The research depth and dimensions of the problem of environmental pollution resulting from the combustion of fuel used in electric power generators, especially in the summer and you are the national electric power supplied by almost non-existent state where this problem is a local phenomenon that has serious dimensions to human health, as well as the possibility of using a the tax system tools of b (environmental taxes) to reduce these pollutants, so the search is aimed at the types of gases emitted from burning fuel electric generators operating in the province of Baghdad and then measure the amount of environmental pollution as well as compared to the amount of some of these gases, which is more risk to humans with permitted by the World Health Organization and determine the recognizing environmental tax rate amounts and research reached a number of conclusions was the most important that the amount of gases that Atnjha combustion of the fuel used in diesel generators in the province of Baghdad exceed permitted by the World Health Organization quantities as well as there is a basic truth: is that environmental taxes will pay workers in this field on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from fuel which is considered one of the main causes of environmental pollution combustion In light of these findings, we recommend a number of recommendations, the most important of the need to develop environmental legislation enacting deterrent laws to suit the current time and limit the behavior of abusers as well as the need for environmental tax applied next to a number of rules and regulatory standards, especially in some cases result in serious environmental damage, as in these cases, the prevention or urban provider to collect the tax.
وفي الحقيقة وأنا أكتب عن الفكر العمراني عند اليعقوبي وقفت وقفات طويلة أردت منها أن أحدد المجال الذي أبدع فيه اليعقوبي لكي أوسم موضوع بحثي، كأن أقول عنه الجغرافي أو مهندس أو رحالة أو أديب، لكني وجدته جغرافياً طبيعياً وبشرياً ومهندس بناءً عارفاً بمواد البناء وهندسة البناء وهندسة المساحة والطرق والجسور والهندسة المعمارية، لذا وجدته موسوعة لكل ما كان في عصره من العلوم، فضلاً عن كونه مؤرخاً، له مؤلفة المشهور ((
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والسطحية...ثم تطرقا إل خصوصياتها النفسيّة وبينا مقصود الكاتبة، وتطرّقا إلی الغزو
الثقافي الغربي ،
This research paper sheds light on the stages of Atmospheric forecast in Iraq. It was found that atmospheric forecast in Iraq has passed through several successive and interrelated historical stages. Each stage is characterized by special methods of prediction that are different from other stages. The oldest stages used astronomy to forecasting cases of cold , heat, flood and drought
Due to the great technical developments in the field of informational knowledge, technological and productive changes and intense competition among institutes in the era of globalization, focus of these institutes on the notion of total quality management has been increased. Quality costs have represented an essential ratio of the production costs, a matter that requires preparing information about these costs, Because of that, the need for preparation and availability of accounting information system to measure and prove these costs has been emerged.
The descriptive analytic method has been used here to answer the questions raised in this study. Among the results that have been reached
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Much has been written about Baghdad in the history books and documents ,about the Origin of its call , Reality ,history ,peoples ,Rulers and all that have passed since the beginning of creation and so far...
Iraqies has a spot in administration of the libraries and organized it since the reign of civilizations , the ancient libraries in the world were in the mesopatemia, then Baghdad had crown to be Islamic civilization when it hold the greatest ones as Bait Al-Hikma according to its organization as well as the persons who were responsilble for libraries must be of higher education and thoutful ones .
Alienation, and Westernization and away, whether forcibly sense exile or voluntary in the sense of migration, it will generate nostalgia, and a sense of overwhelming homesickness spatial or alienation spiritual (emotional) and perhaps alienation resulting from exile or forced deportation by the authority
دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في ثورات الربيع العربي
أن التطور الاقتصادي في أية دولة إنما يقاس بالدور الذي يلعبه القطاع الصناعي في اقتصادياتها، ومقدار ما يسهم به في الناتج المحلي الأجمالي. ولا يخفى أن ينسب ذلك إلى خصوصيات هذا القطاع بوصفه الميدان الذي تتحقق فيه انجازات الثورة العلمية والتكنولوجية أكثر من غيره من الميادين، وأرتباطاته الأمامية والخلفية مع سائر القطاعات. يضاف إلى ذلك أن القطاعات الأخرى تتأثر ايجاباً بنمو القطاع الصناعي، كما انه المسؤول
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