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قياس المسؤولية الاجتماعية لدى طلبة جامعة القادسية
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أهمية البحث والحاجة إليه:

تبدو لنا المسؤولية الاجتماعية بأنها أحدى الخصائص التي يكتسبها الفرد من بيئته الاجتماعية, بتأثير مجموعة القيم التي تحكم سلوك الأفراد في ذلك المجتمع فتبدأ المسؤولية الاجتماعية بأولى صورها على شكل إدراك الفرد لمتطلبات المجتمع وإدراكه لدوره في المساهمة في أنجاز تلك المتطلبات, وفي الواقع إن الإدراك لوحده لا يكفي لان يمارس الفرد مسؤوليته داخل المجتمع, فيظهر المستوى الأخر وهو الشعور بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية وهذا المستوى يبدو أكثر نضجا وأكثر أهمية من الإدراك لان التحسس بالواجبات والالتزامات الاجتماعية يظهر بصورته الواقعية. أما المستوى الأخر فهو ممارسة المسؤولية الاجتماعية بصورة فعلية وبأنماط سلوكية متعددة تجسد التزام الفرد تجاه المجتمع وهذا المستوى هو الذي استهدفناه في هذا البحث, لأنه يعكس بصورة واضحة إدراك الفرد وشعوره بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية والتزامه بمضمونها.

وتعد المسؤولية Responsibility من الموضوعات المهمة في أي مجتمع من المجتمعات الإنسانية, وتزداد أهميتها بازدياد درجة التنظيم الاجتماعي في هذه المجتمعات, حيث يتطلب ذلك تشريعات خاصة لضبط ألوان النشاط الإنساني في المجتمع وبخاصة عندما يكون هذا النشاط ذا صبغة اجتماعية أو أخلاقية, أو أي نشاط أخر مرتبط بالفعل الإنساني داخل المجتمع. (الخوالدة 1987 ص126).

وهناك صلة وثيقة بين المستوى العلمي والثقافي والمسؤولية الاجتماعية, حيث يعد طلبة الجامعات من الذين يحظون بمستوى علمي وثقافي ووعي وطني فيتوقع من طلبة الجامعات إن يتمتعوا بأنماط سلوكية تناسب مستواهم العلمي والثقافي فعليهم القيام بأنشطة, كالمبادأة لفعل الخير والتعاون, والمشاركة الوجدانية, وتوازن الحالة المزاجية, والهدوء والشعور بالمسؤولية وممارستها والولاء للوطن والحرص على أداء الواجب والالتزام بالمثل العليا. (زهران 1977 ص251).

وتعد المسؤولية قضية حيوية لارتباطها بمهمة تحديد الأفعال والممارسات الإنسانية ويترتب على أفعال الإنسان من نتائج ايجابية أو سلبية داخل الكيان الاجتماعي ولهذا فان تربية الفرد على تحمل مسؤولياته تجاه ما يصدر عنه من أقوال وأفعال تعد مسالة في غاية الأهمية لتنظيم الحياة داخل المجتمع الإنساني ويتحمل أفراد المجتمع مسؤولياتهم المختلفة ومنها المسؤولية الاجتماعية -موضوع البحث- Social Responsibility والمسؤولية القانونية Low Responsibility لتحقيق الاستقرار في حياتهم والطمأنينة فيما بينهم, فيستمتعون بالعدل ويشعرون بالأمن النفسي والاجتماعي في حياتهم الخاصة والعامة. وهذا يمكنهم من اختيار السلوك الامثل بفعل ما تشيعه حساسية المسؤولية في نفوسهم من حرص ووعي واهتمام ومشاركة تجاه أفراد المجتمع الآخرين وهم يمارسون أدوارهم الاجتماعية. (بدوي 1975 ص124).

وتعد المسؤولية الاجتماعية من الموضوعات المهمة في أي مجتمع إنساني لارتباطها بمهمة تحديد وضبط سلوك الأفراد داخل المجتمع وتعتمد على عدة عناصر كالإدراك والشعور والممارسة الفعلية للسلوك الدال عليها, فالإحساس الكامل بالالتزامات الاجتماعية بين الأفراد وممارسة السلوك الذي ينسجم مع مضامين القيم والأعراف الاجتماعية, وفي الوقت نفسه تخلي الأفراد عن ممارسة كل ما يؤدي إلى خرق أو تحريف تلك القيم أو الأعراف السائدة في المجتمع.

إن من أولى المهمات التي يجب إن يتحسسها طلبة الجامعة هي المسؤولية الاجتماعية, فهم الصفوة المثقفة التي تحمل ركائز بناء المجتمع والتي ستتحمل بناء أسس المسؤولية الاجتماعية للمجتمع الجديد, والطالب الجامعي من أكثر أفراد المجتمع تحسبا لمتطلبات مراحل الحياة, فالمسؤولية الاجتماعية تفرض عليه الالتزام بالعمل الجاد والمستمر, لكي يؤدي دوره المطلوب في المجتمع وعليه إن يهيأ ظروف ملائمة للعمل, وان يتأكد بأن مسؤوليته الجديدة سيكون مصيرها النجاح وليس الفشل. (عبد المجيد 1962 ص32).

فهناك عدد من المجالات يمكن إن يمارس فيها طلبة الجامعة مسؤولياتهم الاجتماعية, تبدأ من المسؤولية إزاء الذات مرورا بالمسؤولية تجاه أبناء المجتمع المحلي وانتهاءا بالمسؤولية إزاء المجتمع الإنساني بأسره.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Causality Analysis of the Nexus between Higher Education and Income Distribution in Iraq
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The achievement of economic and social welfare for individual is the main target to all policies that adopted by all countries worldwide either were economic, social, political or others. The obtaining of education by individuals and especially the higher education is one of the most important determinates in achieving the wellbeing and lasted economic development. This is because via the higher education new fields can be opened in front of individuals in order to get adequate jobs associated with their scientific specialization. This is allowing educated individuals gain higher income that can reduce the gap of income inequality.

