventy one institutions. The researchers used the historical method to track the previous studies as well as the descriptive approach to conducting the field study. The study data were analyzed by SPSS statistical program.

The results of this study conclude that there is a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استخدام محاسبة التكاليف في أحتساب تكاليف المؤسسات التعليمية: دراسة تطبيقية في جامعة بغداد
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The institutions of higher education and scientific research are the strategic institutions in the field of investing the human resources.


Expenditure on such institutions is considered a long – term investment. Thus, the financial balancing in such institutions is not a traditional one.

These institutions are not for profit organizations.

Accordingly, they need to have accounting data that are calculated on an agreed upon cost basis due to the continuous growth in the expenditure on the services rendered by these institutions. These calls for the availability of tools that help rationalize the expenditure.

Cost Accounting system is capable of providing the useful data for such purposes an

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
اعتماد معايير محاسبة التكاليف لدول مختارة لمعالجة مشكلات النظام المحاسبي الموحد الجانب الكلفوي
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You need all economic units to the analytical and detailed information to make different decisions, and should be characterized by this information to relevance and credibility and to provide in a timely manner, and provide cost information to be used for the purposes of financial accounting system (to determine the cost of inventory types, the cost of production) For the purposes of management accounting to take a different decisions (pricing decision, to accept or reject the order), and faces many problems cost accounting system in addition to the failure to address many aspects of it should be developed to take advantage of the current system of cost accounting for the countries selected criteria.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
مجلة الحقيقة الجزائر
دور الإدارة المصرفية الرشيدة في ضمان مخاطر الائتمان المصرفي
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دور الإدارة المصرفية الرشيدة في ضمان مخاطر الائتمان المصرفي

Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditors Reporting and its Role on Rationalizing economic decisions
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The research aims to release the concept of auditing reporting and its role in the rationalization of economic decisions in the companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange from the viewpoint of academics, professionals, investors and lenders. Auditor reporting witnessed the great progress in many areas addressed many of the previous studies compare with Iraqi auditors reporting because there are some defects in these aria .The research problem focused whether the auditor report in Iraq is contains useful information to rationalize investment decisions & lending decisions in the shareholding companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange , and under that premise , " There is statistically significant relationship between the reporting au

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصادية الجامعة
دور استراتيجية الانتاج الانظف في حماية البيئة وتخفيض التكاليف
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ان حماية البيئة وتخفيض التكاليف من األهداف التي تسعى الوحدات االقتصادية الى تحقيقها لكي تتماشى مع التوجه العالمي لحماية الموارد الطبيعية وإنتاج منتجات صديقة للبيئة وفي الوقت نفسه التخلص من االلتزامات التي تتحملها الوحدات االقتصادية من تكاليف بيئية وغر امات مما يؤدي الى ارتفاع كلف االنتاج ، يهدف البحث الى دراسة المرتكزات المعرفية الستراتيجية اإلنتاج األنظف وتحديد التكاليف التي يمكن تخفيضها خالل مراحل اا

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