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Auditing the comprehensive electronic banking system to detect operational business risks (applied research)
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                In light of the development in the banking environment and the increasing reliance on electronic systems in providing banking services and due to the intense competition witnessed by the banking sector, the need has emerged to apply the comprehensive electronic banking system, which works on the Internet in providing new and diverse banking services regardless of time and place by linking all branches to one central database, and despite the advantages achieved from the application of the comprehensive system, there is a set of risks that accompany the use of that system, What requires the auditors to develop the audit method in line with the size of the development in the customer's environment, and from here the research gained its importance by highlighting the reality of the application of the comprehensive electronic banking system in Rafidain Bank and identifying the nature of the external auditor's work in light of the client's application of electronic systems, and thus this research aims to provide a theoretical introduction to the comprehensive banking system, as well as to know the role of the auditor in light of the business risks surrounding the application of the system, The research reached a set of conclusions, most notably, the ability of the comprehensive banking system to develop and adapt banking operations more than other systems, which makes it a global solution for banks in the future due to the importance of the system and its ability to access multiple geographical areas and process operations in real time, and that the lack of preparation of an effective plan in advance for the transformation procedures towards the application of the comprehensive system in terms of providing infrastructure and qualified staffing and studying the problems of transformation and ways to solve them before the actual application of the system led to high operational risks. intrinsic, Therefore, the researcher proposed several recommendations, the most important of which is the need to increase investment in information technology with the development of a division for research and development of banking services provided by the comprehensive system in line with the development in the technological environment and the

needs and desires of customers to provide new and diverse banking services, with the need for the auditor to conduct an audit based on business risks in light of the customer's use of banking systems that rely on the Internet in providing his services, to control the size of current and future business risks that lead to failure Business or material misrepresentations extending to the financial statements.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Surgical variables analysis of 116 cases of ovarian cystic diseases in Al- Elwiya maternity teaching hospital at 2013
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Background: The treatment of an ovarian cyst relies on its nature, the discrimination of benign and malignant cysts is, therefore of crucial importance, and in spite of the continuous improvement of diagnostic means, it remains sometimes impossible to differentiate functional from organic (malignant or not) ovarian cysts. The therapeutic decision will search for the main midway between cancer’s negligence and the fear of performing an unnecessary surgical operation for an ovarian cyst.Objective: To review of 116 cases of ovarian cystic diseases aiming in identify proper management and reducing unnecessary surgical intervention.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at Al-Elwiya maternity teaching hospital/ Baghdad/ Iraq. One hund

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Patients' Knowledge about Chronic Diseases towards Risk Factors and Warning Signs of Stroke
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Objectives: to assess chronic diseases patients’ knowledge toward stroke risk factors and warning signs, besides
determining the relationship between chronic diseases patients’ knowledge and their sociodemographical
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out at public medical clinics which has started from December
nd, 2008 to August 8th, 2009. A purposive "non-probability" sample of (300) chronic diseases individuals who
were clients of Public Medical Clinics who have one or more of the following chronic diseases (hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, heart diseases, and previous stroke), in Baghdad city. The data were collected through the use
of a constructed questionnaire which consists

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 11 2020
Journal Name
American Journal Of Infectious Diseases
Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections and Associated Risk Factors Among Patients Attending Medical City Hospital in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Abstract: Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infection in humans and a major cause of morbidity and they are the most common cause of hospital visits worldwide. Proper knowledge in identifying factors associated with urinary tract infection may allow the intervention to easily control of the disease in a timely manner. Therefore, the purpose of the study is determining the prevalence of UTI, diagnosis of causative bacterial agents and identifying the factors associated to the urinary tract infection among patients attending Medical City Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. A total of 237, morning mid-stream urine samples were collected aseptically and the samples were diagnosed according to the standard methods. I

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Serum ceruloplasmin ,copper and iron levels as a risk factors for coronary heart diseases(CHD)
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Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the acute phase protein, in this review ,we studied the level of ceruloplasmin with copper (Cu) and iron in 90 patients with coronary heart diseas ( those patients are divided into three groups, whom are stable angina , unstable angina and myocardial infarction compared with 30 healthy volunteers) and the roles of them as diagnostic and prognostic tools.The diagnosis was attend by a clinical examination carried out by the consult medical staff in Ibn AL-Nafis hospital. The result: ceruloplasmin recorded a significantly(p<0.05)higher level in all patient groups compared with the control, so this result supports the hypothesis that a high serum ceruloplasmin level is a risk factor for coronary heart di

