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اثر تضمين البعد البيئي في تدريس الكيمياء في التحصيل الاني والمؤجل لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية
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من الاهداف المهمة لتدريس الكيمياء في المرحلة الثانوية التعرف على الثروات الطبيعية وكيفية استغلالها والاستفادة منها (وزارة التربية والتعليم ,1970)ومن اهداف تدريس الكيمياء التي يشير اليها  المختصون ,مساعدة الفرد على التكيف الايجابي والناجح مع بيئة بما يحدث لمكوناتها مع تغير وما يدخل على بنيتها من عوامل مستجدة (كاظم ,1973) على ان يتم ذلك من خلال الشعور الايجابي لدى الافراد بدفعهم للاسهام في تطوير البيئة من حدود استعداداتهم وقدراتهم (وزارة التربية والتعليم ,1964) وينسجم هذا مع هدف التربية بعمامة التي تسعى لاعداد افراد متوافقين فيما بينهم بشكل عام (المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم ,1977)



اثر تضمين البعد البيئي في تدريس الكيمياء على التحصيل الاني والمؤجل لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية.هدف هذه الدراسة الى استقصاء اثر التضمين البيئي في تدريس الكيمياء على التحصيل وذلك بقصد الاجابة عن الاسئلة التالية :-

السؤال الاول:- هل هناك فرق ذو دلالة احصائية بين متوسطي مجموعتي الدراسة في التحصيل الاني يعزى لمنحى التدريس ؟

السؤال الثاني:- هل هناك فرق ذو دلالة احصائية بين متوسطات اداء الطلاب الاني يعزى لمستوى التحصيل ؟


السؤال الثالث:- هل يوجد فرق ذو دلالة احصائية بين متوسطات اداء الطلاب الاني يعزى للتفاعل بين منحنى التدريس و مستوى التحصيل ؟

السؤال الرابع:-  هل هناك فرق ذو دلالة احصائية بين متوسطي مجموعتي الدراسة في التحصيل المؤجل يعزى لمنحنى التدريس ؟

السؤال الخامس :- هل هناك فرق ذو دلالة احصائية بين متوسطات تحصيل الطلاب يعزى لمستوى التحصيل ؟

السؤال السادس :- هل يوجد فرق ذو دلالة احصائية بين متوسطات اداء الطلاب  المؤجل يعزى للتفاعل بين منحنى التدريس ومستوى التحصيل  ؟

شملت عينة الدراسة (84) طالبا من طلاب الصف الخامس العلمي في مدينة بغداد للعام الدراسي 2001- 2002 موزعين في شعبتين دراسيتين وتم تصنيف افراد مجموعتي الدراسة الى ذوي تحصيل مرتفع ومتوسط ومنخفض حسب متوسط علاماتهم في الفيزياء والكيمياء والاحياء في الفصل الاول 2001/2002 ثم قاما الباحثان بتدريس احد الشعبتين حسب المنحنى البيئي والاخرى حسب المنحنى التقليدي.

وقيس تحصيل الطلاب في هذه الدراسة باختبار تحصيلي من اعداد الباحثة.

استخدم تحليل التباين (3x2 )للاجابة عن اسئلة الدراسة عند مستوى الدلالة الاحصائية (0.05). واظهرت نتائج الدراسة وجود فرق ذات دلالة احصائية في كل من التحصيل الاني والمؤجل تعزى لمستوى التحصيل وعند اجراء المقارنات المتعددة نيومان كولز البعديه تبين وجود فروق ذات دلالة احصائية لصالح فئات التحصيل المرتفع . كما بينت نتائج الدراسة عدم وجود اثر التفاعل مابين مستوى التحصيل ومنحنى التدريس في كل من التحصيل الاني والمؤجل . وخلصت الدراسة الى التوصية بتطعيم البعد البيئي في محتوى المناهج القائمة في الكيمياء من خلال ربط التفاعلات الكيميائية بقضايا بيئية واجراء دراسات مماثلة في موضوعات اخرى في الكيمياء والعلوم بشكل خاص والمواضيع الاخرى بشكل عام .


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Publication Date
Tue Apr 11 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Collision in the dispute between the two imams Shafi’i and Abu Hanifa by Sheikh Mansour bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Jabbar al-Marwazi al-Samani Abi al-Muzaffar (d. 498 AH) from the issue (If one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses
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The science of jurisprudence is one of the legal sciences that scholars have been interested in since the first centuries of Islam, and they wrote many books about it, and the science of manuscripts is considered one of the scientific achievements in which many scholars emerged, including Imam Al-Samaani, so I chose this manuscript related to Istism to clarify its concept and meaning for all people, The student (Ali Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Sheikh Hamad) preceded me in the investigation of part of the book, and it was facilitated for me, by the grace of God Almighty, to investigate the issue (if one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses converted to Islam until the end of the issue of if the two spouses were taken capt

