The research depth and dimensions of the problem of environmental pollution resulting from the combustion of fuel used in electric power generators, especially in the summer and you are the national electric power supplied by almost non-existent state where this problem is a local phenomenon that has serious dimensions to human health, as well as the possibility of using a the tax system tools of b (environmental taxes) to reduce these pollutants, so the search is aimed at the types of gases emitted from burning fuel electric generators operating in the province of Baghdad and then measure the amount of environmental pollution as well as compared to the amount of some of these gases, which is more risk to humans with permitted by the World Health Organization and determine the recognizing environmental tax rate amounts and research reached a number of conclusions was the most important that the amount of gases that Atnjha combustion of the fuel used in diesel generators in the province of Baghdad exceed permitted by the World Health Organization quantities as well as there is a basic truth: is that environmental taxes will pay workers in this field on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from fuel which is considered one of the main causes of environmental pollution combustion In light of these findings, we recommend a number of recommendations, the most important of the need to develop environmental legislation enacting deterrent laws to suit the current time and limit the behavior of abusers as well as the need for environmental tax applied next to a number of rules and regulatory standards, especially in some cases result in serious environmental damage, as in these cases, the prevention or urban provider to collect the tax.
העיון הזה מדבר על דבר ההשגה על הטקסטים המקראיים בידי כמה מסופרים ופילוסופים יהודים אשר הושפעו מהרעיונותיהם של הפילוסופים האירופיים מחד גיסא, ואת הרעיונות של ההשכלה מאידך גיסא. היהודים היו חיים בבידוד, ותחת השליטה של הרבנות (רבנים) שהייתה שליטה מוחלטת. כבר העבודה של הרבנות מאז ימי קדם להעלות רעיונות במוחם של היהודים בתור העם הנבחר, והם מעולים ועדיפים על בני אדם. הם כל כך מסתמכים על פסוקים מה
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Highlights the role of taxes in being a major source of funding sources internal economic and social development, and then, any decrease in tax revenue caused by tax evasion, for example, would weaken the government's ability to finance their investments and core financing private sector investment as a result of reduced ability to increase their reserves's cash banks, as well as the weakening of the effectiveness of tax evasion taxes as a tool to guide economic activity in the framework of service for development, and to achieve justice. And the statement of the reasons for and methods of evasion mandated to pay the tax due on them, whether legitimately or illegal with the statement of the proposed methods to tackle tax evasion and elimina
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ليست الادارة المحلية أو نظام الحكم المحلي ابتكاراُ حديثاً للانسان، بل أنه لازم البشرية منذ أقدم العصور وحتى الآن، إذ الملاجظ أن القرى الصغيرة نشأت قبل أن تنشئ الدولة أو قيل أن يتبلور مفهوم الدولة في الوقت الحاضر وكانت القرى والمدن تجتمع بين حين وأخر- اجتماع أفرادها- لادارة شؤونهم وحل مشاكلهم، وكان هذا خير دليل لتطبيق مفهوم الديمقراطية المباشرة بين أفراد المجتمع الواحد، ولذلك فإن الحك
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تجدد الاهتمام بموضوع نوعية حياة العمل (Quality of life) الذي يرمز له اختصارا (QWL)، في السنوات الأخيرة الماضية، وبمطلع الألفية الثالثة على وجه التحديد، من قبل الباحثين الأكاديميين والمهتمين الممارسين في منظمات الأعمال، وذلك بوصفهم إليه بأنه أهم مصادر الرضا للعاملين، والعنصر المميز لبيئة عمل منظمة ما عن غيرها. وهنا، قد برزت الاضطلاع بالمسؤولية الأخ
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