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Parents Role in Social Personality Formation for Children

Experts of Psychology and education emphasized that childhood is one of the most important stages in the formation of human personality, and the most influential in his public life, especially the stage in which he lives within his family, which must provide him with the requirements of healthy growth of physical, emotional, moral and social. Emotional-social connection of the child to his family, is especially important in determining the characteristics of his social character, in accordance with the norms and values ​​prevailing in society. This requires the child to be cared for and cared for, and to deal with him in a healthy social manner. So as to achieve positive growth and harmony in the process of social control in internal and external behavior because the process of social growth is a complex, intertwined and continuous process, centered on the president himself and his rehabilitation for life in society. Many studies underscore the impact of the early experiences of the child, especially in the early stages of his childhood in the formation of personality and construction of the present and future, and that the quality of the type of treatment parents and the quality of relationship with them are for the child of the most important environmental factors that determine the quality That will  individual have in the future and the nature of the problems to be faced, and the way of dealing with these problems. The goal of current research to identify:

  • Characteristics of socialization.
  • Socialization.
  • The factors affecting socialization.

The current research defines the literature and previous studies within the cognitive perspective that deals with the subject of this research.

The researcher developed a number of definitions of patterns of parental treatment, and then reviewed the theoretical psychological frameworks that explained the patterns of parental treatment, and presented a number of previous Iraqi, Arab and foreign studies that dealt with patterns of parental treatment and their relation to some variables. Finally, chapter four reviews the objectives of the research in the light of the previous literatures concluded with some conclusions and recommendations.

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