The modern business environment Witness tremendous.These developments result from globalization of markets and economic and technological openness. Those developments resulting a heightened competition between economic units and higher the costs of their products and lower their functional characteristics. They do not take into account the response to the requirements of customers. This matter commit it to search for scientific methods to help it to cope with the happening changes and improve its competitive position, The current study acquired its importance by providing significance through by applicable integrated framework to reduce the costs of products. This reduction should be without compromising their quality by using the integration between Target Costing and Value Engineering with support Quality Function Deployment. Techniques of Target Costing and Value Engineering consider the most suitable formula for the management of costs and pricing of products and addition to increasing the capacity of economic units on the competition.
This study took place during the first semester 2006-2007 at the same time the Jordanian universities were getting ready to receive the American team sent by QAA to check out the defects in the educational system of these universities, the researchers concentrated on the practical study more the than the theoretical study, the theoretical study covered the understanding of quality & quality in education as well as the authorities responsible for the regulations & quality standards such as QAA ,JMOHE, Al-Hussein Fund For Excellence. The main problem which faced the Jordanian private universities was the conflict in objectives between profitability & qualitative output which was because of lack of long tem strategic plann
... Show MoreEconomic life in any of the countries depends mainly on economic activity due to its great role in meeting the needs and expenditures of the state . therefore ، Bahrain played a major role in commercial exchange operation ، whether at home or abroad . whatever the matter
Neurolinguistics is a new science, which studies the close relationship between language and neuroscience, and this new interdisciplinary field confirms the functional integration between language and the nervous system, that is, the movement of linguistic information in the brain in receiving, acquiring and producing to achieve linguistic communication; Because language is in fact a mental process that takes place only through the nervous system, and this research shows the benefit of each of these two fields to the other, and this science includes important topics, including: language acquisition, the linguistic abilities of the two hemispheres of the brain, the linguistic responsibility of the brain centers, and the time limit for langua
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نالت الحياة الادبية في مملكة غرناطة الاندلسية حظاً كبيراً
تعد رواية (غراب الطاهرة ) من الروايات المعاصرة التي ركزت على الواقع المعاصر، وهي تمثل حقلاً بكراً صالحاً لدراسة العلاقة الحميمة بين ( الواقع ) و ( الشكل البنائي ) وأثره في بنية النص الروائي، بمعنى آخر دراسة القوانين التي توجه أنماط التأليف، وحرية الأختيار في صياغة العمل الفني.إذ إن اهتمام المؤلف بالتوثيق التاريخي، وتسجيل أهم المظاهر الواقعية، ومايرتبط بها من ممارسات النظام السابق أثرت في البناء الروائي، فمن حي
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