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الاكتئاب لدى النساء العاملات في بغداد
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ان في هذه الاية الكريمة لآبلغ وصف للاكتئاب حيث الضيق الشديد والشعور باليأس من الدنيا والوحدة .

وقال المتنبي :.

كفى بك داء ان ترى الموت شافياً

وحسب المنايا ان يكن امانيا

وقال مجنون ليلى :.

وامطر في التراب سحاب جفني

وقلبي في هموم واكتئاب

الحزن والقلق والهم والغم جزء من حياة الناس وهناك كثير من العوامل الممهدة هي التي تجعل من الفرد عرضة للاصابة بالاكتئاب مثل ( الحرمان العاطفي ، الحوادث ، الامراض الجسمية ، المشاكل الزوجية ، التعب المستمر … ) .

وهذه تصيب الانسان ولا يتمكن من مواجهتها والتكيف امامها والتغلب عليها ، وقد اظهر تقرير منظمة الصحة العالمية لعام (2005 ) ان الاكتئاب يشكل السبب الثالث حالياً للمرض والاجازة والانقطاع عن العمل والخسائر الاقتصادية في العمل وتتوقع المنظمة ان الاكتئاب سيكون السبب الاول للمرض والعجز الصحي والانقطاع عن العمل عام ( 5 202) ( منظمة الصحة العالمية )

ومن اعراضه الجسمية انقباض الصدر والشعور بالضيق وفقدان الشهية والصداع والتعب والازمات الحركية ، اما الاعراض النفسية فهي اليأس والاسى وهبوط الروح المعنوية وانحراف المزاج وعدم ضبط النفس وضعف الثقة في النفس والقلق والتوتر والارق وفتور الانفعال والانطواء والانسحاب والانخراط في البكاء ( انترنيت )                                                         

وكذلك من اعراضه اهمال في المظهر والاناقة وتميل تعابير الوجه الى العبوس وتباطىء المشي والحركة مع اضطراب النوم حيث الارق واضطراب الشهية وفقدان الوزن مع تباطىء النشاط والتفكير والذاكرة وضعف القدرة على التركيز مع الاصابة بالامساك وضعف الرغبة الجنسيـة وقد يترافق الاكتئـاب احيانـاً باعراض الهلاوس والاوهام الذهانية ( سرحان وآخرون ، 2003 ) وان الهلاوس والاوهام الذهانية المرافقة للاكتئاب الشديد تدور حول فكرة شعور المريض بالذنب واحتقار الذات وانعدام القيمة ( انت المذنب ، انت شرير ، انه خطؤك ) ويتقبلها المريض كعقاب على اخطاءه ( رستم ، 2004 ) . والاكتئاب يظهر في اشكال متعددة هي : .

  • الاكتئاب الخفيف وهو اخف صور الاكتئاب .
  • الاكتئاب البسيط .
  • الاكتئاب الحاد .
  • الاكتئاب المزمن وهو دائم .
  • الاكتئاب التفاعلي وهو رد فعل الحلول الكوارث وهو قصير المدى .
  • الاكتئاب الشرطي وهو اكتئاب يرجع مصدره الاصلي الى خبره جارحة يعود الى الظهور بظهور وضع مشابه او خبرة مماثلة للوضع او الخبرة السابقة .
  • اكتئاب سن العقود ويحدث عند النساء في الاربعينات وعند الرجال في الخمسينات ويلاحظ فيه القلق والهم والتهيج وربما صحبته ميول انتحارية .
  • الاكتئاب العصابي .
  • الاكتئاب الذهاني .

والفرق بينهما ان مريض الاكتئاب الذهاني يسيء تفسير ( الواقع الخارجي ويصاحبه اوهام وهذيان الخطيئة . ( انترنت ) .

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Seeing the believers of their Lord in the situation and in heaven: fi mawqif wa fī aj- janna Lil -mam al-'allamah Burhanu al-din al-Kurani
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Research Summary

This research is an attempt to explain the Qur’anic verses of the vision in the practical divine vision on the Day of Resurrection, and the legal texts narrated from the Companions regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace He was greeted with regard to vision, and he explained the two sayings of Ibn Abbas and Aisha on the same subject, including an area of ​​conflict between them.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The efficiency of Using Attribute and Performance- Based Activity Methods to Raise the Level of Control Deviation A field study in Jaber Bin Hayyan Factory
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Cost is the essence of any production process for it is one of the requirements for the continuity of activities so as to increase the profitability of the economic unit and to support the competitive situation in the market. Therefore, there should be an overall control to reduce the cost without compromising the product quality; to achieve this, the management should have detailed credible and reliable information about the cost to be measured, collected, understood and to analyze the causes for the spread of deviations and obstacles the management faces, and to search for the factors that trigger the emergence of these deviations and obstacles

