The system of accounting information role in the success of the economic unit, whether for-profit or non-purposeful, and through the availability of financial reports of information accounting for quality properties in the financial reports, which are the final product of all departments, sections and other parties, including help in strengthen the decisions of the administration and operations of Information economic Unity. The municipalities of economic units, non-profit, which is characterized by certain characteristics, including the multiplicity of activities (service, productivity, construction) and multiple sources of access to resources, so the accounting information system that seeks to provide decision makers with information on the investigation and use of resources, leading to improved services and activities .Therefore, it has gained importance of research by providing a framework for the application of accounting system for municipalities, provides quality features to help stakeholders in the decision-making and planning, control and evaluation of performance information.
يهدف البحث التعرف على اثر استراتيجية القوائم المركزة في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط وتم استخدام المنهد التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي وكذلك تم اختيار مجامع البحث جميع طلاب المدارس الثانوية والمتوسطة التابعة لمديرية تربية كربلاء
This study attempts to highlights on the evaluation of performance efficiency for Investments in both National & Iraqi Insurance companies for the years 2001-2010 and their importance on those companies and the economy of the country in order to find out the investment areas and to compare between investment activity and its revenues as well as to compare performance of both companies in investment field.
The study was based on annual reports and balance sheets of both companies. In many chapters, this study dealt with theoretical and practical aspects of the investments and its revenues. Key hypothesis was based on this study, including four parts of Sub hypotheses about (statistical effective relationship between the
... Show Moreجمعت 50 حية مائية Natrix tessellata على وجبتين الأولى 25 حية عند فصل الربيع تحديدا من منتصف آذار الى منتصف نيسان، اما المجموعة الثانية ، 25 حية لفصل الصيف من منتصف حزيران الى منتصف تموز. اذ عزلت الذكور عن الإناث و حللت قطع من لحم الذكر و قطع من
Abstract The present research aims to know the range of Knowledge and the using of teachers of aerography department in colleges of Education to Applicant electronic Learning , So the Sample of the research reached (129) teacher, of the university of Boghdad and Al mustansiria who were chosen by using Randomly sample , and applauding questioner for these perpos that prepared by muhamed bn Ghazi Al Judi – and by using the T-test for one sample and person correlation formula as a statistical means. The research reached to the results which indicate that weakness knowledge and using the theachers of geographe department to the application electronic learning. And according this the researcher put some Recommendation and suggestions.
... Show Moreيمر عالمنا المعاصر اليوم بمرحلة من التطور والتغيير السريعين لم يسبق له أن مر بهما فـي تاريخ البشرية ، ويشمل مظاهر الحياة الأنسانية والأقتصادية والعلمية والتربويـة والنفسية وغير ذلك . وتختلف سرعة هذا التغيير من مجتمع الـى مجتمع آخر , وأدى هذا الى تراكم كميات كبيرة من المعلومات .
لقد أكد الكثير مـن التربويين أن التطور التكنولوجي فـي ال
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Este trabajo de investigación ofrece uno de los temas relevantes en la lengua, el cual es estudiar las dimensiones sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas de las preposiciones, en general, y de las dos preposiciones "Para" y "Por" en concreto, en una unidad linguística más amplia que la llamada "Oración". En la parte referida al estudio de las dos preposiciones mencionadas, estudiamos sus distntos usos funcionales, usos que se acercan, unas veces, entre sí y se alejan en otras.
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