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تناول البحث تطورات بنية الانفاق الحكومي للمدة (1990-2014) اذ تشمل هذه المدة مدتين مختلفتين من حيث الظروف اذ اتسمت المدة الاولى (1990-2002) بفرض العقوبات الاقتصادية وحرمان الاقتصاد العراقي من المورد النفطي ,في حين اتسمت المدة الثانية (2003-2014) بوفرة ال
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  The research explain the developments in the structure of government Expenditure for the period (1990-2014), this period include tow different periods in terms of the conditions, the first period (1990-2002)characterized by imposing the economic sanctions and deny the Iraqi economy from the oil revenues, while the second period (2003-2014) marked by abundance resource rents as a result of lifting the ban on oil exports, (autoregressive Distributed lag Model) has been used to measure the impact of government Expenditure in both side current and investment in the oil-GDP (gross domestic product) and non oil-GDP, the stady found that there is no significant relationship between current Expenditure in non-oil and oil-GDP in bo

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Generational rights and its relationship to sustainable development
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The environment, in its various aspects, is the center of international concern, as it constitutes a common heritage of all humanity, as it has become a common denominator in relation to various issues and problems of an economic, social and cultural nature, and due to the development of public international law, new concepts have emerged that were not previously noticed as the concept of the rights of future generations, As this concept is closely related to the protection of the environment and reality in the field of environmental law, the idea of ​​the rights of future generations has been explicitly defined, especially in international law that is formed with the idea of ​​a common heritage of humanity that must be preserved

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
the Immunohistochemical Study of Stathmin-1 as A Prognostic factor In Non-small cell lung carcinoma
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Stathmin1 (also known as metablastin) is a major microtubule-depolymerizing protein that involved in cell cycle progression and cell motility.

 Stathmin1 has been found to be up-regulated in some cancers and correlated with cell differentiation and proliferation.  

Stathmin1 is a major cytosolic phosphoprotein that regulates microtubule dynamics and is associated with malignant phenotypes in various cancers, including non-small cell lung cancer.



 To evaluate the role of Immunohistochemical expression of stathmin1 in non-small

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial investment strategies – Conceptual Framework
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The investor needs to a clear strategy for the purpose of access to the financial market, that is, has a plan to increase The share of the profits thinking entrepreneur and new, and highlights the importance of this in that it sets for the investor when it goes to the market, and when it comes out of it, and at what price to buy or sell the stock, and what is the the amount of money it starts. Fortunately, he does not need to invent his own investment strategy, because over the years the development of effective methods of buying and selling, and once you understand how to work these methods investor can choose the most appropriate methods and adapted image that fit his style investment .


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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A relationship study of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, blood groups, and some related factors in Iraqi patients
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Many studies of the relationship between COVID-19 and different factors have been conducted since the beginning of the corona pandemic. The relationship between COVID-19 and different biomarkers including ABO blood groups, D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP, was examined. Six hundred (600) patients, were included in this trial among them, 324 (56%) females and the rest 276 (46%) were males. The frequencies of blood types A, B, AB, and O were 25.33, 38.00, 31.33, and 5.33%, respectively, in the case group. Association analysis between the ABO blood group and D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP of COVID-19 patients indicated that there was a statistically significant difference for Ferritin (P≤0.01), but no-significant differences for both D-dimer and CRP.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Maximizing the Coverage Range of Wireless Sensor Networks
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The issue of increasing the range covered by a wireless sensor network with restricted sensors is addressed utilizing improved CS employing the PSO algorithm and opposition-based learning (ICS-PSO-OBL). At first, the iteration is carried out by updating the old solution dimension by dimension to achieve independent updating across the dimensions in the high-dimensional optimization problem. The PSO operator is then incorporated to lessen the preference random walk stage's imbalance between exploration and exploitation ability. Exceptional individuals are selected from the population using OBL to boost the chance of finding the optimal solution based on the fitness value. The ICS-PSO-OBL is used to maximize coverage in WSN by converting r

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative reading of the social and political satire in the works of Abu al-Fadl Zrui Nasrabad and Ahmad Rajab (The tadhk: خوانش تطبیقی طنز اجتماعی – سیاسی در آثار ابوالفضل زرویی نصرآباد و احمد رجب(مورد مطالعه: تذکرة المقامات زرویی و نصف كلمة احمد رجب)
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           Satire is genre of the literary arts that has always been the source of human interest. Because  it is difficult to accept direct criticism, Satire appears as a literary tool in which vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. A satirical critic usually employs irony to attain this goal. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often profitable social criticism, using wit to draw at

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2024
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يعتبر الاتصال وسيلة هادفة من الوسائل الرئيسية التي تستخدمها المنظمة الإدارية في تحقيق أهدافها إذ أن جميع العاملين يتعاملون مع بعضهم البعض من خلال وسائل الاتصال المختلفة من أجل ضمان تسيير نشاطاتهم وتحقيق أهدافهم وهذا يدل على أن الاتصال يعتبر الوسيلة الاجتماعية التي يحقق الأفراد من خلالها سبل التفاهم والتفاعل البناء
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Efficient Approach for Solving (2+1) D- Differential Equations
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     In this article, a new efficient approach is presented to solve a type of partial differential equations, such (2+1)-dimensional differential equations non-linear, and nonhomogeneous. The procedure of the new approach is suggested to solve important types of differential equations and get accurate analytic solutions i.e., exact solutions. The effectiveness of the suggested approach based on its properties compared with other approaches has been used to solve this type of differential equations such as the Adomain decomposition method, homotopy perturbation method, homotopy analysis method, and variation iteration method. The advantage of the present method has been illustrated by some examples.

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