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Economic perspectives on employment 2021-2030
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Long before the pandemic, labour force all over the world was facing the quest of incertitude, which is normal and inherent of the market, but the extent of this quest was shaped by the pace of acceleration of technological progress, which became exponential in the last ten years, from 2010 to 2020. Robotic process automation, work remote, computer science, electronic and communications, mechanical engineering, information technology digitalisation o public administration and so one are ones of the pillars of the future of work. Some authors even stated that without robotic process automation (RPA) included in technological processes, companies will not be able to sustain a competitive level on the market (Madakan et al, 2018). Robots and automation make processes to operate automatically, especially those which are repetitive, emerging a new concept, o robotic workforce.

            Prominent empirical studies (Frey and Osborne, 2017 and Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2017) prove that continuous progress in digital and robotic technologies shape a trend towards the demise of work. Prospects of a future where many people will not have jobs due to automation are enhanced by additional publications (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2014, Ford, 2015). Automation and the complementary digital technology might come along with unemployment and conversely with inequality, hence the fear of people for what will bring the future. Social and economic policies are to be implemented, such as education for new adaptive skills or, in the worst scenarios, provision of a basic income. Despite of this unsecure perspective, automation processes come in hand with some peculiar qualities: they free people of repetitive tasks, provide availability of 24/7, are convenient and helpful, escape from risky jobs from dangerous situation, bust workflow inefficiencies, shore up productivity. These all are nowadays pillars of further growth, which economic mainstream still supports.

Nevertheless, in line with continuous extension of capitalism, work didn’t cease to expand too, occupying workers lives due to new and diversified needs. At the beginnings of capitalism, in the early nineteenth century, the working hour programs were devastating people, from children to elders, forced to work up to exhausting levels, or death sometimes, due to low standard living (Heillbronner, 2005). Until the beginning of twentieth century, thanks to greater productivity and better social and economic policies, the decline of working hours improved the general background of the workforce. Despite of the solid trend improving the life of workers in the expense of working ours, from 1970s the trend has reversed, with a starting point in the United States (Friedman, 2017). Furthermore, in the twentieth century the productivity in United States improved 15 times, and in Europe 18 times, but the working hours has barely halved. Henceforth, a paradox is rising between the general growth efficiency and productivity and the expanding working our program (Spencer, 2018). Historical expectations of high quality of life with abundance and spare time seem to last more to be achieved. More, along with this economic paradox, non-cyclical crisis such as Covid-19 pandemic, decrease more the chances of a restless future for the workforce.

This paper offers a critical perspective on the present debate of the future of work, under the provocative context of automation and the unexpected pandemic and its consequences. This debate is targeting economics and social aspects which are colliding in order to identify what is the best template to accept a provocative future with a reality far out our possibility to foreseen. It illustrates, in general, how the idea of online or remote work will face the future of employment, and presents, in particular, what are the short run policies we should to access to get back on track. The paper contributes by setting out some of the main positions in the debate of disruptions brought by pandemic.

The Paper is organised as follows. Section two offers some metrological hints on the research and scientific outcomes. Section three discusses issues on historical background on the vision of the reducing of working time. This discussion helps to identify limits in economic thinking and the origin of the ideas in context. Section four draws out the area of automation and its consequences. Section five reflects on the opportunities for changing educational paradigm after pandemic. Section six concludes.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Estimating the impact of tax exemptions on achieving economic development in Iraq for the period (2015-2021): An Applied research in the General Authority for Taxes
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          The research aims to identify tax exemptions, their objectives and types, as well as to shed light on the concept of sustainable development, its objectives, dimensions and indicators (economic, social and environmental), as well as to analyze the relationship between tax exemptions and economic development, in addition to measuring and analyzing the impact of tax exemptions on economic development in Iraq for the period ( 2015 - 2021) using the NARDL model. The research problem centers on the fact that failure to employ financial policy tools correctly led to a weakness in achieving economic justice, which leads to a failure to improve social welfar

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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This paper is mainly concerned with the study of the moral aspects that prompts William Shakespeare to attempt a romance in which he has embedded the epitome of his thought, experience, and philosophy concerning certain significant aspects of human life whose absence or negligence may threaten human existence, peace, and stability. From the beginning of history man realizes the importance of prosperity on the many and various levels that touch and address his needs and desires—natural, material, and spiritual. The Tempest, due to the dramatist's awareness of the aforementioned values, reflects the dramatist's duty as to projecting and unfolding these important aspects, reconciliation and forgiveness, that promote prosperity which is th