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Estradiol and Prolactin Serum Levels "In Premenopausal; and Postmenopausal" Women with ((Breast Cancer)) In Baghdad City
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Objective:To Evaluate of Estradiol and Prolactin hormones levels for Breast Cancer women in
Baghdad City.
Methodology: The current study was conducted on 60 breast cancer women and 40 apparently
healthy subjects to evaluate the levels of estradiol and prolactin "hormones in the serum" of
({premenopausal & postmenopausal}) breast cancer and healthy controle women. Estradiol and
prolactin hormones estimated for all cases by using the IMMULITE 2000 instrument that performs
chemiluminescent immunoassays results are calculated for each sample.Data were analysed using of two groups was comparison by the student's t-test.
Results: The results showed a non significant""(P>0.05) elevation in the –mean

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Utilizing a Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Technique (MAF) Via Adaptive Nero Fuzzy(ANFIS)
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An experimental study was conducted for measuring the quality of surface finishing roughness using magnetic abrasive finishing technique (MAF) on brass plate which is very difficult to be polish by a conventional machining process where the cost is high and much more susceptible to surface damage as compared to other materials. Four operation parameters were studied, the gap between the work piece and the electromagnetic inductor, the current that generate the flux, the rotational Spindale speed and amount of abrasive powder size considering constant linear feed movement between machine head and workpiece. Adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference system  (ANFIS) was implemented for evaluation of a serie

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Natural radioactivity Measurements of Dur-Kurigalzu's Ziggurat, Baghdad Governorate-Iraq using HPGe detector
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       Measurement of 238U, 233Th and 40K concentrations in soil samples collected from Ziggurat of Dur-Kurigalzu west region of Baghdad, have been evaluated, using high purity germanium detector. The activity concentrations of 238U, 233Th and 40K varied from 16.040  to 26.620 , 14.510  to 31.480 , and 153.820  to 266.320  with average values of 20.604±2.9 , 24.534±3.3 , 212.22±25.1 , respectively. The importance of these measurements lies in the estimation of radiation risk, radium equivalent, absorbed dose, annual effective dose, risk indices, gamma index, and cancer risk. The average value of the absorbed dose ranged from 33.187  outdoors to 63.111  indoo

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Unstable Angina /Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Frequency of Conventional Risk Factors; TIMI Risk Score, and Their Impact On Angiographic Data
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Background: Appreciation of the crucial role of risk factors in the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most significant advances in the understanding of this important disease. Extensive epidemiological research has established cigarette smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension as independent risk factors for CADObjective: To determine the prevalence of the 4 conventional risk factors(cigarette smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension) among patients with CAD and to determine the correlation of Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) risk score with the extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with unstable angina /non ST elevation myocardial infarction (UA/NSTEMI).Methods: We

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biochemical Study of Gallstones Compositions in Iraqipatients
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The aim of this study is to determine the organic and inorganic components of bile and gallstones in Iraqi patients. Forty seven patients were included in this study with mean age (53+7) years and BMI (30.82+4.18) Kg/m2. Bile was classified according to its corresponding stones into: Bile of Mixed stones and Bile of pigment stones. IR spectra were studied for both types of stones and their bile in addition to biochemical analysis for organic and inorganic components. The organic components include: (cholesterol, bilirubin, bile salts, and phospholipids), while inorganic components include salts of: (calcium, phosphorus, iron, cupper and magnesium). The results reveal to there was significant low levels (p<0.005) of bile salts and phospholi

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Post Cesarean Section Surgical Site Infection; Incidence and Risk Factors
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The rate of births delivered by cesarean section (CS) has gone up substantially all over the world. Post-cesarean surgical site infection (SSI) is a common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality that results in prolonged period of hospitalization with increased cost and direct health implications, especially in low socioeconomic population, resource- restricted settings, and war- related conditions with internal forced movement. This study was aimed to find incidence of post cesarean section surgical site infection withthe accompanying risk factors.Pregnant ladies admitted to department of obstetrics and gynecology at Medical City Hospital in Baghdad who had undergone CSs were followed up prospectively from first of January 2017 till end

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