The research depth and dimensions of the problem of environmental pollution resulting from the combustion of fuel used in electric power generators, especially in the summer and you are the national electric power supplied by almost non-existent state where this problem is a local phenomenon that has serious dimensions to human health, as well as the possibility of using a the tax system tools of b (environmental taxes) to reduce these pollutants, so the search is aimed at the types of gases emitted from burning fuel electric generators operating in the province of Baghdad and then measure the amount of environmental pollution as well as compared to the amount of some of these gases, which is more risk to humans with permitted by the World Health Organization and determine the recognizing environmental tax rate amounts and research reached a number of conclusions was the most important that the amount of gases that Atnjha combustion of the fuel used in diesel generators in the province of Baghdad exceed permitted by the World Health Organization quantities as well as there is a basic truth: is that environmental taxes will pay workers in this field on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from fuel which is considered one of the main causes of environmental pollution combustion In light of these findings, we recommend a number of recommendations, the most important of the need to develop environmental legislation enacting deterrent laws to suit the current time and limit the behavior of abusers as well as the need for environmental tax applied next to a number of rules and regulatory standards, especially in some cases result in serious environmental damage, as in these cases, the prevention or urban provider to collect the tax.
في ظل التطورات التقنية التي حدثت خلال السنوات القليلة الماضية ومحاولة الإستفادة من تطور هذه التقنيات في مختلف مجالات الحياة، سعى العديد من منظمات الأعمال ـ بمختلف نشاطاتها وهياكلها القانونية ـ لتوظيف أعمالها بالإستفادة من تقنيات المعلومات ـ بمختلف أنواعهاـ وظهر مفهوم جديد في التعاملات أطلق عليه "التجارة الإلكترونية".وبما أن أية وحدة اقتصادية تعمل ضمن نظام مفتوح يؤثر و
... Show MoreOf good reasoning (the art of unique moral turn him poets of Andalusia in
poetry verse emitter myself, and to achieve a very technical. Either the emitter is
related to the nature of the environment and the composition of personal Andalusia
of appetite for life and interaction with the legibility beautiful, and it was (wit)
feature in them even said they are charming as Bagdad ions , and either art, it made
them this color to show their ability intellectual in the search for bugs, and
stimulate their imaginations in a contract equations in the interpretation and find
justifications for the ideas and meanings Exaggeratedly times, and especially in the
purpose of praise, and novelty in many cases, as in the spinning
This Kind of study has a special importance. Great numbers of Arab Muslims share a lot of their work, their Trans lations & new additions to scientific heritage. They facilitate the indirect way for Europeans to got Greek scientific knowledge. Ibn Sina classified & collected in his book (Law) Galen`s medical publications & he clarified, arranged & make them easy to understand.
Human wealth is the most valuable wealth on the face of the earth, and building the intellectual, cultural and scientific human being is the greatest process carried out by all religions and philosophies at all times, and the divine law aimed at reforming the earth, including in order to preserve this great wealth, and to preserve its existential and qualitative entity.
Rights of child in the community crisis Iraqi child model The study aimed to identify the types of violation against children in the Iraqi crisis as well as to develop community coping mechanisms to these violations and promote the rights of the child health psychological , social and legal . the first chapter discusses the research problem and its importance and purpose of the research problem and its importance and purpose of the research and the most important terms in the A- Rights of the child ,B- crisis , chapter 2 rights of the child ensure the historical roots , of children’s rights in the holy quran and the sunnah, and legal rights through the twentieth century and the beginnings of century xx, the se through the twentieth cen
... Show Moreيكون النبات أحد عناصر النظام البيئي Ecosystem مع المناخ والتربة والطبوغرافية والموقع وعناصر الحياة الأخرى، والنبات الطبيعي الموجود حالياً, بغض النظر عن مدى تدخل الأنسان, هو في حالة " توازن بيئي" Climax مع
הריאליזם הספרותי במשמעו הכללי מצייג אשר כל מה מציינת בה הספרות מציורים מדוייקים לסביבה ולכן
אדם. ויש להתחשב בפרטים המשותפים לחיים היומיומית.
האסכולה הריאליזטית מצטיינת בזיאנרים אין זוכים בם איזו אסכולה ספרותית אחרת . האסכולה הזאת
הופיעה בספרות העברית החדשה כתוצאה להשפעתה של הספרות העברית בספרות העולמית האחרת ,
והמספרים העבריים בתנוטה הספרותית החדשה השתדלו במאמצים גדולים למען להתפתח את התנועה הזאת
The main target of this research is to follow the stages of the emergence of
the idea of republican form of government from its very beginning , yet there
were many elements from different estates thinker , educated , few of heads of
clans . This first opportunity for the mobilization of politically-minded people
with fundamental activity like najei shokat . hussain al-rahal notable poet maruf
al-rasafi those who formed what so called the political elite who believed in
constitutional , democratic parliamentary republic , one of them was al-rahal who
called for a constitutional republic even before the emergence of the
constitutional movement in Iran and ottoman empire (1908).
The holy najaf become cultural cen
It is summarized that Abu-Baker Al-Soly is one of Arabic Muslim scientists who had special style in literary writing specifically in sciences and knowledge that had depended on the encyclopedia culture gained from various fields of science , this means that he was an individual who had participated to characterize features of Islamic –Arabic history enhanced the rules of it , this matter would encourage us to know the method and style of writing in the field of intellectual life in which the writer depended on the procedures direction of scientists that he lived in the Abbasid era .