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الاكتئاب لدى النساء العاملات في بغداد
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ان في هذه الاية الكريمة لآبلغ وصف للاكتئاب حيث الضيق الشديد والشعور باليأس من الدنيا والوحدة .

وقال المتنبي :.

كفى بك داء ان ترى الموت شافياً

وحسب المنايا ان يكن امانيا

وقال مجنون ليلى :.

وامطر في التراب سحاب جفني

وقلبي في هموم واكتئاب

الحزن والقلق والهم والغم جزء من حياة الناس وهناك كثير من العوامل الممهدة هي التي تجعل من الفرد عرضة للاصابة بالاكتئاب مثل ( الحرمان العاطفي ، الحوادث ، الامراض الجسمية ، المشاكل الزوجية ، التعب المستمر … ) .

وهذه تصيب الانسان ولا يتمكن من مواجهتها والتكيف امامها والتغلب عليها ، وقد اظهر تقرير منظمة الصحة العالمية لعام (2005 ) ان الاكتئاب يشكل السبب الثالث حالياً للمرض والاجازة والانقطاع عن العمل والخسائر الاقتصادية في العمل وتتوقع المنظمة ان الاكتئاب سيكون السبب الاول للمرض والعجز الصحي والانقطاع عن العمل عام ( 5 202) ( منظمة الصحة العالمية )

ومن اعراضه الجسمية انقباض الصدر والشعور بالضيق وفقدان الشهية والصداع والتعب والازمات الحركية ، اما الاعراض النفسية فهي اليأس والاسى وهبوط الروح المعنوية وانحراف المزاج وعدم ضبط النفس وضعف الثقة في النفس والقلق والتوتر والارق وفتور الانفعال والانطواء والانسحاب والانخراط في البكاء ( انترنيت )                                                         

وكذلك من اعراضه اهمال في المظهر والاناقة وتميل تعابير الوجه الى العبوس وتباطىء المشي والحركة مع اضطراب النوم حيث الارق واضطراب الشهية وفقدان الوزن مع تباطىء النشاط والتفكير والذاكرة وضعف القدرة على التركيز مع الاصابة بالامساك وضعف الرغبة الجنسيـة وقد يترافق الاكتئـاب احيانـاً باعراض الهلاوس والاوهام الذهانية ( سرحان وآخرون ، 2003 ) وان الهلاوس والاوهام الذهانية المرافقة للاكتئاب الشديد تدور حول فكرة شعور المريض بالذنب واحتقار الذات وانعدام القيمة ( انت المذنب ، انت شرير ، انه خطؤك ) ويتقبلها المريض كعقاب على اخطاءه ( رستم ، 2004 ) . والاكتئاب يظهر في اشكال متعددة هي : .

  • الاكتئاب الخفيف وهو اخف صور الاكتئاب .
  • الاكتئاب البسيط .
  • الاكتئاب الحاد .
  • الاكتئاب المزمن وهو دائم .
  • الاكتئاب التفاعلي وهو رد فعل الحلول الكوارث وهو قصير المدى .
  • الاكتئاب الشرطي وهو اكتئاب يرجع مصدره الاصلي الى خبره جارحة يعود الى الظهور بظهور وضع مشابه او خبرة مماثلة للوضع او الخبرة السابقة .
  • اكتئاب سن العقود ويحدث عند النساء في الاربعينات وعند الرجال في الخمسينات ويلاحظ فيه القلق والهم والتهيج وربما صحبته ميول انتحارية .
  • الاكتئاب العصابي .
  • الاكتئاب الذهاني .

والفرق بينهما ان مريض الاكتئاب الذهاني يسيء تفسير ( الواقع الخارجي ويصاحبه اوهام وهذيان الخطيئة . ( انترنت ) .

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية للبحوث التجارية في كلية التجارة جامعة جنوب الوادي في جمهورية مصر العربية
استعمال نظام محاسبة العميل كأحد اساليب المحاسبة الادارية الحديثة لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic planning of human resources and its impact on the stages of a career path :A field research in the Ministry of Health
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The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between the strategic planning for human resources and career path, and I have tested Search the Ministry of  Health and some health centers headquarters in the Karkh district, that is applied in sample Consist of (45) Deputy Director, Head of Depts, Departmental Manager, and health center Manager.