Thus, this paper aims to analysis the n

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Rational Emotional Behavioral Program in Developing Self-Efficacy to Reduce the Burnout among Teachers of Students with Autism Disorder
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The aim of this study is to identify the effectiveness of a rational, emotional, behavioral program in developing self-efficacy to reduce the level of Burnout in 20 teachers of students with autism disorder in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. The proposed program included 12 training sessions. The researcher found that the proposed program has contributed significantly to the development of self-efficacy and reduce the level of Burnout for the targeted subject in this study.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة علوم الرياضة في جامعة ديالى
إتخاذ القرار و علاقته بإنماط الشخصية و الإدراك البنائي لدى مدراء منتديات الشباب و الرياضة في محافظات الفرات الأوسط و الجنوبية.
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effective of utilization Blending learning on academic achievement in Biology course of second class students in secondary special schools in Omdurman Locality and attitudes towards it.
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This research aimed to definite Blending learning (BL) technique, and to know the impact of its use onacademic achievement in Biology course of second class students in secondary special schools in Omdurman Locality and attitudes towards it, to achieve this; researcher adopted the experimental method. The sample was selected of (41) students, chosen from Atabiyah school, were divided into two equals groups: one experimental group reached (26) students studied by using the  BL technique, and the second control group (25) students have been taught in the traditional method.

   Data has collected by using two tools: achievement test and a questionnaire for measuring the attitudes towards Blend

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Relations of high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) with microalbuminuria as a useful predictor of cardiovascular risk among type 1 diabetes mellitus patients
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Background: Inflammation and more specifically inflammatory cytokines are determinant in the development of microvascular diabetic complications, including neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.
Objective: The aim of present study is to evaluate the relationships between high sensitive C-reactive protein, microalbuminuria and risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Subjects and methods: the study involved (30) patients with type 1 diabetic mellitus compared to (30) healthy control. A fasting blood sample was drawn from all subjects after an overnight fasting to measure the biochemical parameters which including glycated hemoglobin, lipid profile, atherogenic index of plasma and high sensitive C-reactive protein concentration in

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Obesity, Dyslipidemia, Hyperglycemia, and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines as Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Acromegaly Patients
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Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common comorbidities associated with enlarged extremities, occurring in 60 % of patients with acromegaly. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship of growth hormone and insulin such as growth factor-1 with obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10), as risk factors for cardiovascular disorder in acromegaly patients. Eighty subjects were included and categorized into two groups: 40 acromegaly patients and 40 of the control group. The results indicated weight excess, hyperglycemia, hypertension, lipid disorder, and elevated levels of interleukins (2, 6, and 10). The correlation of both GH and IGF-1 with each of weight, BMI, systolic blood p

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of Apelin-36 and GST Levels with Their Relationship to Lipid and Other Biochemical Parameters in the Prediction of Heart Diseases in PCOS Women Patients
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This work studies the role of serum apelin-36 and Glutathione S-transferases (GST) activity in association with the hormonal, metabolic profiles and their link to the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in healthy and patients' ladies with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A total of fifty-four (PCOS) patients and thirty-one healthy woman as a control have been studied. The PCOS patients were subdivided on the basis of body-mass-index (BMI), into 2-subgroups (the first group was obese-PCOS with BMI ≥ 30 and the second group was non-obese PCOS MBI<30). Fasting-insulin-levels and Lipid-profile, Homeostatic-model assessment-of-insulin-resistance (HOMA-IR), follicle-stimulating-hormone (FSH), luteinizing-hormone (LH), testosterone and

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Scopus (9)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of educational design design according to the theory of Ozbal in the acquisition of geographical concepts among the pupils of the fourth primary in the geography and development of their habits of mind
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Summary The objective of the research is to learn the design of a learning educational learning according to the theory of Ausubel in the acquisition of geographical concepts among the students of the fourth primary in the field of geography and the development of their habits of mind. To achieve this, the researcher relied on the two hypotheses the researcher used the design of equal groups the first experimental group was studied according to the design educational educational learning according to the theory and the other is an officer according to the traditional method. The research community consists of fourth grade pupils in primary school day for girls in the Directorate of Education Baghdad, Al-Rusafa, the third academic year 20

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Study of Genomic DNA Extraction Protocols from Whole Blood for P53 Gene Polymorphism in Persons with and without Prostate Cancer
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In latest decades, genetic methods have developed into a potent tool in a number of life-attaching applications. In research looking at demographic genetic diversity, QTL detection, marker-assisted selection, and food traceability, DNA-based technologies like PCR are being employed more and more. These approaches call for extraction procedures that provide efficient nucleic acid extraction and the elimination of PCR inhibitors. The first and most important stage in molecular biology is the extraction of DNA from cells. For a molecular scientist, the high quality and integrity of the isolated DNA as well as the extraction method's ease of use and affordability are crucial factors. The present study was designed to establish a simple, fast

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Feeling of Job Alienation and Its Relationship to Organizational Commitment among Free Lecturers in Secondary Schools: Imam Al-Kadhum College (peace be upon him ( Kindergarten and Special Education Department
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The current study aims to identify the feeling of job alienation and organizational commitment among free lecturers in secondary schools, as well as to identify the significance of the differences in the feeling of job alienation according to the gender and the significance of the differences in organizational commitment according to the gender. It also aims to identify the correlation between the feeling of job alienation and organizational commitment. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher developed two scales: one consisted of (24) items to measure the vacancy in job alienation and the other consisted of (24) items to measure the organizational commitment. The two tools were applied to a sample of (200) male and fem

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