The Purpose of this study is mainly to improve the competitive position of products economic units using technique target cost and method reverse engineering and through the application of technique and style on one of the public sector companies (general company for vegetable oils) which are important in the detection of prices accepted in the market for items similar products and processing the problem of high cost which attract managerial and technical leadership to the weakness that need to be improved through the introduction of new innovative solutions which make appropriate change to satisfy the needs of consumers in a cheaper way to affect the decisions of private customer to buy , especially of purchase private economic units to a series of challenges and changes imposed on who wants to continue looking at the product from the point of view of the customer and adapt to these changes is the adoption of the entrances and strategic cost management techniques.
تعددت آراء المفكرين الاسلاميين المعاصرين حول الدولة الاسلامية بعد سقوط الخلافة العثمانية بصورة خاصة نتيجة لتأثر هؤلاء المفكرين بالمفاهيم التي سادت في الثقافة الغربية ، ومنها مفهوم الدولة ، حيث لم يتطرق الفكر الاسلامي الى مناقشة مفهوم الدولة الاسلامية قبل هذه الفترة ، لان اهتمامهم كان منصبا بالتظير حول موضوع السلطة . وسيتم التطرق في هذا البحث لمفهوم الدولة لدى المفكرين الاسلاميين المعاصر
... Show MoreThe Fatimids were arguing with the Abbasids in everything, even in the causes of civilization, and the Islamic moderization had matured,
الرؤيا واداء التشكيل في النحت العراقي المعاصر
Benim tezimin adlı "Namık kemal'ın Hikayelerinde isim hal ekleri"dir. Bu tezde ilk olarak Namık kemal'ın hayatı hakkında bilgi vermeye çalıştım. Sonra isim hal ekleri hakkında bilgi de verdim. Sonra Namık kemal'ın hikayelerinde geçen isim hal ekleri birer birer çıkarmaya çalıştım.
XIX yüz yılında en önemli dönem Tanzimat dönemidir. Tanzimattan beri yeni hayat ihtiyaci ile yeni sanat anlayışı, birçok yeni kelime ve tamlamaların ortaya çıkıp, yerleşmesine sebep olmuştur. Namık kemal'ın mektuplarındaki birçok kelimeler, fikirler, kavramlar ve inanışlar, hepsi yeni değildir. Çoğu yaşıyan dilde kullanıyor, bir kısmı da sözlüklerde bulunuyordu. Fakat bi
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السياسة الامريكية وحركة الاصلاح السياسي في السودان
يحتل افلاطون (427-327 ق.م) المكانة الاولى بين الفلاسفة والمفكرين والمربين على امتداد تاريخ البشرية ، ويعد بعض الباحثين كتابه الشهير(الجمهورية) كتاباً في التربية والتعليم قبل ان يكون كتاباً في الاخلاق والسياسة ، فهذا الكتاب – المحاورة ضم بين دفتيه أجوبة على الكثير من الاسئلة التربوية والتعليمية عوضاً عن مضامينه الاخلاقية والسياسية والمعرفية والنفسية ، التي ساقها افلاطون باسلوب ادبي متين على شكل محاورة طو
... Show MoreThe semiotic approach to the unspoken seeks to analyze the text in an esoteric way, that is, to clarify what is hidden from it by reading between
سياسة التعليم لتعزيز الهوية الوطنية في العراق