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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         This paper is mainly concerned with the study of the moral aspects that prompts William Shakespeare to attempt a romance in which he has embedded the epitome of his thought, experience, and philosophy concerning certain significant aspects of human life whose absence or negligence may threaten human existence, peace, and stability. From the beginning of history man realizes the importance of prosperity on the many and various levels that touch and address his needs and desires—natural, material,  and spiritual. The Tempest, due to the dramatist's awareness of the aforementioned values, reflects the dramatist's duty as to projecting and unfolding these important aspects, rec

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 16 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Public Relations Employment of Foreign Oil Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Operating in Iraq Analytical Study of Programs from 1/1/2013 to 31/12/2021
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This research addresses the employment of public relations for foreign oil corporate social responsibility programs operating in Iraq. It is a study of the programmes of six petroleum companies operating in Basra Governorate, which were selected for research as the highest production of Iraqi oil, as well as its enjoyment of strategic oil stores in Iraq.It contains the largest oil fields operatedby major international companies. This study aims at a number of objectives, notably the following:1)Recognize the most prominent corporate social responsibility projects and initiatives the companies have introduced to the local public.2)Investigate the extent to which the Iraqi publ

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Industrial Development Strategy Until 2030
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The research is a vision of the future of industry in Iraq, so it is may be outside the ceiling of the capabilities of the Iraqi economy, and therefore it is exaggerated. Therefore, future plans must be applicable through the availability of capabilities. Everyone knows that the financial and administrative corruption and mismanagement of resources are the main cause of the inefficiency of the industrial sector, and the failure to exercise its real role in achieving economic development.; as well as the political situation and the dominance of parties and their insistence on addressing positions that have a strong relationship in managing the economic sector that has a significant impact on drawing the economic map in its current

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
january-march 2021
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Breast Feeding and Mothers Employment
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Background: An important factor influencing duration of breastfeeding is mother’s employment status. The nutritional, immunological, psychological and economic benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. Both UNICEF and the World Health Organization recommend mothers should breastfeed exclusively for at least 6 months.
Objectives: To determine how the employment and the employment variables (type of work, time of return to work and hours of work) influence the breast feeding practices.
Methods: A cross- sectional study was carried out on a sample of 200 employed mothers who had their last child been completed at least tow years. Data were collected using a questionnaire form. It was carried out during the period from 1st of Ap

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Employment of Titanium dioxide thin film on NO2 gas sensing
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Abstract<p>TiO<sub>2</sub> thin films were deposited by Spray Pyrolysis with thickness ((350±25) nm) onto glass substrates at (350°C), and the film was annealed at temperatures (400 and 500)°C. The structural and morphological properties of the thin films (TiO<sub>2</sub>) were investigated by X-ray diffraction, Field emission scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscope. The gas sensor fabricated by evaporating aluminum electrodes using the annealed TiO<sub>2</sub> thin films as an active material. The sensitivity of the sensors was determined by change the electrical resistance towards NO<sub>2</sub> at different working temperatures (200 </p> ... Show More
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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News framing of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2021 on i24 Israeli channel.
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The study aimed to identify the news framing on the Israeli Arabic-speaking i24 channel of the Israeli aggression on Gaza -2021 by analyzing the channel’s Program “this evening”. The study used the media survey method, and in its framework, it relied on the content analysis method for the program’s episodes from May 5, 2021 AD until June 4, 2021 AD, with 22 episodes. The study showed the program’s interest in launching the Palestinian resistance’s rockets significantly, followed by the Israeli military operations, and the program’s reliance on correspondents largely as a source of news material related to the aggression. It also proved that a news report and a reporter's report was the most important form of presenting news

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Employment Listening Skills in The Teaching Of Recitation: Employment Listening Skills in The Teaching Of Recitation
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We Can Summarize This Research According To the Following Points
A- result
1- We conclude a new method to teach the recitation we call it (listening
method) which consist of four steps (introduction , listening ,continuity,
evaluation )
2- This research get many listening skills that educated need it when
listen to (holy quran) beside to many propositions that help to develop
3- This research briefs some principles that help the teacher when use
listening method.
B- conclusion
1- The best way to teach and learn the recitation of holy quran is by
using listening skill because the prophet (pease be upon him )learn
the holy quran by it from jebrel (pease be upon him ) and then

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