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المسرحية بين النقل التلفزيوني والتسجيل في الأستديو (دراسة مقارنة)
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اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :

            في بداية ظهور التلفزيون كانت البرامج المقدمة تعتمد على المنوعات والمسرحيات المنقولة من المسرح . وقد استفاد التلفزيون من الفنون التي سبقته مثل المسرح فنرى ان :

" محطات التلفزيون بادرت بتسجيل المسرحيات المتعددة لتملأ بها ساعات الارسال " [1]

            وكذلك استفاد التلفزيون من السينما حيث اخذ الاساليب الفنية لاظهار الصورة على الشاشة مثل حركات وزوايا التصوير والمونتاج . انا بالنسبة للاذاعة فقد استفاد منها التلفزيون في اسلوب نقل الاحداث بسرعة الى شريحة كبيرة من المجتمع .

            وبعد الانتشار السريع للتلفزيون ووصوله لكل بيت تقريباً ، اخذ الاهتمام يزداد بالبرامج وخاصة الدراما التلفزيونية ، حيث اخذت تشغل بال المهتمين بهذا الفن ، وبمرور الوقت اصبحت الدراما التلفزيونية تمتلك الهوية الفنية التي تميزها عن الاشكال الدرامية الاخرى . كما اصبحت تمتلك القواعد والاسس التي تعين الكتاب والمؤلفين للاقتداء بها في بناء النص التلفزيوني .

            اما بالنسبة للمسرحيات التي تقدم من خلال شاشة التلفزيون فقد اخذ دورها ينحسر على عمليات النقل من المسرح ، وتبث بين فترة واخرى ، ولم تنل الاهتمام والرعاية التي نالتها الدراما التلفزيونية . وبالرغم من ان لها جمهور كبير ويمكن ان تنشر الوعي المسرحي

" فالتلفزيون يؤدي للمسرح خدمة جليلة في الوقت الحاضر . فهو يقوم بدور العربة التي تحمل الممثلين  والمؤلفين . وذلك انه يوصل المسرح الى ملايين البيوت" [2]


[1] حمادة البني ، جولة مع التلفزيون ، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب ، 1985 ، ص25 .

[2] سير بازيل بارتليت ، تأليف التمثيلية التلفزيونية ، ترجمة عزت النصيري ، مراجعة تماضر توفيق ، الهيئة العامة للتأليف والنشر ، 1970 ، ص17 .

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Visual Perception and Persuasion in Television Advertising An analytical study
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The picture has taken a place that sometimes enables it to take precedence over media analysis، psychology، and political communication.
The image has the ability to influence to obtain persuasion، not only emotionally or
dramatically، but also on the level of commercial and political persuasion. In every
image، the intention of that persuasion is hidden.
It can be identified by a set of underlying dimensions such as vitality، social dominance، and confidence، for which a group of specific suggestions or movements، such
as a smile، the movement of hands، or the nature and way of looking with the eyes، is
established. The visual image often precedes its verbal counterpart in the proce

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 14 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This research deals with the relationship between television advertising and buying random cosmetics, where we find that TV ads influence on the purchasing behavior of women, has conducted research in the field on a sample of women in the University of Baghdad, was a random sample taken from 150 different women in the age and social levels educational and cultural students and employees and teachers in order to sample representative be for the research community, and designed a questionnaire for this purpose form as a tool to collect data and information search and analyzed they answered the sample surveyed using a statistical program (spss) to extract percentages And correlation coefficients and testing square Kay , The study found Of w

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare Linear Progamming With Other Methods to Finding Optimal Solution for Transportation Problem
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The researcher studied transportation problem because it's great importance in the country's economy. This paper which ware studied several ways to find a solution closely to the optimization, has applied these methods to the practical reality by taking one oil derivatives which is benzene product, where the first purpose of this study is, how we can reduce the total costs of transportation for product of petrol from warehouses in the province of Baghdad, to some stations in the Karsh district and Rusafa in the same province. Secondly, how can we address the Domandes of each station by required quantity which is depending on absorptive capacity of the warehouses (quantities supply), And through r

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Suicide attempt between criminalization and legalization: A comparative study
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Hardly a day passes without hearing the news of a person’s suicide here or there, as if life no longer has value for a person, and this fact is what prompted the World Health Organization to sound the alarm, after it found that suicide had become widespread in the world and published its report Under the title (Suicide Prevention - A Global Necessity), and announced the need to take care of mental Health as part of public health, because what psychological human crises are exposed to may lead to suicide.