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The quality of work-life and relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University of the faculty members' point of view / Business School Case study
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This study aimed to identify the quality of the career path and its relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University in the Faculty of Business from the point of view of the faculty members by identifying the dimensions quality of work-life including (participation of decision making, training and development opportunities, and the balance between personal and work life, and to identify the level of organizational excellence through dimensions ( Excellence of leadership, excellence of the  strategy, and excellence of organizational culture). The descriptive approach was used. The questionnaire was a research tool. It consisted of (29) paragraphs, distributed to the entire study community and then received 127

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Mothers’ Knowledge about Their Children with Sickle Cell Anemia and Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Pain Management in Basra Center for Hereditary Blood Diseases
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Objective(s): To assess mothers’ knowledge about their children with sickle cell anemia and non-Pharmacological approaches to pain management and found some relationship between mothers knowledge and their demographic data of age, level of education, and occupation.
Methodology: A descriptive design used in the present study established was for a period from September 19th, 2020 to March 30th, 2021. The study was conducted on a non-probability (purposive) sample of (30) mother their children with sickle cell anemia was chosen. The data were analyzed through the application of descriptive and inferential statistical approaches which are applied by using SPSS version 22.0.
Results: The findings of the study indicated that moderate

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Interactive Role of Organizational Elegance between Organizational Anomaly and Planned Human Resource Behavior A survey of a sample of workers in the Ministry of Construction and Housing
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This study attempts to test the interactive role played by organizational agility in enhancing the effect of organizational anomie on the behavior of planned human resources. The study of organizational anomie has increased because of the moral and legal pressures facing the organization by the external environment within its framework. To adapt to all external developments faced by these organizations, the behavior of human resources planned reflects the ability of individuals to control their behavior in different situations and situations that face them in the work.

The problem of the research indicates that there is a clear lack of understanding of what is meant by the variables studied in the sample

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of non-current assets impairment reporting on certain financial indicators application on Al-Mansour Pharmaceuticals- a private corporation
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   This research deals with the financial reporting for non-current assets impairment from the viewpoint of international accounting standards, particularly IAS 36 "Impairment of non-current assets." The research problems focus on the presence of internal and external indicators on impairment of non-current assets in many of companies listed in Iraqi stock exchange. So it is required to apply IAS 36 to reporting for the impairment loss of assets since this impairment impact certain financial indicators. These indicators help users in their decision-making and forecasting future financial situation and the ability of the company to achieve future profits or maintain current profits. The research aims to shedding lig

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the tax gap resulting from the application of the direct deduction method and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax: Applied research in the General Directorate of education in Diyala
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The research aims to shed light on the nature of the tax gap in the income tax by the method of direct deduction and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax, and to determine the reasons for this gap in the deduction between the tax due in accordance with the laws and instructions in force and the tax actually paid. The tax gap is a real problem that cannot be ignored for what it represents loss of financial revenues due to the state.

The research problem is represented in the existence of a gap between the tax due according to direct deduction instructions and the tax actually paid according to the financial statements, and to achieve the objectives of the research and test the hypotheses, t

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ادوار إدارة المعرفة التنظيمية و رأس مال الزبون العلاقة والأثر/ دراسة تطبيقية على القطاع المصرفي الأهلي في محافظة النجف الاشرف
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يختبر البحث الحالي علاقة الأثر والارتباط بين إدارة المعرفة التنظيمية (المتمثلة قيادة المعرفة، تنظيم المعرفة، عمليات المعرفة، ثقافة المعرفة، تطبيق المعرفة، تقاسم المعرفة) ومتغير (رأس مال الزبون) في مجموعة من المصارف الأهلية في محافظة النجف إذ تمثلت مشكلة الدراسة بمدى دور إدارة المعرفة في هذه المصارف فضلاً عن الزبائن الذين يتعاملون معها، وقد استخدمت استمارة الاستبيان كأداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات إذ تم تو

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of IFRS 16 on the quality of financial reporting For the Iraqi economic units Applied to the General Company of Iraqi Airways
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The rental activity receives "significant" interest from accounting organizations interested in issuing accounting standards worldwide, such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). As leases represents an important source of finance for economic units as an alternative to financing assets through purchase or borrowing. Professional organizations have focused on addressing the situation of extra-budgetary funding through which the lessee hides many leases that are classified as financing without It shows in the budget, which gives an incorrect picture of the reality of the financial situation of economic unity, IASB has issued IFRS 16, which terminates off- Balance s

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دراسة تطبيقية في شركة التأمين العراقية العامة: study in the "General Iraqi Insurance Company"
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  The life insurance marketing faces many difficulties because it is not a current tangible commodity, so it needs a planning for promotional activities and data about prospective applicants according to many factors such as age and residence area ​​, marital status and profession to determine the group wich need insurance covers.                                                                    &nb

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