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Using Tools Lean Accounting to Reduce the Costing: An Applied Research in General Company for Electric Industry
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The developments accelerated in technology and rapid changes in the environment and increase numbers industrial countries and different desires and requirements of customers, lead to be produced in large quantities is not feasible due to changes listed above as well as the need to product variety and change in tastes and desires of consumers, all above led not to enable companies to discharge their products in the case of mass production and created the need to devise ways and new methods fit with the current situation, and accounting point no longer the traditional accounting systems able to meet the requirements needed by the companies to make decisions and know where waste and loss of resources resulting to invent new style away from the conventional methods currently used is accounting graceful style (Lean Accounting) to keep a place mentioned  with modern developments.

On this basis, centered research problem about the possibility of using lean accounting tools General Company for Electric Industries that fit with its production and under its internal and external environment.

The objective of this research is to the possibility of applying the tools of Lean accounting in a sample of companies. By using set of  tools.

The main results are to calculate production costs and achieve significant cost savings and time cycle of production (working time) and reduce waiting times and conversion and seeking to reduce inventory of raw materials and work in process & finished goods, and other tangible  and  intangible benefits achieved by using Lean accounting methods.

The research conclude that applying lean accounting tools have high  capacity to determine the actual cost of production and the elimination of loss in production processes and administrative feasibility of providing accurate and quick information to all users . So the researcher recommends using these tools and recommendations that have been proposed.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2016
Journal Name
Plos One
Efficient and Stable Routing Algorithm Based on User Mobility and Node Density in Urban Vehicular Network
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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are considered an emerging technology in the industrial and educational fields. This technology is essential in the deployment of the intelligent transportation system, which is targeted to improve safety and efficiency of traffic. The implementation of VANETs can be effectively executed by transmitting data among vehicles with the use of multiple hops. However, the intrinsic characteristics of VANETs, such as its dynamic network topology and intermittent connectivity, limit data delivery. One particular challenge of this network is the possibility that the contributing node may only remain in the network for a limited time. Hence, to prevent data loss from that node, the information must reach the destina

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Facies architecture and stratigraphic sequence of Zubair Formation in Majnoon and Suba oil fields, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Anti-Microbial Effect Of Different Time’sexposureofozonized Gas And Ozonized Water Onperiodontalpathogens (In Vitro Study)
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Background: the oral cavity is consider to be an open ecosystem, with the balance between the microorganism’s entrance and the defenses of the host. The initiation of periodontitis has been associated with restricted kinds of anaerobic bacteria, such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A.a) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g) in plaque subgingivally. Ozone has a biological effects on bacteria due to oxidation of bio-molecules and its toxins. The aim is to determine and compare the antimicrobial effect of gaseous ozone and ozonized water on the growth of isolated anaerobic bacteria (A.a and P.g) when exposed to different time intervals. Materials and methods:This experiment is done byozone generator OLYMPIC- III(600mg/hr) to gene

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Triterpenoid Saponins Investigation and Pharmacological (Cytotoxic and Antioxidant) Properties of Bacopa monnieri L. Cultivated in Iraq
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Bacopa monnieri L. (Scrophulariaceae), synoname is Herpestis monniera that provides bioactive compounds, especially triterpenoid saponins (Bacosides) which exhibits an important biological activities, like hypothyroidism, anticonvulsant, memory enhancing and antistress. Because there are no researches about B. monnieri L. plant that grow in Iraq, and there active compounds especially triterpenoid saponin (TS), and there effects. This study was detected the presence of (TS) in, and examined the cytotoxic and the antioxidant activity of these compounds in vitro. The study was included the extraction and identification of TS from the whole parts of B. monnieri L. by using three methods, and the best yield was analyzed by High Performance Liqui

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of soil salinity on spectral reflectance of red and nir wavelengths in al-salamiyat project
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
Experimental pore-scale analysis of carbon dioxide hydrate in sandstone via X-Ray micro-computed tomography
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Carbon dioxide geo-sequestration (CGS) into sediments in the form of (gas) hydrates is one proposed method for reducing anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere and, thus reducing global warming and climate change. However, there is a serious lack of understanding of how such CO2 hydrate forms and exists in sediments. We thus imaged CO2 hydrate distribution in sandstone, and investigated the hydrate morphology and cluster characteristics via x-ray micro-computed tomography in 3D in-situ. A substantial amount of gas hydrate (∼17% saturation) was observed, and the stochastically distributed hydrate clusters followed power-law relations with respect to their size distributions and surface area-volume relationships. The layer-

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Serum Level of Interleukin-33, C-Reactive Protein, and Troponin in Iraqi Coronary Artery Disease Patients
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     Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a condition of an inadequate supply of oxygenated blood to a portion of the myocardium. It typically occurs when there is an imbalance between supply and demand of myocardial oxygen. The most common cause of myocardial ischemia is atherosclerotic disease of an epicardial coronary artery or arteries which is sufficient to cause a regional reduction in myocardial blood flow and inadequate perfusion of the myocardium supplied by the involved coronary artery. Fifty CAD subjects (23 females and 27 males) were enrolled in this study in addition to thirty healthy control subjects (13 female and 17 male). This study aimed to measure the serum levels of interleukin IL- 33, C- reactive prot

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
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Differential Equations And Dynamical Systems
Stability and Bifurcation in a Prey–Predator–Scavenger System with Michaelis–Menten Type of Harvesting Function
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Heat Transfer Analysis and Magnetohydrodynamics Effect on Peristaltic Transport of Ree–Eyring Fluid in Rotating Frame
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This paper discusses Ree–Eyring fluid’s peristaltic transport in a rotating frame and examines the impacts of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The results deal with  systematically (analytically) applying each of the governing equations of Ree–Eyring fluid, the axial and secondary velocities, flow rate due to auxiliary stream, and bolus. The effects of some distinctive variables, such as Hartman number, heat source/sink, and amplitude ratio, are taken under consideration and illustrated through graphs.

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Prevalence Rate and Correlation Between Triglyceride Level and Human Body Mass Index in Sulaimani Province, Iraq
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The condition of elevated concentrations of triglyceride in the blood is called hypertriglyceridemia, which triggers the onset of some physiological disorder. This study was carried out to find the correlation between body weight and hypertriglyceridemia. Out of 518 cases, 342 individuals were underweight, with body mass index (BMI) values of ≤18, while their mean serum triglyceride level was 172.4 ± 25.2mg/dl. In addition, 99 cases had normal BMI of >18, whereas 60 were overweight (BMI = 25-29), with mean serum triglyceride level of 182.3 ± 15.9. Also, 17 cases were obese (BMI >30), where the mean triglycerid

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