The research depth and dimensions of the problem of environmental pollution resulting from the combustion of fuel used in electric power generators, especially in the summer and you are the national electric power supplied by almost non-existent state where this problem is a local phenomenon that has serious dimensions to human health, as well as the possibility of using a the tax system tools of b (environmental taxes) to reduce these pollutants, so the search is aimed at the types of gases emitted from burning fuel electric generators operating in the province of Baghdad and then measure the amount of environmental pollution as well as compared to the amount of some of these gases, which is more risk to humans with permitted by the World Health Organization and determine the recognizing environmental tax rate amounts and research reached a number of conclusions was the most important that the amount of gases that Atnjha combustion of the fuel used in diesel generators in the province of Baghdad exceed permitted by the World Health Organization quantities as well as there is a basic truth: is that environmental taxes will pay workers in this field on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from fuel which is considered one of the main causes of environmental pollution combustion In light of these findings, we recommend a number of recommendations, the most important of the need to develop environmental legislation enacting deterrent laws to suit the current time and limit the behavior of abusers as well as the need for environmental tax applied next to a number of rules and regulatory standards, especially in some cases result in serious environmental damage, as in these cases, the prevention or urban provider to collect the tax.
That is feared we frequent urgent calls from Islamic scholars and leaders of the Muslim faithful to their religion and nation to a culturally، economically، politically and militarily Muslim communities، in response to the call of the divine stones in the sit-rope of God and taking the greatest causes of strength and stamina، pride and empowerment، and did not bear fruit this repeated calls only sham gatherings and links formality not have the effect of rewarding challenges، and it was one of the greatest causes of failure that impact the absence of a proper understanding of the basis of the Islamic Alliance، and lack of consensus on the Thoroughbred clear vision of Islamic unity
This study aims to look in the commandments and letters of Imam
Abi Talib (A.S.) that narrated in the (Nehj Albalagah). In addition the researcher will study the method of kindness and and sentences structures of
There was an ancient Myth came from cuneiform texts which had written by ancient Iraqi , its hero is the goddess Nerottaa .it was appeared in two languages Sumerian and Akkadian .
عاش البيروني في القرن الرابع الهجري الذي كان يمثل مثاراً للصراعات السياسية والفكرية، ومن خلال هذه الأوضاع المتأزمة برز البيروني كعلم من اعلام هذا القرن، ومن أبرز مفكري الحضارة العربية الاسلامية فنجده كتب في الرياضيات
This research aims to understand the main problems and family
commitments faced by working women, and make proposals that would stop or
lessen them, the researcher made questionnaire , applied on a sample of (20)
university female teachers, the study showed that the main problems in respect to
their importance as: Anxiety of leaving children at home alone, the weak role of the
nurseries and kindergartens in taking care of the children, relative large number of
children per family which would lead to more commitments, and the unavailability
of convenient working arrangement for working mothers.
نماد در لغت معنى كه (اشاره ،رمز) ودر معنى ديگر مجموعه اى از نشانها، حركتها، حرفها يا كلمه هاى از پيش تعيين شده براى برقرارى رابطه يا مبادلهء پيام است. نماد در قران نيز در سورهء ال عمران آمده است: (قَالَ رَبِّ اجْعَل لِّي آيَةً ۖ قَالَ آيَتُكَ أَلَّا تُكَلِّمَ النَّاسَ ثَلَاثَةَ أَيَّامٍ إِلَّا رَمْزًا ۗ وَاذْكُر رَّبَّكَ كَثِيرًا وَسَبِّح
... Show Moreدور الحكومات في بناء الدولة ضمن اطار الدستور
The purpose of this research is to identify the E-signing and its concept.
Due to the increasing role and importance of the E-trade in may countries, as it provide many advantages over the traditional trade. We have to deal with may E-trade aspects and tools in which the E-signing is the most important. In this research we will deal: first with the article approach- E-signing definition, Digital signing, its mechanism, requirements, types and features. Second: the practical approach: It has been implemented according to a questionnaire contain many questions some of them are comma, other an specialized in research hypothesis and some concern the obstacles faced the application of E-signing. The questionnaires been distillated to
... Show MoreThe Andoluosian literatures has been captured my mind, and had a very
pure and great place in my spirit, which is remembering me the roots of
genuine Arabic civilization spread during eight century in endoluos region.
also the Arabic creation which is moved from east to far way land in that
ages. And very clearly appearance tremendous men interested in science and
all kind of literature and arts especially in poetry, no one who has taste and
minimum knowledge can denied the effect of indoluosan prosperity among
readers. So for that reason I work very hard to choose a very famous poet his
nick name (Al-Ramadee) he is Youseif Bin Haroon born in the first decade
of the 4TH hijri (Islamic Calendar), died in (403H).
مشكلة البحث واهميته:-
اخذ موضوع العولمة قدراً وافياً من الاهتمام سواء على المستوى الاكاديمي او على مستوى اجهزة الاعلام والرأي العام ومختلف التيارات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية ، فلا يخلو أي لقاء اقتصادي او سياسي او اجتماعي من الحديث عن العولمة اذ نشرت العديد من الابحاث والدراسات وعقدت الكثير من الندوات والمؤتمرات لدراسة العولمة وبيان اثارها ولعل ذل
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