      A quick look at the position of the various legislations on suicide, we find there is a great difference, some legislations recognize the human right to death, while other legislation punishes the

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Student Survey in Public Relations Services, Registration and Counseling, A Case Study of Petra University for the academic year 2013/2014.
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The research discusses the public relations services, registration, and academic advising at Petra University for the years 2013-2014. Using a field study and surveying Petra University students to be informed about the services and to cover the tiny details that have to do with public relations role in the university as a specialized department interested in serving public and gaining their trust in terms of what is legal and possible to build and enhance the university reputation. And gain mutual trust between the university and its publics.
The public relations is consi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Al-Taa comparative studies among Semitic languages
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We have studied in this research litter (Taa) a morphological , sonic indicative and comparative study among four Semitic languages. They are Arabic , Hebrew, Syriac and Akkadian languages . We have divided the research into a number of pivots beginning with an entrance about the letter (Taa) in Semitic languages and the symbols which are used by these languages referring to . Then we have studied (Taa) from sonic side with letters phenomenon (b, g, k, p, t) the six in both Hebrew and Syriac languages . The letter (Taa) is formed one of them and the sonic change that is happening in articulation (Taa) according to sonic rules related to these letters in case of emphasis or in case of neglected (not emphasis). Then we have studied the pro

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparative Transfer Learning Models for End-to-End Self-Driving Car
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Self-driving automobiles are prominent in science and technology, which affect social and economic development. Deep learning (DL) is the most common area of study in artificial intelligence (AI). In recent years, deep learning-based solutions have been presented in the field of self-driving cars and have achieved outstanding results. Different studies investigated a variety of significant technologies for autonomous vehicles, including car navigation systems, path planning, environmental perception, as well as car control. End-to-end learning control directly converts sensory data into control commands in autonomous driving. This research aims to identify the most accurate pre-trained Deep Neural Network (DNN) for predicting the steerin

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استخدام أساليب ألامثلية لحل مشكلة النقل (دراسة تطبيقية )
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Transportation problems are considered as a type of operation research problems. In fact, they deal with scheduling transportation of goods from their source to delivery sites in the minimum cost.

Such problems can be solved by the available traditional methods, which include; North-West corner, Least cost and Vogel’s method. As well as if this transportation problem is considered as a linear program it can also be solved by using Simplex method

The goal of the present study is to compare different research methods to provide the optimal and minimum cost.

This study was applied to resolve a transportation problem related to land Transportation Company, w

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The relationship between risk management strategies and the risks of container transport: Applied research in the National Insurance Company
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The aim of the research is to find out the nature of the relationship between the interrelationships and the interrelationships between risk management strategies (avoiding danger, risk exposure, risk exhibition, preventive programs and activities to reduce risks) and the dangers of container transportation, as an independent variable in the dangers of container transportation as a dependent variable, the study started from the problem that the company suffers from The practical aspect of the study was applied at the National Insurance Corporation, and the researcher designed a diagram according to the study's schematic diagram. The study, and for the purpose of data and information related to that, it relied on the descriptive a

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Future of Television Work in the Light of Artificial Intelligence Challenges an Exploratory Study
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This research examines the future of television work in light of the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI). The study aims to explore the impact of AI on the form and content of television messages and identify areas where AI can be employed in television production. This study adopts a future-oriented exploratory approach, utilizing survey methodology. As the research focuses on foresight, the researcher gathers the opinions of AI experts and media specialists through in-depth interviews to obtain data and insights. The researcher selected 30 experts, with 15 experts in AI and 15 experts in media. The study reveals several findings, including the potential use of machine learning, deep learning, and na

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