Find interested in studying the two subjects are important and vital, at the level of organizations at the present time, namely the strategic planning of human resources and career path. To achieve the objectives of the research was designed Qusestionnair (31) items to collect  Primary data. and collected t

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The effect of using Daniel's model for people with two types of brain control (left and right) to learn the skill of the Cartwheel in artistic gymnastics for second-stage students
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The research problem focused through the researcher's experience in the gymnastics game and the lack of use of educational models that give the student an important role in the educational process, so it became necessary to identify the type of prevailing style for students, and the need for diversity in the use of educational models based on scientific theories, including the Daniel Document model. Based on three theories of learning, which are structural, behavioral, and meaningful learning. The research aimed to identify the effect of using the Daniel model for people with two types of brain control (left and right) to learn the skill of the Cartwheel in artistic gymnastics for students of the second stage. The researcher used the experi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Prevalence of anemia and its risk factors among supplemented and non-supplemented pregnant women in Sulaimani city Kurdistan-Iraq
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Background: Anemia is a serious global public health problem that particularly affects pregnant women.

Objectives: The objectives of the study were to find out the prevalence of anemia and its associated risk factors among supplemented and non-supplemented pregnant women.  

Cases and methods: Six hundred and forty-one blood samples were collected through simple random sampling from pregnant women and controls. The collected data from the participants included age, education, residence, and obstetrical related factors, and blood samples were taken for blood tests.

Results: One hundred and sixty-four (74.2%) and 73 (34.9%) of non-supplemented and supp

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2004
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The evaluate of usage educational method for jump shooting and it effect on speed strength in basketball for specialized students in College Sport of Dayla University
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The research aim to the usage educational method for jump shooting and it effect on speed strength in basketball for the specialist students in College Sport of Dayla University, which used the following statistic treatment (The T.test for compatible specimens), so after statistic treatment which appears theres a tow moral differences in speed strength and jump shooting tests results to (legs & arms) for the before and after tests, and after that the conclusions we positive and the second the special drills effect immaterial speed strength to legs and arms, so the tow researches recommended to looking after the best for educational methods that used in our sport colleges in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree to Which Princess Rahma University College Students Possess E-Learning Skills Related to Moodle from their Point of View, in Light of the Corona Crisis
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This study aims to identify the degree of students of Princess Rahma University College owning e-learning skills related to MOODLE as they perceived in the of light Corona crisis. The researchers' questionnaire consisted of (37) items, distributed in three areas of e-learning skills related to the MOODLE on (147) students were chosen randomly. The results of the study showed that the degree of students 'possession of e-learning skills related to the MOODLE was significant. The results also revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the degree of students' possession of electronic learning skills related to the MOODLE due to sex in favor of females. Finally, there were no statistically significant differences in the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الأمير كوركوز الاويغوري دراسة في سيرته ودوره السياسي والاداري والاقتصادي والعمراني خلال العصر العباسي 624-641 هـ/ 1226- 1243 م
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حظيت عدد من الشخصيات التاريخية ممن كان لها أثر واضح المعالم في تطور النظام الإداري والسياسي للإمبراطورية المغولية، بأهتمام عدد لا بأس به من الباحثين.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of the Seven Principles of Good Practice as a Teaching Technique on EFL Student –Teachers' Performance: سوسن سعود عزيز
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The interest in pre-service teacher training has become influential in teaching English as a foreign language, and the purpose of this training course is to prepare qualified teachers to teach effectively through the application of this technique by undergraduate students. This research aims to find out the effect of using the seven principles of good practice as a teaching technique on the fourth stage student-teachers’ performance at the College of Education for Women/University of Baghdad, during the academic year 2017-2018. The sample includes (60) students selected according to the stratified sampling method. The observational checklist used by the department to assess the student teachers’ performance during the practicum perio

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of increasing the volume of debt on the volume of trading (applied research on a sample of private banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange)
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This research worked on identifying the effect of increasing the volume of indebtedness by companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange on the trading volume of those companies, and this research included some theoretical concepts related to both debt financing and trading volume, and it represents the research community of the joint-stock companies listed in The Iraq Stock Exchange (the banking sector). As for the research sample, it was deliberately chosen represented by companies with continuous trading without stopping, which reached 10 joint-stock companies, and the period of research was extended during the period 2011-2015, and a set of indicators and financial methods were used In measuring research v

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Critical Path Method (CPM) for scheduling the project (paving the Amil Sayid Al-Ayyam Street with a length of 1.25 km) In terms of Decresing the time
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The implementation of the concept of project scheduling in the organizations generally requires a set of procedures and requirements, So, most important of all is the understanding and knowledge of the tools and techniques which are called the methods of scheduling projects. Consequently, the projects of the municipality administration in the holy governorate of Karbala suffer from the problem of delaying their projects and chaos in the ways of implementation. To provide assistance to this directorate and to demonstrate how to schedule projects using one of the advanced scientific methods that proved their ability to schedule any project and its potential to accelerate the time of completion, as well as ease of use and effectiven

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