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التحليل العاملي لمقياس الصحة النفسية لطلبة الجامعة
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أن الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو التحليل الهيكلي لبنية مقياس الصحة النفسية لطلبة الجامعة الذي طورته الجنابي (1991) باستخدام التحليل العاملي. إن 66 طالبا و95 طالبة من كلية التربية في الجامعة المستنصرية قد استجابوا لفقرات المقياس. وقد أظهر التحليل العاملي وجود خمسة عوامل فسرت 30% من التباين, وان هذه العوامل هي الإستقرار العائلي، والأمن الاقتصادي، والمسؤولية الإجتماعية، وتقدير الذات، والأمن النفسي.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental Health and Its Relationship with Shyness for University Students
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This study aimed to show the relationship between mental health and shyness for university students in Baghdad and Al – Mustansiria university which its subject was (200) students  ,          ( 100) males and  ( 100) females , Mental Health scale which is constructed by (Al – Janabi 1991) and developed by (Hassan 2006) was used for this aim  ,The scale of shyness was built according to a questioner to the students and according to previous publications and studies .

Multiple regulation analysis step - wise was used for data analysis in order to identify the possibility to find single or couple indications for the independent variable (mental

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship of Noise Pollution to the Mental Health of Among University Students
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The present study deals with the relationship of noise pollution to the mental health of university students, through the researcher field study with the use of descriptive Correlative approach to investigate this relationship. Noise is one of the elements of environmental pollution that people often expose to in their environment. The problem of noise has been exacerbated now because of cultural and technological progress in crowded cities. As a result, the researchers studied noise as an environmental stimulus that affects the mental health of the human being.The researchers, through their current research try to study a very serious problem, which is the problem of noise pollution on the health side of university students as a

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental Health and Its Role in Enhancing Self-Confidence Positive Behavior among University Students
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The current research aims to identify mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of female university students. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in this research. The researcher depended on the availability of sources and references, literature, and previous field studies to analyze and study all aspects related to mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of university students and then expand its importance and identify the areas of mental health, self-confidence, positive behavior, and university. The second chapter included the concept of mental health, the importance of the study, the most important factors of health and psyc

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Stress and Its Impact on Mental and Physical Health
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Stress is an inevitable part of life. Stress occurs when stressful events of self, environmental, or social origin affect the individual's resilience and threaten to collapse his psychological and physical systems. The stress represents difficulties and obstacles that may exceed the individual's ability to bear them and deal with them, which causes him stress and causes negative effects on his psychological and physical health. Therefore, the current research aimed to identify the negative effects of psychological stress on the psychological and physical health of the individual through the literature that dealt with this topic. It was among the results of the research that one of the negative effects of stresses on mental health is the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Differential Item Functioning at the scal of mental health
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At the last years, the interesting of measurement spicilists was increased to study differential item functioning (DIF) wich is reflect the difference of propability true response for test item from subgroups which have equal level of ability . The aims of this research are, inform the DIFat Namers’scale(2009) for mental health to prepare students and detect items that have DIF. Sample research contants (540) students, we use Mantel- Haenzel chi-square to detect DIF. The results are point to there are (26) items have DIF according to gender which are delated form the scale after that.


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Methods of Achieving Mental Health from an Islamic Perspective
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The aim of the research is to identify the methods of achieving mental health from an Islamic perspective by using an analytical approach. The methods that were explained: strengthen the spiritual side to control the motives and emotion s overcome the whims of the soul, fear of God and treat mental illness from an Islamic point of view by recognizing self, assurance, foresight, learning and acquiring new trends. Conclusion: we can achieve mental health by optimism, not despair, the compatibility of the Muslim with himself and with others, Consistency, emotional balance, and patience in difficult situations. Islam has attributes that make an individual feels    psychological security. Thus, all these elements achiev

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Mental Health among Disabled in Baghdad
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The aims of this research are : 1. To measure mental health among disabled in Baghdad. 2. To identify the statistical differences in mental health among disabled in Baghdad according to gender. 3. To identify the statistical differences in mental health among disabled in Baghdad according to age. The scale of mental health (Aljbori&abdulhussin,2015) was adopted by the researcher, A purposely sample were selected of (60) disabled at Iraqi Alliance of Disabilitiv (IAD) in academic year 2015 to 2016. Where data have analyzed by SPSS. The results found. 1. The disabled characterized with good level of mental heath. 2. There was no significant differences between ganders 3. There are no significant differences between age. Results and rec

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological health disorders in kindergarten
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The goal of modern education is to achieve healthy growth of the individual and
society Since childhood is one of the most serious developmental stages in the human
identity, which is not limited to the threat to it stage the foundations of personal sound is
placed where the dimensions of the various components and based on the foregoing targets
Current Search: "Measuring the level of psychological health kindergartens"
And it included a sample search on the kindergarten children in the province of
Baghdad and achieve the objectives of research have been prepared in scale mental health and
concluded the researcher through the search results that kindergarten children suffering from
disorders in mental health, the

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التحليل المنطقي والإحصائي لفقرات المقاييس النفسية
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اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :

ان القياس ضروري في دراسة كل فعالية يقوم بها الكائن الحي ، فلغة العلم ، هي رموز ومصطلحات وتعبيرات احصائية ( العيسى ، 1973 : 3 ) .

والقياس بشكل عام مهم في كل العلوم ، فهي على اختلاف انواعها تقوم بتوجيه اهتمامها نحو دراسة العلاقة بين المتغيرات ( Variables ) ، في الميادين التي تبحثها لذلك يجب ان تكون هذه المتغيرات قابلة للقياس بشكل دقيق لنتمكن من در

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Under the title "ideas to demonstrate and prove some new insight into the measurement of psychological and educational assessment"Paragraphs of the psychometric analysis between the logical and virtual (for arbitrators experts and specialists) and the sta
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   Thsst researcher problem of delays faced by researchers are all waiting to evaluate their standards by the experts who must take their views to extract the truth Virtual important step first step in building standards whatsoever, then the difference of opinion among experts about the paragraphs Whatever the scope of their functions, leading to confusion in maintaining these paragraphs or delete? Or ignore the views and opinion of the researcher to maintain the same? Or as agreed upon with the supervisor if he was a student? Especially if the concepts of a modern new building.
   Therefore, the researcher sought to try to find a solution to her problem to conduct an experiment to test building steps

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